I’m the 2nd child and was pretty much free roam type. Ended up with less baggage than the 1st, but had like 10 near death experiences before 15, and my friend and I would’ve been smoking crack at age 12 if we could’ve found any.
Lucky. In my case the first went wrong, so I got the obsessive-control emotionally abusive don’t-you-dare-breathe-wrong type… Yay PTSD and a suicide attempt at 12 years old… Yeah I’d prefer the near death experiences, but at least not wanting to die.
Another good tip is to try a positive reminder. So, instead of: “Don’t forget the thing!” you’d rather tell your self: “I will totally take the thing!”
It was actually kind of nice to take a break while you’re on the toilet. Whether that means checking your phone for fun, or just sitting in silence without looking at a screen. Both can be a break, depending on context.
Ear cockroaches are actually worse since they are not very good at moving backwards. So once they’re in they don’t have any chance but to burrow ever deeper.
I try to work on my apathy but working on it means I’ve failed to be apathetic about my apathy. It’s the muscle that only grows when you use it without thinking about using it. It’s worse than Kegels.
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