… So you were in the perfect position to test this, didn’t, and came here to ask a bunch of people who aren’t in the perfect position to test it what would happen?
This is the biggest issue I have in the game. The inventory system is god awful. There’s no way to really organize things. And viewing items by icon instead of name is so frustrating when trying to find stuff.
So can someone fill me in on WHY this bitch is so popular? I thought for sure his personality would make up for his looks and it does not. He barely really has a personality atm.
He's already starting out with a handicap because I like little noodly twinks and not hulking Creatures who are nearly twice my character's size in every direction, it could be fair to point out that I'm barely past the first act, and I do respect his political game regarding the grove. But I'm not sure I can imagine it getting better.
Does it get better? Or do people just want the bear?
The most important way BG3 can improve is by fixing the right-click to examine bug.
If you try to examine anything during initiative while another player is selecting a reaction, it breaks examining until the next load screen. Happens nearly every initiative in my four player campaign.
I remember Divinity Original Sin was the same, the song was really shrill too, they don’t appear to have a good track record with a games musical score
I have a different problem with gale. His wall of flame is a fantastic room control spell that can do some serious damage… if only allies would STOP walking right through it!
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