I usually dislike comics that are entirely built on a lame pun, but this one has enough buildup and anticipation that somehow it crosses the threshold into being amusing.
We used to play with the house rule that draws stack and transfer until the player is unable to play some kind of deflection. Nothing like sending grandma packing with a Draw 16 stack! (Who am I kidding, granny was the one always whipping our asses at cards! 😭)
It’s not a stack. Two players are playing, the +4 also skips the turn of the player it affects. The person who played the +4 is then allowed to play any valid card such as a +4 wild.
so, briefly, Uno… you divvy out a stack of cards. each card has a number value and a color (or are wild here.), or do something (reverse play order, and stuf.) The card being played means the next person has to pick up 4 cards. the goal is to drop all your cards.
the “joke” is, she killed him for that. I don’t particularly find jokes about domestic violence funny.
In the event of an apocalypse and you do happen to pack a great bag of actual essentials … someone bigger stronger and with a gun is going to murder you for it.
Are they? I’ll admit, my experience is limited but it’s seemed to me even pistols are a considerable weight, especially compared to other survival/camping supplies.
Yeah, if you’ve ever done some serious hiking you know you wouldn’t want to haul around a gun. Also, imagine being in a shootout while wearing a massive backpack.
1.5 lbs, loaded, on average. Even I overestimated by quite a lot but it still wouldn’t have made a major difference.
How the hell heavy did you think guns were? Were you adding on the mental weight of being able to easily take a life? Because that traditionally does convert to mass very readily.
Depends what you consider considerable. For example Glock G19 is 855 g (30.16 oz) with a full magazine, to me that doesn’t seem much. Especially if you consider how valuable of a tool it could be. Hopefully you’d have at least twice that weight in water alone.
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