I don’t mean to pick on this comic, rather the culture in general, but this self deprecation, everything is shit trope is getting a little played out. There’s probably 50 variants of this joke on everyone’s feed and it’s kinda just a downer.
In my head it’s always because people pity me, instead of actually like me. I think I’m the most pathetic human alive, so everyone else obviously feels the same way
Cause ur a joke. They invite you so can observe what a disaster you are so they can joke about you after you’ve left. They need to invite you back every now and then to get new material. /s
I do keep acting as if I truly believe that my friends and close ones like me, but sometimes it really does feel like a mask. The most productive thing to do is to act as if you are liked, even if you don’t believe it.
But no yeah irrational brain is dumb. Ever catching onto the smallest innocent thing, thinking “this is it” (it’s almost never it). It’s exhausting.
The amount of verbal abuse my Google Assistant has absorbed will guarantee I’ll be first against the wall when the machines come. But I’ll know: she really is a distended sack of dumb-ass diodes.
I love people in traffic thanking me, even if they had the right of way.
Happend to me this morning: I had to stop behind a parked car in my lane to let the guy in his lane go first past, he thanked me although I just followed the rules and it instantly put a smile on my face.
I haven’t played the games and even I knew the movie wasn’t accurate to the games, although there are a lot of references according to friends. The movie isn’t very good, a few plot points could easily be explained away, typical “I don’t have time to explain” type stuff. But it could still be a decent watch, although don’t expect to get scared because it’s not very scary
I’m a FNAF fan, and as a movie its quality is that of a straight to DVD movie. It has major flaws that I could go into incredible length about, but the more I think about it, the more I like it as is. The lore of the games is campy, and all over the place, as well as cliché in many places. The series never took itself too seriously while managing to make goofy characters feel mildly threatening. The FNAF movie captures this campy B movie plot excellently.
Really, the major draw for me was that I had invested my emotions into a community that formed as a result of the creator embracing his fans and doing his best to give them what they wanted, even if he wasn’t the best at it. The community never really cared that the lore was imperfect, they cared because they felt like they could invest themselves in the story because there was another game of uncovering the hidden story after they finished playing each game. It brought people together because everyone had their own takes on the story. It was super exciting to have each game show up because then you’d have more people with their own takes on the story and big personalities making videos having fun with a goofy game series.
Seeing the movie felt like a huge love letter to the whole experience. I wanted to see these goofy and campy machines on the big screen because they already occupied a space in my imagination. As a fan, I went in with the perfect level of expectation, I expected a campy B movie that would be fun to watch and not take too seriously, and its exactly what I got. In fact, there was a level of fan service in the film which made me absolutely delighted to watch it.
I’ve noticed that I’ll give a show part way into its second season before dropping it if it’s annoying me. Sometimes a show fixes itself once it finds what it wants to be. Other times, it doubles down on the stupid. The Flash, RWBY, and the BSG remake were this way for me.
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