Actually I’ve had a bad case of covid for like 4 days now and haven’t been able to breathe out of my nose. While not technically nose drugs, I took one of my wife’s Adderall and like magic I’m breathing through my nose again. Still feel terrible and can’t sleep now but I’m no longer a mouth breather. I couldn’t sleep last night because my mouth would dry out every 5 minutes so bad I’d have to take a drink of water every few minutes then pee.
My company switched up retirement plans and they held a seminar to explain them. The person running the seminar said that we should be putting 15% of our salaries into retirement.
Nice idea, but if I put 15% of my salary into retirement, then I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills. I’m not living extravagantly or anything (buying something for $20 for my enjoyment seems like a splurge to me). Still, whenever I seem to be getting on a better financial footing, life throws me a curve ball. Need new hearing aids ($3,600). New a new dryer ($750). Might need a new car soon.
So either I need to be paid a lot more, I will be working until I’m 90, or I put away the money and go deep into debt but can retire. (Just kidding. I’m nearing 50. I likely won’t have enough to retire. Maybe when I’m 80.)
I honestly don’t think little kids understand what people mean when they say “be careful”. When my kids were younger, I’d say something like “be careful the sidewalk is icy!” and they’d just run full speed and slip on the ice.
I think kids just think “be careful” is just something nice you say like “good luck”.
Yours was definitely informative and I think partly because of your intentions but also because of the statement after about the danger that was there that they may not have been aware of.
The ones I’m referring to are the typical greetings where it’s just “be careful” or “drive safe”.
I know the intention is meant well but always still struck me as an odd way to greet someone.
Yea same here but in a different way than what people usually mean. Don’t fake being rich until you are. I was and to a certain extent still am socially anxious and bad at talking to people and holding conversations. I started faking being more socially adept than I actually was by copying people I knew who were extroverts and by observing peoples interactions in the wild. Eventually I did get better with both and have no issue with either, although I do need some time to recharge later on after social interactions.
“You’ve got to love him – he’s your brother, after all.”
Yeah, he’s my brother who would get angry and destroy all my things when we were young, my brother who sexually abused my youngest sibling, my brother who launched into a homophobic rant against my mom during a time when she had cancer, a brother who cheated on and verbally and physically abused his first wife, a brother who probably drove my nephew to suicide.
Yeah I’d say that’s got to be triggering to hear. How do you respond to “advice” like that normally? Assuming it’s from someone who actually knows your brother.
I never have any response that’s likely to be edifying or helpful, so I typically respond with, “Well, I don’t,” and try to disengage. That’s usually enough.
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