bfg9k, avatar

Cold Ones.

The interviews are interesting but all the other vids are just trash click bait.

Their editor is incredible though.


Legit never heard of this one. I thought you were cheekily referencing Hot Ones until I did a search.

Not going to watch but goddamn are those thumbnails atrocious.

ThePowerOfGeek, (edited ) avatar

He was never a favourite content creator of mine, but some of John Campbell’s videos at the start of the pandemic were very informative. Then he started getting high on all his own hype, reporting more and more dubious psuedo-science, and getting into stupid spats with other YouTubers and pandemic ‘celebrities’.


Yeah he got me early on and I was recommending his channel, then he started to get in to the political stuff and pseudoscience baiting, then full on pseudoscience.


I didn’t see anyone mention streamers. For me that has to be Asmongold. He is now just drama farmer and reacts to videos and reddit all day. I would even say he is slowly turning into another Andrew Tate.


I feel like he basically retired after his mom died


I miss Zackrawr introspective posts in the treehouse.

whoisearth, avatar

Called it on Lemmy a few months ago! Something about him and MoistCritical just give me bad juju. Can’t explain it except as a father you learn to trust your gut sometimes and it was run of those times.

If this makes sense. YouTube algorithm aggressively pushes Joe Rogan. In that sphere are other trends that come with it. Sadly they come into that picture

Kind of related but I follow lilAggy on twitch. He pissed off some of chat one day because he told them to fuck off with their Andrew Tate bullshit and full on explained bluntly how Andrew Tate is a mysogynistic fuckwad.

Kolanaki, avatar

MoistCritical looks like an unwashed hobo 90% of the time and sounds like the most disinterested person in the world.

I used to think that was intentional and he’s just a character like Francis. After a while I started to think otherwise.

Cossty, (edited )

I just realized it only recently, but Asmongold was going downhill for a few years. He wasn’t my favorite streamer, but watched him here and there.

List of my streamers is slowly shrinking. Nowdays I mostly watch Lirik. He just became a dad like a year ago. As far as I know he has no problems. Only thing that some people are not liking about him is that when NFTS came out, he wanted to make some, he didn’t at the end. I don’t really blame him. When NFTS came out even I thought it was interesting for little while.

My second most watched streamer is probably Elajjaz, I discovered him only a year ago. He is a variety streamer who really likes Dark Souls and similar games. I don’t think I acually saw him “react” to videos. He just plays games.

LilAggy’s stream looks interesting, I gave him a follow. Will see if we click.

CancerMancer, (edited )

Check out Josh Strife Hayes, a very sensible streamer/Youtuber who steers clear of the drama. He and the guy from Pirate Software are my new favourites.


I know about both of them, but Josh doesn’t stream in my free time, so I only watch his youtube videos here and there. Pirate Software doesn’t play games. I knew about him even before he blew up, but I like streamers who play games, like sure, talk about interesting stuff, your life, etc but I need some game in the background. Don’t get me wrong, his stream is great and I check on him sometimes. But he mostly talks about how to make games and how to start making games. I don’t really need that.

whoisearth, avatar

LilAggy’s stream looks interesting, I gave him a follow. Will see if we click.

He fully acknowledges you should never trust chat and that chat are morons. I like him.


Oh wow, I liked watching his speedruns, and this makes me respect LilAggy even more.

whoisearth, avatar

Yeah. I’ve been pleasantly surprised. He stays in his lane alone with the other souls streamers. That community seems to be pretty good at being good people.


Agreed, souls community is definitely one of the most wholesome communities I’ve seen/been in on twitch. Drama free (afaik) and everyone’s super nice and supportive of everyone else even when they’re in direct competition. It’s great.


Same here with Asmon, and it all ended with some video where he actively pushed a wrong statement calling people dumb.

whoisearth, avatar

I mean he is right people are dumb. Lol

That said, yeah get bad juju from him


The Damage Report. Holy fucking clickbait titles, man, and then the content is incredibly uninteresting.

“Ben Shapiro just ended his career!” and turns out he just ate an unpopular flavor of ice cream to own the libs.


ThePrimeagen Was cool but now he’s just reacting to programming articles with insane clickbait, especially compared to other programming YouTubers, and talks about things way outside of his core skillset


I really used to enjoy his videos. A lot of insightful talk. It was just programming with an occasional meme. Now it’s 45 minute reaction videos, for a blog post i could have read in 2 minutes


Yeah, he’s mostly first prime react now. I mostly just open his description to jump to the article he reacted to.

Whenever he stream his coding, he went out of his way, way too long also.

banneryear1868, (edited )

Bon Appétit after the issues at their workplace were raised, they all make some decent content outside the BA brand though. Nice to see Sohla doing so much content too since she wasn’t treated the best at BA.


Just so contrived. Even before the harassment allegations, their videos just seemed so corporate. That’s the Conde Nast influence, but it makes for such milquetoast content.


I actually liked the magazine before they did YouTube stuff cause it was different than the typical food mags directed at moms. Industry leading photography and good deep dive pieces in to food trends and unique restaurants, always getting in to the process. Their video editors were youtube guys given a budget and their video content had that feel to it. They did some innovating with how they approach recipe vids, keeping in and even highlighting mistakes was a major editorial decision that set them apart. At their peak they were found to be treating the staff poorly regarding compensation and allegations of sexism, and not paying Sohla for her video appearances etc. They switched their editor in chief and hired new staff but now it just seems even more corporate than it used to.

GrayBackgroundMusic, (edited )

I miss gourmet makes. Claire Saffitz solving industrial food issues on a small scale was fascinating and unique. Her new stuff, dessert person, is nice, but it’s standard cooking show fare, not solving weird industrial hacks.


There was a special charm in watching her misery haha


She’s been putting out some great cook books, Dessert Person is excellent. I always liked her and BA for highlighting process of making food and how important indicators are vs simply measurements. What does “cream the butter and sugar” actually look like and why is it important etc.



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  • RickMoreanus,

    Brad’s definitely the kind of extrovert host who takes other interesting professionals and lifts the energy up to very entertaining affect, I used to watch everything BA put out, they were a great channel.

    banneryear1868, (edited )

    Sam Hyde/MDE, some hilarious stuff before Trump then they just became boring political trigger/shock humor. He has this weird feud with Heidecker alleging he convinced Adult Swim to cancel his show which Tim denies as ridiculous. Hyde can be hilarious but he ruins it with sincere right wing politics and trying to be as offensive as he can for the sake of it.


    I agree with you here. I stumbled onto his video maybe 5 years ago or so and some of them were so bizarre and hilarious, and to find out now he’s deep in the alt-right, cryptofacist nutjob space is so disappointing.


    The TEDx talk is absolute gold, “my dream is to teach Javascript to African children.” Considering he’s given money directly to Daily Stormer he’s just openly fascist at this point.


    That’s exactly the one that came to mind first. He was able to cast a light on the self aggrandizing TED and TEDx talks that are so often full of hot air. It’s a really shame that so many fall into that pit of fascism and can never come out.


    Casualty of Trump for sure, seems like he was just the right age and identity to get wrapped up in it and it sort of fed into his brand of comedy. Wish these guys could rip on liberals without going fascist or becoming sincerely right wing.


    Andrew Callaghan sad to say because I was a huge fan and I guess there’s been actual rape allegations come out although he hasn’t been charged with anything so who knows. That style of journalism I just love so much and he is so good at it so it’s a shame.


    2 women said he tried to have sex with them and made them uncomfortable. There are allegations of sexual assault, however I’m withholding judgment. Dude seems to drink a lot.


    In case you’re wondering, it’s called “Gonzo Journalism”. He’s following in the footsteps of Hunter S Thompson.

    zbyte64, avatar

    Yeah, this one hits home. Recently he tried to put out a few videos, haven’t watched them, kind of waiting for someone else to dissect it for me because yeah…


    I watched them and they were alright. It’s disturbing how serious the allegations are yet no legal actions are being taken against him. It’s like he’s in this place of irredeemable limbo. I’ve volunteered with inmates and believe people can be redeemed but not if they can’t face their wrongdoings.


    He went from looking like he was going to have his own HBO series, to almost completely disappearing, also the allegations were by underage girls and he acknowledged the allegations as true from what I remember.

    banneryear1868, (edited )

    From what I understand he was a freshman or close to it as well. Wouldn’t surprise me though.

    monz, (edited ) avatar

    Here are some old ones: Shane Dawson

    Not so old: JonTron

    macgyver, avatar

    Ray was definitely on my mind. I miss Capitol Hill Gangsta way more than =3


    Jake Tran. His old videos were pretty cool. He went downhill ever since he tried to convince me that drinking soy milk turns people into femboys and losing sperm cells.

    Kolanaki, avatar

    The only two I ever watched where this has happened and not simply them just up and disappearing was JonTron and Onison.

    And it’s understandable why the quality went down. Not only did I grew up, they were both accused of and/or involved in grooming or some shit.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    i was around when jontron promised the star wars episodes every week. or every month. and it took like a full year


    JonTron truned out to be a Trump supporter not a groomer, but that was enough really.


    Groomer, groomer supporter…pretty fine line these days



    yamanii, avatar

    The quality didn’t went down, you just didn’t like his politics so it sours your experience, his videos still do well.

    Hell the flex tape one happened after that debate and it became a meme.


    Rooster Teeth

    They have had so many issues back to back that I don’t enjoy them anymore. From Ryan coming out to fucking fans when he has a wife, to the underpaid and crunch heavy work they put staff to, and then firing Matt who was one of the most beloved members.

    When they sold their company to WB they sold their ethics at the same time.


    This is definitely not true. Rooster Teeth has been producing some of their all-time best content since covid (speaking as fan since 2012). They just pivoted to primarily making podcasts, and most of their podcasts are awesome and high-production quality without feeling inauthentic. F**KFACE and ANMA are especially good for old fans.

    A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

    Roosterteeth started circling the drain for me when they were shilling those bullshit sugar pills that were supposed to make you a better gamer. Alpha Brain i think it was called?

    And I completely fucked off of them when they shilled perscription pill mills to their young/underage audience, then Geoff…the massive piece of shit that he is, tried to deflect all the criticism away by claiming he has ED and twisting all the criticism into attacks against his supposed medical issue.

    Then, years later, you found out about how abusive and miserable it was to work there for anyone that wasnt a face, how they exploited their fanbase for unpaid work, and how everyone behind the scenes was either a racist piece of shit to the non-white staff (Which really makes you look back at some of the on screen interaction with ray differently), or were A-OK with all the racist shit being said (which makes you a racist too, dipshit).

    I dont know how the fuck it hasnt collapsed as a company yet.


    My partner got me into AH right before the Ryan controversy. Gotta say, it was weird watching it all fall apart afterwards since I wasn’t as invested as she was. Thankfully some of my favs from the bunch do solo stuff so thats cool.

    With RT, I watched RvB and RWBY. RT doesnt know when to end a show or let it close, I dropped off both after their peaks.


    AH lost its sheen to me when they basically forced out Ray. A whole bunch of downhill slides in content quality, and by the time the Ryan stuff happened that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

    It’s a shame, because I have fond memories of some of the peak Lads vs Gents era but the whole network is just ruined for me now.


    First gen AH was great. I came to love second gen just as much. The reason I stopped watching was fairly pragmatic. I typically had RT/AH content running in a side window while I worked. However, I found myself unable to continue when they added Ky to the regular staff. She was funny, and fit the vibe check; but she had no compressor for her audio setup and it would literally hurt when she screamed or overreacted. As they increased her presence in content, I was left with less and less that I could watch. And when the community desperately tried to let RT know the volume spikes were an issue, it was very aggressively written off as the usual rabid ‘fanbase’ misogyny and racism.


    Also Funhaus. They used to be funny, then the shtick got old, then they all started making announcements they were leaving Funhaus for greener pastures…and now they’re all back at Funhaus doing the same old thing. Ehhhhh.

    yamanii, avatar

    They are back? I only sometimes catch Lawrence live on twitch, did he went back too?

    CorrodedCranium, (edited ) avatar

    I still listen to a few of their podcasts but I feel like a significant amount of their content has shifted towards a younger demographic


    I tried to continue with some of the podcasts but just never felt the same after Burnie left


    Linus Tech Tips …

    Click baity as heck and most of the content are just ads or have misleading information.

    CorrodedCranium, (edited ) avatar

    The clickbait is what gets me.

    The video is covering the Toughbook CF-19 but it’s not mentioned in the title and the thumbnail looks like generic YouTube trash and makes me not want to watch it out of principle.


    DeArrow can fix those

    Kushan, avatar

    Unfortunately, the stupid thumbnail and clickbait title is by design. Linus has spoken about this long before the latest controversy, but unfortunately they do increase views.

    I’m fact, they trial different titles and monitor which brings in more views - if you catch a video early enough, you’ll probably notice the title change a few hours later as they trial different ones. So as frustrating as it is, it’s a symptom of the platform and the market at large.

    For all of Linus’ flaws and mistakes, he’s generally a good businessman and make no mistake, LMG is a business at the end of the day. Put yourself in his shoes, is he going to do the thing that will get him 1,000 views but put off 1 person, or appeal to that 1 person but lose 1,000 views? It sucks, he been vocal about how much he also hates it, but it is what it is. His goal is to grow his business, at least he’s up front about it.

    I’m not completely defending Linus as an individual here, he’s definitely fucked up a lot (especially lately), he still thinks he’s a “little YouTuber” and doesn’t appreciate how much sway he has, how his words can destroy an entire business overnight - the very thing his own company was nearly hit by several times in the past when he was small - but the clickbait and thumbnails aren’t something I think he should be blamed for, he’s just playing the YouTube game and if I was in his position, I’d do the same.


    They increase views at the cost of credibility. Not worth the cost in my opinion.

    Kushan, avatar

    Their revenue is continuing to grow, it’s really not an issue for them.


    Yeah but for how long? Ship of thessius moment is going to sink them.

    Kushan, avatar

    Why do you think that? None of this is new, they’ve been using clickbaity headlines and thumbnails for years and years now.


    Yes but the public perception flipped when the long working hours, pressure to release videos and culture became evident in the recent scandal that ended with 3? apology videos.

    Kushan, avatar

    Did it, though? They certainly got called out, but as far as I can see his content is still growing.

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    I get it. It’s just not something I appreciate and at times it has gotten so annoyingly cringy I’ve unsubscribed for a bit.

    The combination of the Youtuber face thumbnails and the lack of descriptive thumbnails makes me irregularly watch their videos. Probably as irregularly as if I wasn’t subscribed and was finding them through the related video section.

    Kushan, avatar

    Yup I hear that. I know they use different video titles because they’ve talked about that on the show a few times, but having worked in a very SEO-driven business myself, I would be surprised if they don’t pay attention to all of the metrics - including numbers of unsubscribers (Which you can get a breakdown of per video) and things like that.

    In this line of business, there’s always some amount of churn/attrition, you literally cannot please everyone when your audience is tens or even hundreds of millions of people. The best you can do is aim for the net gain/growth and when you don’t hit that, learn from it.

    You’re doing the right thing by unsubscribing, if you’re not enjoying the content or engaging with it, that’ll literally tell them as much. The only issue is if that same content is engaging with more other people, there’s a good chance they won’t miss you as a subscriber. Which sucks, but that’s just business. It’s one of the reasons why so many youtube channels have gone downhill, because you end up invariably chasing the numbers and the numbers are decidedly mainstream. LTT is firmly in that camp now.


    I just got tired. Stopped enjoying the videos as much, and when the last big controversy happened, I realized I only watched them out of habit and not for entertainment or even the info they gave out (if it could even be trusted).

    Nowadays if I need straight data or a good review I go to Gamers Nexus. Dont need a forced meme every other minute to enjoy what could be a well constructed and informative video.


    I’ve watched their content, practically from the inception of Linus’ own channel. It used to be a really nice outlet for info, because he’d open up products, and actually show useful details during an unboxing. Over the years, I’ve unsubbed from all of their channels, minus the main one, but when the drama dropped, that was the last drop for me. I totally get entertainment, but not when it’s fueled by harassment, gross negligence, drama, and “hot takes about the hard R”. Everything is scripted and corporate. It doesn’t feel enjoyable anymore


    At this point, how many different ways can you build a PC then benchmark it, all the while shitting on top tier equipment like it’s for brokeasses? You made a server and put the highest capacity drives in it you could afford? Cool bro.

    Appoxo, avatar

    Clickbait ≠ Clicky titles.

    Say what you want but their videos aint bait and switch.
    They sure are borderline there though.


    I remember the title of the video about how he wished he would have invested even more at framework, being titled “I made a bad decision about investing in framework” and the thumbnail being all on fire

    Appoxo, avatar

    I guess, rules are meant to be broken?

    But even here: Not a bait and switch. He made a “bad” decision. Wording is (as you said) bad but technically not incorrect.


    “Technically correct” is how clickbait gets justified while blatantly misguiding.

    When you intentionally induce such different expectations, it is a “bait and switch” in my book.

    Appoxo, avatar

    If I’d had to choose between the framework clickbait and this video by Mint Blitz “This Is Concerning”, I’d prefer the LTT type of clickbait.
    At least I got the information that it’s about Framework and Linus considered it a “mistake”. If I wouldnt care about framework I wouldnt even click it.


    That’s what happens when you base your entire business model coming up with new video ideas to make money.


    Agreed. They are supposedly working to fix the misleading info and quality control, but the damage has been done for me. I stopped watching them a long time ago



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  • sukhmel,

    I’d disagree with the last statement as negative results may still be useful. But I didn’t watch the video, maybe it really was not worth being made


    Negative information is still information. Knowing something isn’t worth the time/money can still be helpful.

    Disclaimer: didn’t watch the video in question



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  • asterfield,

    After watching the video, I thought it was pretty solid. Only 1 of the 4 was mostly bad, the rest just had sharp edges that the viewer needed to be comfortable with before launching in.

    I’m not saying Linus isn’t guilty of clickbait and junk content to some degree, but this one felt good to me :)


    I like this one too and generally like the videos with Alex. Just because something doesn’t make practical sense to do doesn’t mean it’s not interesting.

    vox, (edited ) avatar

    non-ad videos are still decent-ish… definitely not as fun tho…


    and theft, and lies.

    don’t forget the theft and lies.


    And wasn’t there someone who was involved there who later made claims of sexual harassment/discrimination?

    I was never a big follower but that was enough to get me to banish the channel from my homepage.


    Joshua Weissman. He started out super chill, most of his recipes were pretty approachable, the editing wasn’t over the top, the b-roll stuff at the end was tasteful.

    Now it’s like he’s catering to a whole different crowd. The editing is over the top and jammed with memes, he’s more idk, psychotic isn’t quite the right word, but it’s way less chill, he’s constantly saying stuff like “if you don’t use XYZ ingredient then what are you even making this recipe for?”, his recipes are more over the top, and he has a much more elitist opinion of himself and his food. The change happened so quickly too, it was kind of shocking.

    PM_Your_Nudes_Please, (edited )

    For actual cooking stuff, I prefer Adam Ragusea. He dives more into the history and molecular gastronomy side of things, to explain how a dish came to be and why it works. Not quite as sciencey as Alton Brown, but I definitely see the influences. And for actual historical food stuff, you may want to check out Tasting History. He’s a creator who does deep dives into historical dishes, then tries to recreate them.

    Both interesting in their own ways, but Adam’s stuff has helped be become a better cook simply by understanding the why, rather than the how. Because if you know why something works, (rather than simply knowing how to do it) you’ll be able to translate that to other situations where it will work, and be able to avoid/work around situations where it won’t. It took me from “following recipes” to “making my own recipes” if that makes sense.


    Already subbed to both of those channels lol. I also like J. Kenji Lopez Alt and Brian Lagerstrom for similar reasons - their videos are more about how to cook than just following a particular recipe.


    I used to have a couple of his videos bookmarked. Making pizza or some kind of bread dough, can’t remember but I was using them all the time. Once finished it would autoplay another one of his videos and I agree they got worse and worse. Louder and faster and louder, they would usually make me rush to hit pause with doughy fingers.

    viking, avatar

    Yeah he talks like he’s on coke now. Borderline unwatchable. I bet you can reduce the playback speed by 50% and it would de-stress the whole experience.


    Food wishes is the GOAT of cooking channels. The only thing thats changed about his format is video and audio quality has improved.


    The fact that he still puts in a rhyming joke in every video makes me smile


    I remember when he hit 100k followers. Then 200k. Then a million. He has abandoned those of us who helped build the foundation of his success.


    I miss chill fermentation fridays.


    I feel like idubbbz peaked around hair cake.


    idubbbz is finished. He went too far and now he can’t salvage what made his channel so great. Wayyyyy too obsessed with drama and not his own thing. Youtube is a different place now. He should go back to doing bad unboxing videos.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    or maybe we’ll finally get Shit Cake

    dog shit tho, cause that’s safer

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