We have the data. This type of command-and-control systems where one person is allowed to be smart and everyone else has their ideas shot down and dignity removed results in the worst products, the lowest quality control, the slowest ability to change to new conditions, and makes the least amount of money. This structure only exists because it is the simplest to setup.
And everyone is mystified why cost disease is running rampant. Why government projects are behind schedule, over budget, and don’t work very well. My employer for example has systems that accomplish the same goals for private vs public sector. The public sector ones are crap and every time I attempt to update them slightly I am told not to by the middlemen between the government and us. Meanwhile our private sector machines continue to advance.
No kidding, this mickey fella seems like a dick and animal abusers, and this is actually the censored version too, which means the original is even more brutal (I think they removed the part where mickey kicks the baby pigs).
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