I have some seriously conflicting emotions about the time I used to get 3-ish hours of sleep so I could play more. On one hand, the games were great fun; on the other, work was hell afterwards.
Wow. Just wow. This is such an eye-opener. I mean, with all the comments here.
I had no idea this was a common thing! Up until now I thought only my girlfriend was like this.
Also, this makes me understand a Christmas present I received many years ago. I never understood the meaning of it and never knew from whom I received it and why (so I couldn’t ask about it), it was just under the Christmas tree next to a book I received. This “gift” was just a note on a piece of very thin wooden sheet, it said “Is it necessary to find a solution to every problem? Can’t we just enjoy the problem for a little bit?”
Now it kinda makes sense, although I still don’t know why I received it. Yes, I am a very solution-oriented person, but I’m also very introverted, back then I didn’t have a girlfriend, I had no friends, I didn’t even talk with my family much, and honestly, I couldn’t even really find solutions to problems in the first place. I have no clue what made someone give that to me.
I’ve had to come to terms with not having any time to play, really, except for maybe an hour or two here and there with my partner. It does feel awesome to at least have that going, but it sucks a lot that I don’t get to play for extended periods of time if I want to. Not even taking advantage of any sales right now, even though I might want to, just because I know that I won’t have any time to play.
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