Fun Fact: this has always been true. That and avoiding the children. In the days of outhouses, sitting on the toilet for hours was not great. So they read newspapers.
Edit: I was more being funny about wasting time in the bathroom too avoid child responsibility. People have often needed long times to make things work. The person that responded to me had some great points.
They would have the Pennysaver, the WSJ, that local paper made by someone with a trust fund who practices “real” journalism, or some anti-government conspiracy “paper” made at Kinko’s.
For me the joke just doesn’t work reversed. The younger generation grows up hearing the older generations slang, so even if the younger generation doesn’t use that slang they know it. Older generations don’t tend to keep up with younger generations slang so, at least to me, the joke really only works with the older not understanding the younger.
I’m currently reading The Conquest of Bread and it talks about how when a revolution occurs and a government falls, the bourgeois upper and middle class will wax poetic about what will happen next, how the vacuum will get filled, etc; while the working class at the bottom will be the ones to actually carry out the work and face the brunt of the change.
This meme is how I imagine those upper class people talking lol. When I read it, I immediately pictured Jordan Peterson fanboys droning on and on about what they think should happen, while actually saying and doing nothing.
When you’re cultivating a relationship with a real person their wants and desires also factor into your choices, assuming you aren’t a psychopath. They will want different things from you, and keeping that to themselves and never pushing back just makes them miserable and builds resentment. Similarly, you don’t want to impose unreasonable expectations on them. Whether that’s related to their behaviour or their appearance, no one can reasonably expect to get exactly what they want 100% of the time, and that’s part of a healthy relationship.
…but if you’re constructing an artificial partner from a blank slate that’s completely bespoke to you, to choose anything other than an idealized match for all your desires is frankly insane, and to pretend otherwise is simply disingenuous.
I got sooooo lucky and just found a copy of me. That’s not what everyone wants, but they’re exactly the perfect match for me. We’re together 24/7 and have been for over a decade. No fights. I wish the same success for everyone who deserves it (everyone who isn’t a piece of shit)!
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