B4tid0, (edited ) Aunt (?) And cousin. Apparently Aunt has being drinking since the 23 by the 24 at night she was drunk out of her mind; insulted and scolded my cousin and his girlfriend in front of everyone in the family dinner at grandma’s because the girlfriend was wearing a croptop. I frankly though it would’ve being about the fact that she is 14 and he is 20. ( But apparently not. I personally left when they arrived. I got told about the fight later) Everybody left or kept on arguing after that. Hopefully your holiday’s dinners are better .
umulu, 14 and 20? WTF!?!? That’s way too young for a partner 20 years of age.
Starkstruck, Yeah that is a straight up pedophile wtf
B4tid0, Yup. When I mention it , I was screamed at and told “I should mind my own business” , “He is an adult he knows what he is doing” and “who am I do judge other people” I am not proud of THAT situation. My family is fucked but we are ALL welcome at Christmas dinner, I go for the free meal and to hug my grandma and leave right after. Apparently the girlfriend’s family is very close to my cousin’s mother , I don’t know them . Is all messed up (¯―¯٥)
NikkiDimes, “He is an adult he knows what he is doing”
Well, one of them is at least. 🤭🤮
sab, It's not really one of those situations where knowing what you're doing makes anything any better, is it
umulu, Well, good for you to show up for your grandma. 👍🏻 That’s what matters.
Usernameblankface, He knows what he’s doing, but does she know what he’s doing?
He probably researched the local law on the issue, has a plan in case he’s questioned by some cop, and carries a card in his wallet with an overview of the applicable laws printed on it.
Yeah, any family that defends this guy deserves to be walked out on.
VindictiveJudge, He probably researched the local law on the issue, has a plan in case he’s questioned by some cop, and carries a card in his wallet with an overview of the applicable laws printed on it.
Wasn’t that a thing in one of the Transformers movies?
Usernameblankface, Yes, yes it was
B4tid0, I mentioned the law first time I heard of it , one of the uncle’s said “who’s is going to tell? Will you?” And oh boy did that freak me out. This year before leaving my grandma asked me “why are you going against family?” All I said is that I wasn’t trying to have a go at nobody that I was sorry. I hugged her and left. It is all very bitter and sad. I can’t watch.
With some luck I am hopefully leaving town sometime next year. I don’t want to be around if this goes bad and the police is involve, they will probably think it was me if I am around for that. I don’t understand what they are all thinking , and I frankly don’t want to.
Usernameblankface, Ah man, vague threats are the worst. You know for sure what they’re meaning, but can’t prove it by quoting what they said. So sad they’re like that
uranibaba, Leave town, then call the cops.
folilzodos, For Palestinians, definitely Israel
Cyclist, You mean Israel and Hamas right?
folilzodos, I mean the genocide that Israel is conducting on the Palestinian people. Kind of a bummer when you wanna celebrate Christmas.
Atemu, I don’t think either of them care very much about christmas.
folilzodos, (edited ) Depends on who you mean with „either of them“
Atemu, Either side.
gregorum, There are definitely Christians in Palestine
Threeme2189, *Hamas
folilzodos, (edited ) Say it with me, the ethnonationalist settler colony Israel is conducting a genocide on the Palestinian people. This is happening in front of our eyes. We can see it unfolding in real time. It’s not too late for you to stop supporting a genocidal state and be on the right side of history instead. And let me say it very explicitly. The right side of history is the side of the Palestinian people.
elephantium, Rather foolish reply, don’t you think? Muslims aren’t known for celebrating Christmas.
folilzodos, I mean Jesus was born in Palestine and there are still many Christian Palestinians, some of them living in Betlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.
There’s even many news reports about how Christmas in Betlehem is canceled. I know it’s hard to comprehend but shit is really that serious. This year’s Christmas is canceled in the birthplace of Christmas.
ThatWeirdGuy1001, Working in food/retail has completely destroyed all holiday spirit for me entirely.
It doesn’t matter the holiday. Holidays just mean my job gets harder with no extra compensation. The customers are more hostile and aggressive and it’s just an overall shitty time.
And it happens multiple times a year
donslaught, I don’t love that this happens, but because I was in those trenches for many years I like to make my holiday shopping trips as pleasant as possible for the retail workers. I’ll try to take up as much time with them as I can just shooting the shit and helping them relax a little or giving them knowing looks whenever some asshole engages them.
It’s like on-the-job therapy.
Draconic_NEO, Sister and Nephews had the flu (still do, it’s really bad) so I ended up just staying home and having a video call with them. Sister took a COVID test strip and it’s negative, so seems like it’s just the flu but it still sucks for her.
So I’d say the flu ruined Christmas this year. At least I didn’t get sick 🤞
jpreston2005, my mother. asked her to stop bringing up my rapist in conversation with me. she said “ya know other people have problems too.” Then she went and had holiday lunch at his house. that was before I was set to drive there for christmas, so instead I stayed home and did nothing. Turns out christmas is just a regular day.
AquaTofana, Holy shit I’m so sorry. I’d give you all the hugs if I could.
Yamainwitch, That’s awful I’m so sorry. That’s the kind of betrayal that you just don’t come back from.
A_Random_Idiot, Your mother sounds like what specialists would describe as a, and i quote, “massive cunt”
Resol, (edited ) The fact that we aren’t allowed to celebrate it in my country. It’s seen as unimportant. In fact, we don’t ever have Christmas breaks. I saw school buses packed with students heading to class today (and yesterday too), some are even taking exams. Radio stations play absolutely no Christmas music. Nothing in the country is decorated for Christmas. Life goes on as usual as if Christmas doesn’t exist.
This video by Gari Sullivan perfectly explains how life is for us. Yes, it’s 2 years old already, but I doubt that it’s that irrelevant.
davepleasebehave, I notice that some places never seem to take my birthday as seriously as in my house either.
It’s a made up thing. make of it what you can.
hope you managed to find some of the sparkle you were looking for!
Resol, I guess that sorta makes sense.
Linkerbaan, Euh, israel ?
folilzodos, What a powerful speech
GladiusB, (edited ) My old job. They canned me for not liking my personality and made up non measurable matrices to do so. I could sue, but I really don’t care. I’ll let their business model fail since it’s just high school with pay. I was going to leave anyways because of a lack of a raise and my boss was the biggest gym bro with a drinking problem. But I could have at least hung out and kept getting paid. I had a down payment saved for a house and it’s dwindling to find a job with the right fit. Because this world is going crazy in many ways.
wheeldawg, *matrices
Linkerbaan, (edited ) Since he said his boss was a gym bro it’s obvious he tried to red pill him. So he in fact referencing the Matrix Movies. So Matrixes.
GladiusB, Gracias
NinjaTeensy, (edited ) My girlfriend of 4 years decided to dump me.
Texas_Hangover, Hopefully before you gave her her presents.
Sweetpeaches69, That reminds me that one year, my cousin’s boyfriend got her a $1500 coffee machine, a flight of syrup and like a $500 giftcard to a local coffee shop for beans. Turns out, she was cheating on him with a woman at the time, and she broke up with him like 1 week later to be with her. It took all of us chewing her out to give the poor guy his present back so at least he could recoup the ~$2200 he spent.
Crashumbc, Unless his was rich and I mean RICH, he was fucking insane for spending that much anyway.
NinjaTeensy, We both gave each other a gift before it happened but mine did cost significantly more.
Trainguyrom, Christmas with my family we had a hard discussion about what kind of end of life care my grandparents need and how to get that setup. Then during Christmas with my wife’s family my brother in law who’s 40 and now responsible for 3 kids between himself and his ex-wife/girlfriend drank until he passed out on the floor of the garage. His oldest child was clearly disturbed by seeing him that way, but most of my wife’s family defended it because “when you’re surrounded by family is the best time to drink like that because you know you’re safe!”
On the upside, my family was surprisingly well-behaved for once, and never chewed out my kids for being too noisy even when they were visibly struggling as they played with the new musical toys
LoveSausage, That bald guy who started a online bookstore. But not to bad overall, WFH.
BaskinRobbins, The religious fruitcake portion of my family. I’m so tired of listening how they’re afraid of everything. This year it was the horror of how my state legalized weed, abortion, and some Disney movie had “gay stuff” in it and how thats bad because the movie is meant for kids.
AlijahTheMediocre, Hello my fellow Ohioan
BaskinRobbins, Hello! Hopefully your family dynamic is a little more agreeable for these holidays
TimewornTraveler, Weed?! Legalized?!? Oh, GOD no!!!
GrayBackgroundMusic, My kids are working on it. We bought a vr headset… One headset. They have to take turns. We aren’t rich and can’t afford one for each of them. They’re fighting each other and us over the turns. It’s clearly established whose turn it is and how long turns are. They are still bitching about it. It’s about to get returned.
RickyRigatoni, i looked at my cc bill
FlyingSquid, Well… you asked…
I’m not a fan of Christmas anyway. However-
I have not eaten solid food since August (I live on Ensure and Gatorade) and dry heaved every morning. The latter is in the past because, after months of trying to figure out what is causing this, I had my gallbladder out last Thursday and the heaving has stopped. But I still can’t eat and almost any food smell really disgusts me.
I mean the presents were nice, but between the surgery pain, the itching from where they shaved my entire stomach, the lack of eating, the not wanting to smell any Christmas food, and the general lack of energy… it wasn’t a good Christmas.
Please no pity party.
slurpeesoforion, Dude, I have been there. Still no idea what was wrong.
FlyingSquid, Are you at least eating now? I had another 6-week bout of not eating earlier this year. This surgery was my last step before going to the Mayo Clinic, which will cost a huge amount of money (I’ll have to do a GoFundMe), so I really don’t want to have to do that.
slurpeesoforion, It was 25 years ago. It gradually went away. Couldn’t determine a cause.
FlyingSquid, Not the best news for me unless it goes away relatively soon, but I’m glad that it never came back for you because it’s pretty miserable.
slurpeesoforion, (edited ) It was miserable. Good luck to you, squid.
FlyingSquid, Thanks!
Sway_Chameleon, My dad spent, I believe, 3-4 years where every single meal he would gagging on the food and end up throwing up. Initially, they thought it was from the severe and chronic throat infection he had and because of our health care system it took them that many years to get his tonsils removed and at least rectify the infection issue. That didn’t solve the problem though, and eventually it turned out there was damage to a nerve in his throat that was causing it and he needed another surgery to fix that.
Watched him go through hell all those years, so I definitely feel for you and hope you get this resolved!
FlyingSquid, Wow. Yeah, thankfully I don’t think I need throat surgery. Sorry about your dad.
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