Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window.

Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it’s easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?


I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

You know that those were still written by humans to tell a story, right? I wouldn’t derive any universal laws from them.

Bondrewd, (edited )

Kind of a misunderstanding. Its not “law” they lay down, its archetypes. If it is realistic it means more like it is more relatable.

Immortality and immense power is meant to give a sandbox view of the world with lowered consequences. Also the naive inheritor in case of Invincible.

In case of The Boys, Homelander embodies the establishment that is not only more powerful, but hailed as the hero of all mankind.

Thats lots of peoples vibes. You are not the hero in shining armor. You are an insurgent at best. You dont just get on a suit and start saving lives, but you have to go up aganist THE establishment and fucking prove yourself first. The very thing that is being actively hailed.


I think you misunderstand my point. I’m not saying those shows lay down any laws. I’m saying you (the viewer) shouldn’t derive any universal laws from consequences or situations depicted in stories made up specifically for entertainment.

captain_aggravated, avatar

If I had the power to stop time, my morals would suddenly become enforced.


day one: pantsed every pro-life god botherer outside of every planned parenthood, all at the same moment.

day two: watched the internet take in day one. picked charities to give stacks of drug money and swiss nazi money to.

day three: etc

MacNCheezus, avatar

I feel the same way. Trying to be a moral person is quite time consuming, and people seem to love short circuiting it by relying on various rules of thumb. But once you start investing those, it’s like peeling an onion, there’s always another layer to it that you haven’t considered.

When is giving money to someone in need helpful and when is it enabling their helplessness?

How can you tell the difference between someone who needs your help and someone who just wants to take you for a ride?

Don’t forget that your time is literally the most valuable thing you can choose to give someone. If you had unlimited amounts of it you’d be a billionaire. Then again, perhaps it would just end up making it worthless because you don’t need to ration it anymore.


Not really - if the only thing stopping you from doing bad things is power, you’re a bad person inherently.


Yeah. I’d definitely steal a lot of money.


I’d steal from Nazis, the KKK, drug lords, oh yeah. nonprofits would have ONE hell of a year.


Uh huh. I’d just steal from whatever rich person I knew. I’d donate some to some software projects, and the rest is all mine, baby


You get that power, you use it on people who are making the world a shittier place first.

Now, that’s not precisely moral, but let’s be honest, beyond a bit of minor larceny there’s not a whole lot of personal gain you can realistically achieve.

Steal a truckload of cash? Sure, but then you’ve got to launder the heck out of it, and I’ve seen Ozark, that’s more drama than I want in my life even if I had the skills, which I don’t. And nobody pays cash even for groceries any more, have to wait for one of the non-card registers to open up and it’s a pain in the ass. Maybe you could rig a horse race or something, but the people involved in serious gambling are very good at spotting anomalous wins, and your life wouldn’t be worth dick the second time you tried it.

That pretty much leaves pranks and murder, and you’re a damn fool if you bring that within a dozen miles of any kind of personal connection.

Which pretty much only leaves assassination of high-level assholes as something that would a:) make a noticeable difference, b:) keep you under the radar and c:) be immensely satisfying.


Oh, so you are going with the whole “I am not a selfish idiot” response… respect.


Well, not a selish idiot, that’s the trouble.

If I could think of a way to become comfortably well-off without eitehr getting in trouble or living in crippling anxiety that I was going to get in trouble, that might be another story.

It’s just that getting away with shit is for rich people with powerful connections, and bootstrapping into that state without passing through an uninsulated trouble phase is pretty damn nontrivial. They don’t let just anyone into the club, and they stomp anyone who dares to try.

I don’t actually know about the international-super-assassin club, but I’m willing to bet it’s either a fair bit more porous, or a lot more discreet, to the point that you never have reason to suspect they’re onto you.


Maybe wait around the lottery office for someone with a good winning ticket and swap them when they go to turn it in, seems pretty risk free if you can freeze time

xaxl, (edited )

If you had super powers you probably wouldn’t have to steal anything or commit crimes to be rich. You’d just make money the same way people like the Kardashians do or worst case sign up to some sporting team and absolutely trounce everybody else then sign endorsements.

foyrkopp, (edited )

That’s a fairly good point, but I’d argue that it’d depend on how subtle the application of your superpower is.

My overall assumption would be that any application that doesn’t raise red flags will probably require enough work and moderation that it’d be more like a job - but it could be a very well-paying job.

I.e. for the time freeze: You could acquire a well-paid reputation as a freelancer troubleshooter for a certain type of WFH desk job (analyst? translator?) that can finish any overdue project in record time. Or, easier, become a stage magician.

You’d probably still eventually wind up in a situation where you watch some sort of unacceptable crisis on the news and think “well, I could do something about this” - be it removing a mass-murdering dictator or dismantling a hostage situation.

elbarto777, (edited )

Why do you have to conceal what you do? You can stop time, for crying out loud. That’s almost unlimited power.

You see a bunch of law enforcement run to you, you can easily get the fuck out - with all their guns and car keys.

Edit: if you downvote me, then it’s a good thing you don’t have this power, for you would waste it unnecessarily.


Snipers are a thing. And at best, who wants to spend their life on the lam? I want to play video games and eat toast, it’s hard to do that if you can’t spend an entire day in any given location.

elbarto777, (edited )

That’s why you stop time and kill all snipers or disable all sniper rifles.



I’ve felt similarly ever since watching the movie Clockstoppers as a kid

Daft_ish, (edited )

Everyone in this thread, “what’s this, I am a bastion of morality and its extremely important I convince anons on the internet about this.”

But for real when I dream about stopping time I dream of a pocket universe where I am the only person present. That way I can speed (I know I know I’m evil) on highways, explore, and learn without weird frozen bodies getting in my way. I would mostly use it for naps and cheating on tests (I know super evil).


Oh I would totally only stop to sleep and vacation.


My man

My first thought was literally how much evil sleep I could get.


Not me. There would be so much murder. But we’d be able to take action on climate change and have way fewer billionaires, for starters.


Does it have to be murder. Can’t you just move them to a secluded island away from all communication technology and if they are found just move them again? I promise it would be more fun.


Unless the time stop powers get real weird with physics, I really don’t think I’d be down for carrying thousands of people thousands of miles and then babysitting their prison indefinitely.

Daft_ish, (edited )

The physics would have to be weird so I just go with it’s your super power you get to define the limits.

NeoNachtwaechter, (edited )

No, the question isn’t clear.

Which time do you want to stop?

Since Einstein’s papers from 1905, we know that every being lives in it’s own time and also every place and every thing in the whole universe has it’s own time. So, which time do you want to stop?



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  • NeoNachtwaechter,

    LOL you know what, I am currently reading the original.

    I guess it’s you who wants to read it again.



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  • Water1053,

    About Time is a pretty wholesome movie about a man that can go back in time at any point in his life.


    one of my favorite movies! loved watching it with my dad especially. it’s a gem for sure.


    For sure. I wouldnt outright hurt people but id definitely do things to improve my own life. Assuming it’s the kind of time stopping power where I am not affected and can still interact with objects I’d use sports or roulette gambling to get rich. Easy to manufacture winning with time stopping powers in either.

    If I wanted to be ethical I guess I could put on some sort of circus/magician act with tricks and feats abusing the power but I don’t know how rich you can get off what would be perceived as a really good trick.

    Id also like to know the extent of the ability, if I stop time indefinitely, do I still age or am I immortal in a paused world? Can I stop time travel the world and see every sight and read every book then restart everything having lost nothing aside from my own sanity?

    This is important because it determines if it’s worth trying to be a super hero with this power imo. If I can stop time and help people avoid death all while being able to go right back to where I was losing no true time it’s worth it, otherwise I’d still be aging and I’d grow older faster than everyone around me. Id die earlier in real time if I continue to age while I stop time for everything else. If that’s the case I’d only use the ability really for my own benefit.


    travel the world with time stopped? sounds like a lot of walking


    True but if you had potentially infinite time, why not? I suppose nutrition and hydration maybe an issue depending on how the ability works too. It would be annoying to have to lug around supplies.


    would be a bit awkward to have godlike power and still die of thirst in the desert


    Would time ever start back up then? With great cosmic power comes great cosmic responsibility.


    Thing is if you stop time you would also stop yourself, so either you can move stupidly quickly(or even FTL, which means physics just goes out the window, since the entirety of your body can’t convert that much energy to go even 1% the speed of light, so either you would have to somehow inject massive amounts of energy into your body which will still only grant you a short amount of time, not to mention medical complications; or you literally generate energy out of nowhere, which at that point you might as well be a god);

    or everything else stops, which means you can’t breath unless you also control air around you, and if you can control air particles around you, why not other types of particles? And once you can control any types particles you might as well be a god since what’s stopping you from literally doing bloody nuclear fusion and turning the entire planet into a star?

    So basically if you can stop time you are literally a god Or you defy the laws of physics which also makes you basically a god Or you die while stopping time which would kinda be weird as you just kinda suffocated to death out of nowhere


    Stealing money from gambling organizations is ethical what are you talking about


    You might want to read it again


    I read it again and it says the same thing, what am I missing


    It in no way says that stealing from a casino is ethical. In fact, they even say “if i wanted to be ethical…” after the casino bit.


    Ah, i see, you are the one who needs to re-read my comment then


    Ah, i see. Without punctuation it can be read as a question or a statement.

    ByGourou, (edited )

    He did not outright tell that it would be unetical but he implied it.

    …gambling lottery… But if I wanted to be ethical

    Imply that the roulette part is unethical.

    He said he would do it tho, so I guess it’s not unethical enough for him not to do it. Stealing is unethical but yeah, it’s casino, so it’s not that bad.


    That is actually wrong. Countries with death penalty and free weapon carrying show that both assertions are wrong.

    If course you need the power to commit a crime in order to commit it. But most people who have the power don’t commit crimes.

    Society didn’t appear out of nowhere. And crimes are a much more complex matter than “can I do it without consequences”


    Countries with free weapon carrying show what exactly? A few hundred dead school kids asking.


    80 million people in the USA own weapons but only a tiny percentage commit crimes with them. Seems like that proves most people are not mad villains

    tomi000, (edited )

    Obviously not all of them, just like not every single person would abuse superpowers. But the numbers are still orders of magnitude higher than everywhere without weapons, even though shooting someone still has consequences unlike doing shit while invisible.


    Yes but I would take out every dictator on earth I could before. A knife and a bicycle, go right over the DMZ and then make sure Putin gets his.


    See for me it’d just be the richest 1% of people in the world.


    You would never be able to enjoy it or explain how you got it. Someone would eventually noticed all this money went missing from a bank and there is some rando with all this money with the same serial numbers on it spending.

    I like my plan. You could even leave notes on the dead bodies of the dictators. Or leave warnings. Imagine Winnie the Pooh blinks and there is a knife on his desk with a note telling him that you want the genocide to stop.


    I think he’s just saying he would assassinate the richest 1%, as opposed to just robbing them.


    Oh. Well nothing of value would be lost.


    I am sure the knife would dull and the bicycle would wear… so, some loss.


    But switching out the knife would not be ecological. the last 100 billionaires would probably prefer a spoon.


    A tool that gets worn from use is never a loss.


    No, you missed me. Richest 1% in the world. Which would include dictators.


    An also a lot of middle-class western people. 1% of the world’s population is about 80 million people.

    You’d have to go down to 0.001% to only target the ultra-wealthy.


    Nah, I’m fine offing upper middle class considering their Republican voting trend.


    The Boys


    Ooooh boy do we tell them?

    The tl;dr is: just because you suck, doesn’t mean everyone else automagically does.

    Here’s the thing about the power to stop time: if it doesn’t come accompanied by a lot of secondary-required powers (2RPs) , then it’d become so cumbersome and harmful in short order that your morals wouldn’t have time (stopped or not) to flush down the toiler in the first place. Plusminus the “if you’d do it, you never had high morals in the first place” argument.

    Simplest cases:

    • No 2RP power to start time. Ooopsie there goes your life as soon as your start your first experiment.
    • No ability to transfer movement / moventum to things, including air, in stopped time. You could stop time to think over a plan, but not to take prep steps for it. Forget about going to bed to take a nap: even if you could move, the bed, the carpeting and the pillow would explode into plasma as soon as time resumed.
    • If time is stopped, that means you are blind, right? Photons going around are stopped, and they can’t interact with your body that way.
    • Breathing too, for that matter. Dragon Ball Z actually toyed with that idea with a character who could stop time but only while holding his breath.
    samus12345, (edited ) avatar

    This is an awful lot like the idea that the only thing keeping people from raping and murdering is belief in god. It says a lot more about the person claiming it than anyone else.


    Wups, I meant to reply to a comment about the Mongol/Huns on another post (hence the mention of nomadic tribes). I was wondering why my comment got downvoted lol



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