
AvE. Was cool until pandemic happened, then got extra “conservative”. Couldn’t watch anymore.


This one made me really sad.

I loved his videos. I learned a lot from the disassembly videos.

Then he went all Covid denier as soon as the pandemic hit. I couldn't watch it anymore


I thought AvE was a smart guy who got it.

Then he started praising the trucker convoy for being heroes and it shocked the fuck out of me. It honestly bummed me out.

I told my Dad that I couldn’t watch AvE anymore and he said, “Well his content has been shit lately anyway.”


Yea that fucking sucked, used to absolutely love his boltr videos but then he went political 🤦


Shiiiit i remember. His videos were genuinely fun to watch. It started to go down a bit when he kept ranting about plastic pipes, like it's some wort of conspiracy and copper was the best thing ever. Then covid hit and ooooh boy what an absolute wanker.

umbraroze, avatar

Yeah, basically unsubbed from AvE over this too.

I can't remember who this was, but there was another engineering YouTuber who, during the pandemic, basically twittered about being frustrated with the lockdowns from business perspective and whingled about being scared talking about his political beliefs because apparently being anything anything right of a model leftist is a crucifiable offence in the bird site, according to him. And how the horse paste actually works. I was like "...oh shit, maybe this dude is a magahatter?"


I could kind of ignore it for a while but then he started dabbling in 9/11 trutherism and I had to nope out. At that point the paranoia and politics were infecting and degrading the actual meat of the content.


Not exactly the question, but there’s no way I can enjoy Internet Historian now that we know he’s a Nazi.

stackPeek, avatar

His videos never really clicked on me

jacktherippah, (edited )

Well fuck.


Oh shit. He’s a Nazi? Fuuuuck. I thought he was just a plagiarizer.

Electric_Druid, (edited )

Unfortunately not:…/internet_historian_is_a_nazi/

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yeah. Sorry for the reddit link but that’s where a lot of the info is aggregated.


Wow. Someone over there is defending him being a fan of the Proud Boys guy because he claims the Proud Boys aren’t a terrorist group (despite having been declared as such).

He says they’re “very extreme right at worst”, as if there’s some sort of sliding scale on the right wing that eventually gets to “extreme right”, “very extreme right”, “terrorist organization” just naturally…and he isn’t aware they crossed the line years ago.


As if ‘very extreme right’ (not a thing, they’re nazis. The word is nazis) isn’t like. Bad. Like apparently that’s a respectable position for the simple idea that it is on a ‘scale’?

And yes, fully agree. Even if there was a ‘scale’ (this is debateable) they crossed that line waaaaaaay long ago. Like 2016, maybe even before.

CH3DD4R_G0BL1N, avatar

Well fuck


I’ve never heard of this guy until reading your comment, and I’m glad I never consumed any of his content.

LunchEnjoyer, avatar

Oh wow did not know this. What a d*ckbag


Anyone else I can watch instead?


This sucks. I really liked his content.


I’m right there with ya, bud.


Oh man I thought this guy was a bit sus but no fucking clue he was a literal fucking nazi wtf ☹️


Lots of evidence a d clues that were missed or given the benefit of the doubt. But yeah, it’s bad.


Anything in particular? I’m really curious now.


I’ve got it linked elsewhere in the comments.

Diabolo96, (edited )

Penguinz0. His content was garbage when I discovered him so I just avoided him but one day I got recommended his old commercial parodies and it was pure gold. His videos about Kate cooking were also great too. Nowadays, he’s a drama youtuber. He scroll Twitter, read about a random scandal, do the bare minimum research to not sound like a fool and then make a video about it.


Yeah, penguinz0 is a fine example of someone who is just doing the bare-minimum for the money.


I miss his old gameplay videos. The deadpan monotone voice about extravagant things happening in the game was the best


I’m on the same boat. But my “what the actual fuck?” moment came when (for those unfamiliar with it) YouTuber Idubbbz came out with a sincere apology for many of his videos that used extremely racist or ableist terms. While aware that his apologies did not automatically translated into being forgiven by the memebers of the groups he insulted, Idubbbz still felt it was important for him to apologize.

And in this situation, Penguinz0 just said that “Idubbbz shouldn’t have apologized and it felt like he was exaggerating the whole thing”. Way to inject yourself in something that did not involve him at all. Also, that really told me the kind of person Penguinz0 is: someone who dismisses others suffering when it’s not his place to do so and someone who just goes off his own gut feelings alone.


The level of self awareness in the idubbz apology blew my mind. I was an edgy teen and grew out of him, and while it took him a bit longer than me, he came around too. Was a weird and cool moment.


Same here. Had the worst bottom feeder energy to it. Just scraping up shit and shitting it out, with the worst possible takes he just takes up all the oxygen in the room. Charlie isn’t much better than XQC.


Lock picking lawyer.

Used to be a channel about how locks works, how lock picking works, cool locks and shitty locks.

Now it’s just a channel to sell his tools.


I think he’s been incredibly consistent with his videos and don’t find any of his ads offensive or annoying, even though I’ll never buy something. I guess I disagree that the quality has changed. I do feel I’ve seen most content already though and he’s not doing much to keep interest growing.

CaptDust, (edited )

I don’t agree, his techniques and format are still good and though expensive, the covert instrument sets are some of the finest tools I have. If the guy wants to make a buck and offer a one stop shop for the hobby I don’t see the problem.

I guess my only complaint with LPL is seemingly running out of challenging locks, which is more a fault of manufacturers.

altima_neo, avatar

Apparently not just his tools, either. He’s got some partners too, and it started recommending me their videos too. Their stuff is more of the same, advertisements for their store.


Eh, I would have to disagree with this, I have been watching him for a while and as far as I can tell the quality is the same the only difference now days is that he mentions his tools in the videos while picking the locks, so the videos didn't even really get longer.


He’s very much not liked in the lock picking community.

Not only does he push his overpriced tools a lot, most of them are very much not needed. He also puts a lot of focus on specialized car lock picking tools which are expensive at, made for each brand basically, and in a very dubious grey area which is a big no no in that “sport”.

From a purist side there are also a lot of complaints.

fishos, avatar

Agreed. Before it would be “so I made this tool by filing down this other thing, you can probably make one yourself” to “I used this tool that you can get in my shop, and here’s how to pick it with a few standard tools as well…”


I stopped watching when he started covert instruments and immediately realized what every single future video would be like. I was right…


Can’t believe he wants to profit from his hobby. What a piece of shit.


Can’t believe I don’t want to watch advertisements all day

dasgoat, (edited )

LPL mentions Covert Instruments once in his 1 minute video

Day ruined

pants shit in


Man picks lock with skill and tools, not allowed to mention he also sells tools? Shit that would knock out so many YouTubers… LawrenceSystems, NetworkChuck, Level1Techs, pretty much anyone who does electronics or home automation…


I miss Bosnian Bill :-(

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

This seems to be the prevalent trend with most channels that gain traction. They start focusing more on selling their plushies, clothing, tools, or other shitty branded merchandise, and less on the content that got them there.

Maybe it’s because original content creation is hard work. I get that. But holy shit, when they start hawking their stupid merch hard their credibility just goes down the toilet.


Feels like it’s mostly because there’s not much to talk about anyway, whatever needed to be said has already been said in one of his 1.5k video. I start follow his channel before he established his company, it’s mostly the same and it’s really just about how he defeat the lock. He sometimes still talk about unique lock he find interesting though.

FaceDeer, avatar

Yeah, those unique locks are the highlights I remain subscribed for. He used to dismantle locks more often, but at this point it'd just be more of the same if he kept doing that.

Might be a good idea for him to change up his format a bit to make fewer videos but have them be more of a deep dive into whatever locks he's focusing on, maybe do more of the old "now let's see if we can open this with the leg of a Barbie™ doll and half of an M67 fragmentation grenade" stunt videos. I remember he used to get more experimental with his approaches when there was back-and-forth with Bosnian Bill.


I got into lockpicking and now I love Lock Noob. Covert Instruments aren’t that good either, I would go with Sparrows if I were to start, if anybody else is interested in getting into the hobby.


If you can’t trust a lawyer, who can you trust?


Someone who becomes good at something selling goods/services isn’t exactly what I would consider offensive. Consider the guy who did Mouse Trap Monday videos who is now selling his trap commercially: do you have any idea how long he spent testing and reviewing traps to reach a point where that was viable? I suspect he spent thousands of hours on this.

Level1Techs sell basically the only DisplayPort KVM worth a damn, that’s a pretty great offering to have. They don’t bring it up much but it’s there.


Sabine Hossenfelder, used to love her takes on physics until she fell in the usual expert’s trap of believing she can talk equally usefully about things OUTSIDE her expertise.

First trans care, which missed a few important nuances. Then autism, which had a decades-old perspective and was at best “not informative”.

Then hoo boy Capitalism where she made a huge tangled MESS confusing and conflating markets with monetary systems and credit, all apparently based off half-remembered textbooks from 1950 using long-disproven historical claims.

A lot of criticism was sent her way. None was acknowledged, or apparently taken to heart. Repeatedly.

From skillfully presenting physics with a “explain it like I’m 5” style, she’s now spouting any trending topic in a “explained by a 5 year old” style.


I also feel she’s more and more contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.


This, JFC so much this. The trans care thing was a serious blow to my interest in her videos. That capitalism BS. That killed it dead. Didn’t finish that video, haven’t watched since. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

To be fair, I think her reputation might still be salvageable. But it would take sincere apologies, earnest corrections, and getting back in her ”lane” of experience. As a physicist she’s fine, but not so much as a physician or politician.


Was that before the weekly call from Elon? Idk when I checked out?




This was such a disappointment, I really liked her explanations of quantum physics.


Sounds like something i would like (and can use) will probably check some of her older vidoes


On that topic, Anton Petrov is legit. Daily videos on math, physics, and cosmology. Less frequent but better produced, Sixty Symbols is one of Brady Haran’s channels at University of Nottingham.


She’s always been a weird nerdy lady, but endearing. Her videos were never professional, a bit tacky, but very informative. But I too dropped her channel because she started talking about nonsense she had no business giving opinions about.


A lot of tech YouTubers (such as Mr whose the boss). Just a hype man reading specs and hyping up shit.

Just look at him speaking about the Huawei Mate 60 pro. What a load of bullshit.


Yeah, I forgot when I stopped watching him, maybe take a look at the videos he makes to understand my point. He’s very enthusiastic but it’s not informative and he gets stuff wrong.

glimse, (edited )

At least we’ve still got Paul and NG GN giving honest takes

Sorry posted when I was sleepy




Gamer’s Nexus


Namer’s Gexus

stackPeek, avatar

say gex


GN oops, early morning typo


Probably means Gamers Nexus, a pretty solid PC build/review channel that does some great deep dives. Steve is sometimes jokingly referred to as Tech Jesus, but he’s pretty respected in the PC building community.




So far I think I can trust MrMobile to give an honest opinion. When it comes to his channel its not just specs and numbers but real experiences. Quite different from the myriads of other tech channels on YT today.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I kind of felt that way about NerdCubed. I just felt like he was becoming too pretentious and that he was rebooting his channel every couple months


Could you give some examples?

I just recently started watching him, so I’m kinda bouncing around from his old stuff to his recent stuff, and i’m not really noticing a significant difference besides what you would expect with time and experience.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Of him being pretentious?

I guess it felt like there was a shift in the tone of his content around the time he hit 250,000 subscribers and it really ramped up after the incident where a fan showed up at his apartment door.

I think it’s kind of understandable due to latter but I feel like he became a lot less personable and more full of himself. It was a lot of little things so it’s kind of hard to pinpoint.

Admittedly I haven’t watched his content in probably about eight years but I don’t image things like his podcast would help.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

I mean, I do get the pretentiousness, bit it feels like its more played for laughs as a character and not real? at least to me?

But like I said before, I just started watching him, and i only watch the game videos, none of the podcasts or anything, so I don’t have any basis to even have an opinion yet, much less make any solid statements, just curious about info and whats being talked about… Which is why i appreciate the reply with examples.

Though I could definitely understand a tonal shift happening if some random entitled internet fuckface randomly showed up at his door.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I mean, I do get the pretentiousness, bit it feels like its more played for laughs as a character and not real? at least to me?

I think it suddenly started to feel like less of an act around that time. I am having a hard time explaining it but he just seemed kind of full of himself. Like he was making himself out to be bigger than he was between the constant rebooting of his channel, less jokes and more opinionated content, and trying to branch out into everything at once.

Just not for me but I feel like those kind of changes happen a lot anyway when content creators grow to a substantial level of popularity.


fair, I’m shotgunning shit from all over.

you were there daily following, so I would assume you’d be more in tune with that kinda stuff than someone like me.


It’s may be more subtle and perhaps the quality is still there (IDK bc I unsubbed ages ago), but Babish. There was an uproar when he got sponsored by Hogwarts Legacy, and he had no response / apology to supporting JK and her anti-trans viewpoints.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

I am completely different, but agree with the sentiment.

I was one of his first 10k subs from his first video. His cubano video solidified me as a day 1 viewer.

Literally since the creation of the “babish universe” or whatever MCU franchise parody it was, it just took a nosedive in quality (production quality didn’t change of course). Like there are only so many movie foods you can do, and I get why he branched out for sure, and Basics with babish was quite decent for a while.

I just think even a few years ago it became much more corporate and more of a “cooking content generation” channel and less of someone cooking and teaching in an entertaining way. It just feels completely different.


People choose the stupidest things to be upset over.

Neato, (edited ) avatar

Yeah. How dare people want to protect trans rights. The gall.


*human rights


I’m not going to assume your position here, but this really comes off as some “all lives matter” style counter protesting.


It’s more like the opposite - it is an argument that the rights of trans people aren’t some new exotic social movement that we need to think carefully about. It’s that regular human rights that we already mostly agree on should naturally apply to trans people.

ech, (edited )

I definitely see that angle, hence the not assuming, but "um actually"ing a social progress motto isn’t a great look, especially with the existence of “*all lives matter” hanging around.

Also, the whole motto is “Trans Rights are human rights”, so that’s quite literally already laid out.


Agreed with Deestan. It’s about treating all humans, be them straight, lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer/questioning, asexual, pan, and all elements of the rainbow that aren’t covered by the above as equals. We are all part of the human race, Homo sapiens sapiens.


You get how unhelpful this is, right? Like, do you go to abortion rights protests and preach the same bs? Or gay rights marches? You’re not helping anyone with this “actually, everyone deserves these rights” garbage. “Everyone” doesn’t face the same problems, so just let people advocate for their rights as they see fit instead of trying to kneecap them for the sake of “equality”.


I get your perspective, and I think we are both trying to at least meet in the middle with how we are trying to explain our takes. By all means, I truly do think that minority groups should have more support and have the right to be heard and seen than the “societal norm”. I guess I was just trying to see both sides and trying to determine a midpoint. The “All Lives Matter” movement easily falls in line with many other conservative spiels, and I’m trying to see the best in people in that what they mean isn’t trying to side with the heavier right wing movements. Again, I’m not trying to belittle or minimize the trans rights movement or anything in which minority groups aren’t being heard. I guess I just wish we lived in a society where everyone was treated as equal, and any hate groups were quieted to the best of our ability, slowly erasing those archaic viewpoints.


Like I started my first comment with, I’m not assuming that’s what they meant with their “correction”. I’m just pointing out the poor optics with a comment like that. And as I said to the other user, the whole slogan is “Trans rights are human rights”. There’s no need to “correct” it - it’s already there.


Thank you for the extra layer of clarity. I’m consistently trying to make sure my words aren’t being misconstrued, and I’m hoping that’s how the other commenter feels, although I’m not going to put words in their mouth. I’ve faltered many a time in the past, hell even this morning in a discussion with a personal friend. I’m here to hopefully make the world a better place to live in, even if by the smallest choices in words and actions.


hate groups were quieted to the best of our ability, slowly erasing those archaic viewpoints

We absolutely tried that. The approach failed quickly and spectacularly in the past 15ish years, and even backfired. Frankly, whether you call it shunning, cancel culture, or people exercising their rights of association, it’s not very effective in the Information Age.

I’ve personally pivoted to the much more exhausting, dogged method of dealing with them fairly, and simply taking the time to explain where and how they went wrong. This is very time consuming, but can work sometimes.


You’re on the right path with that. Sometimes people with these mindsets just need to be spoken to, and that may (on may not) open their eyes to the ways they may have been inadvertently steeped in, whether that be from upbringing in a hatred filled household / community / etc., or a search for acceptance in those circles. I have someone at my workplace who is an outspoken anti-LGBTQ+, even going as far as plastering their laptop with heavily right wing anecdotes, and wearing very questionable shirts with horrible messages. But I’m here to eventually try and reason with them, and you’re absolutely right it’ll be an uphill battle, but one worth trying.


I’m assuming they’ve all burnt the books, merchandise, theme parks and dvd’s they’ve already spent money on and had their memory wiped of all (5/6/7?) stories in the Barry Trotter series. I’ve never read nor watched any of it but I’m assuming that whilst the bandwagon was rolling-on everything was tickety-boo until later; when she opened her mouth to give a personal opinion. The thing is: if her legions of fan(atic)s hadn’t elevated her to the pantheon of gods then it’s possible she may not have thought she had enough clout and kudos to wade into a topic massively unrelated to her “day job”. Who knows?


Still subbed to Babish but I feel this

linkinkampf19, (edited )

It was definitely tough dropping him over something seemingly so miniscule, but it hit a nerve. Being part of the queer community myself, and having many close friends also being such, it just felt right. The salt in the wound was that there was no response at all except for the ones supporting him in this sponsoring.

A quick google for “Babish Hogwarts Legacy” garnered this Reddit post (sorry).


I was also all in since the reddit days. Learned to cook and even bought some of his wares. Unsubbed after the sponsor and never went back.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

If it helps, the game itself is very positive about the whole spectrum of human sexuality and treats everything as completely ordinary and it’s all represented (trans included), like the Wizarding world has already come out on the other side and everyone is welcome.

I think JK very purposely tried to tarnish it so that less people would play it, she already got her cut from the licensing, so sales don’t matter to her.

The game itself is exactly what we want and what she would hate. The company that made the game is someone we should support, they took the world away from her, fixed it, and gave it back to us.


That’s ignoring both the anti-Semitism and transphobic content.


You’ll have to tell me what it is, I was pretty thorough in my playthrough but I must have missed it.


Oh I figured it would be good. I loved HP growing up, well before we knew any of JK’s purviews and hatreds. It also does help that majority of the actors involved in the cinematic universe were outspoken against her. It’s rather difficult to separate art from the artist at times, but I think I’ll probably sail the seas first to test it out, and then determine how best to purchase it without giving her any more cashflow, however meager that is in the grand scheme.

Found a reasonable article of who distanced / defended Joanne’s hatred:…/every-harry-potter-actor-supports…


From what I’ve heard the game is a bland and buggy mess


From what I’ve played, it’s a huge game that they put a ton of work into and got 99% of it right. Honestly way better than the average of even just the top 10 game devs. Hard to fault them on not being the only perfect company.


I miss when Babish posted more. I like the newer chefs, too, and I love anime with Alvin, but I subbed for babish.


I think he stopped because of the strikes? And now is coming back?


No, he’s been reduced since announcing Babish Culinary Universe.


I still watch a Babish here and there, he pioneered foodtube but his content was very formulaic and I sort of just got bored of it. I’d rather watch Food Wishes or other cooking channels with stuff I’d actually make and eat. For interesting and entertaining food content I like what the former BA hosts do, and a lot of famous chefs have excellent YouTube content that is very humbly edited and presented.


I feel this. I watch about 8 Foodtubers on and off and babish now feels very generic because basically everyone is a take on him.

Two things in his favour are his decision to use being the largest to platform others was really good and although that diluted his channel by making fans of the person stop watching every video, and also the fact that if I’m actually looking for a specific cooking guide and I see a babish video, I know I can follow it reliably and have a tasty end product.


Yeah you gotta give him credit and really a lot of the producers and editors on foodtube work between channels. It’s sort of more like a community than other genres on YouTube are which I enjoy.

brygphilomena, (edited )

Van Oak Props. He had some very cool, very intricate builds that were a lot of fun to follow along with.

Now that there are sponsored videos, those videos are somewhat short, almost half assed builds just to use the sponsors product. The quality in his videos and the props he makes have gone down.

MxM111, avatar

Lex Fridman.

umbraroze, avatar

I used to watch iilluminaughtii several years ago, probably because I've been grabbing popcorn and enjoying watching someone dunking on multi-level marketing since, uh, 90s at least. Then I watched some video that was about some topic that I was kind of in middle of a deep dive, too (I can't remember which exactly. Elan School, probably?). And the video was bland as hell. And then I was like "yeah, most of these other videos are kind of forgettable shallow pap too".

...and this year we found out about the whole landlordy corporate town fancier backstabby financial abuser helicopter-CEO situation. And the content mill situation. And the plagiarism thing. Can't forget the plagiarism thing. ...I was like, "oh this all just makes sense now."

Bishma, avatar

Illuminaughtii was getting pushed into my feed so hard right before everything went down that I’ve started to cast side-eye on anyone that the algorithm starts to push hard.

On the plus side, I found Cruel World Happy Mind because of all the awful stuff Illuminaughtii did to her.


her podcast (which is just the audio of her videos) keeps getting pushed to my Spotify feed. I don’t even use Spotify for podcasts nor I even listened to her at all on said platform. She must be spending a pretty penny in that algorithm push


This sounds like a ready made HBO special


Boogie. Not a favorite of mine and hated the Francis stuff, but I used to watch some of his gaming videos. He did his weight loss surgery about the same time as a relative so found that interesting. But good lord it’s been a descent since then,all of it self inflicted. Be it saying something stupid, firing a gun within city limits while getting into a pissing match with some other YouTube idiot, or losing his money in crypto. It’s hard to imagine someone that’s fallen further than him.

Watched the documentary on him last month and then went through his channel and it was embarrassing.


Did you ever happen to visit /r/samandtolki before it was banned? They really gave Boogie hell. They documented lie after lie from the dude. It’s sad how much of a pathological liar Boogie is. The worst one I witnessed was him saying people were swating him. Mod of samandtolki did a FOIA request to Boogie’s local police department and got camera footage from the officer that visited Boogie’s home. Boogie was making a lot of suicide claims and a fan called a wellness check on him. One officer showed up and asked Boogie’s roommate some questions. That was it.


TIK History.

Tik went from solidly researched war history to not-so-solidly researched political and religious theory. I did not appreciate it. Veritas et caritas recently raked him over the coals for it, which I am grateful for. Hopefully he returns to his area of strength, and resumes making quality history content.


Never would have called him a favorite of mine exactly, but a channel I used to watch was Shadiversity. Had some interesting videos on medieval life and castles. These days he seemingly only does “let’s test this wacky weapon” videos and has a terrible second channel where he whines about “woke culture”.

Empricorn, (edited )

has a terrible second channel where he whines about “woke culture”

That’s disappointing. I’ve watched a lot of his videos over the years and didn’t even know about a second channel or his beliefs.


Isn’t that kind of a good thing?

GnomeKat, (edited ) avatar

Some people don’t want to financially support creators who on record have said things like homosexuality is wrong and should not be encouraged. Watching youtube videos is financial support.


I understand that, but I also respect creators that keep their main channel focused on its core.


Has he actually said homosexuality is wrong? This is the first I’ve ever heard of that.

DaleGribble88, avatar

Tangential fun fact: the guy from “Shadiversity” and the guy from “Drawing with Jazza” are brothers. This is incredibly odd to me because I don’t think that they look or act alike at all.

GnomeKat, avatar

I find that connection hilarious cus Jazza is way more popular and talented with true artistic ability, where shad is an anti-woke dipshit who gets mad at the mario movie and plays with swords.


After a certain point, what else can you cover about the medieval period thats interesting, entertaining, understable to a general audience, and can fit in a youtube video?

I still think he needs to collab with Jill Bearup on boob armor, though.


That’s fair enough, though I do think there are a ton of interesting medieval topics he still could have covered. I’m the kind of guy who likes watching multi-hour essays on ancient civilizations though, so I might not be “general audience” and he moved pretty much in the opposite direction of what I like to watch. Finding his second channel was what sealed the deal for me though, couldn’t take him seriously after that.


Same, I watched so many of his videos and enjoyed all thw castle shit. Too bad

starman2112, (edited ) avatar

I lost interest after he sang the praises of the Goblin Slayer rape scene. BuT tHe GoBLiNs nEeD tO bE sCaRy! You can “make monsters monstrous” without adding explicit rape scenes to your mid-tier manga.

FaceDeer, avatar

I actually appreciate that he's taken care to keep the two channels separate, I just didn't bother to subscribe to Knights Watch and so it doesn't bother me.

I guess mileage varies on the "wacky weapons" vs "medieval history" division, though. I like both so I'm fine with them being mixed.

sanguinepar, avatar

Not sure if this counts, but I’ll nominate Unidan.


People still crowing about Unidan.

sanguinepar, avatar

Here’s the thing…

bfg9k, avatar

Now that’s a blast from the past


Now hold on I think you’re confusing crows and jackdaws…

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