Oh I know. What I want is to be able to have Karlach toss my halfling and the game transition to my halfling’s turn where I’m hacking and slashing on the way down. A man can dream.
I haven’t unlocked the bird transformation if there is one. Still in act 1.
I think it depends on how far you can be thrown. I can be thrown right now as far most characters can dash and it automatically takes you out of your transformation when you land, because the throw damages you and the cat only has 2 hp, so you don’t have to spend a bonus action to come out of it when you reach your destination.
My friend and I jumped across those broken stairs and in the gauntlet of shark without realizing we couldn’t jump back. So, our other friend (big boy) tossed us back up instead of running around
Karlach, all the way. And not just because she’s a 7ft tall beast of a woman with a machine for a heart who “Winks at her foes as she slays them”, but because her personality is very close to my wife’s.
Also, there is a specific scream that Karlach does when enraged that flips all my switches.
Fun fact, my wife found out I liked it. And she ssid “I bet I could do that”. She didn’t get it quite right the first time, but she nailed it the second time. Which just flipped those switches even harder.
Shart is your first romance, when your options are her (who is more or less ambivalent towards you at first) or the frog (who fucking despises you). Of course people pick her while they don’t know about Mommy Karlach.
Second playthrough you know there is someone better waiting for you out there!
The player has the option to either ask Halsin to stay in human form, or let him get his furry paws all over them; 66% of players asked for the former.
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