muts are the best-est. We had a half-goldie-half-stray that was absolutely the best dog ever.
Though, to be honest, I imagine ‘best dog ever’ really comes down to proximity. The closer the dog is to you- figuratively and literally- the better the dog. details.
Two years ago we got an early blast of cold weather … it froze my Halloween Jack-o’-lanterns leading up to Halloween.
After Halloween, I kept two frozen pumpkins and put them on top of two snowmen on my front lawn. They stayed there all winter and people thought they were great.
Until the first thaw in late March, the pumpkins went from happy faces to half dead zombie grandpa … then finally morphed into a decomposed green black blob on a snowhill.
Parents: We must ban all the books we disagree with!
Kids: That’s fine, no one reads physical books anymore anyways. Just don’t touch the library internet filter - we are getting tired of finding ways around the block list.
This is referring to a few books that were banned from school libraries a while ago (not sure what they were doing there in the first place).
Anyway, one of the books that were banned showed males sucking each other off. That’s hardly something you would be eager to show a kid unless you are a groomer. A common theme between these books in general was that they were pornographic. The fact that there was, and still is an outrage from the LGBT community till this day because of the bans is telling.
Also, do make note of the people here comparing the bans to Nazi Germany. Yeah, not showing kids gay porn is like being a Nazi, apparently. Disgusting.
Ok so I looked it up and ended up skimming through the entire book - I wasn’t planning to, but I got carried away because it’s really good! Anyway, I’m not sure if I found what you were talking about. I thought maybe it was the scene on page 168, but that wasn’t two males (one was cis female and the other was non binary and AFAB), and it wasn’t both sucking each other off, it was one character wearing a strap-on over clothes and the other giving a blow job. Was there a different scene that I glossed over somewhere?
A 168 page book with depictions of blow jobs? Was this even in any schools or was it just banned to cause a fuss?
Edit: mods removed the comment? Why? I don’t think the guy was wrong to be concerned about sexual content in books for children and I would have liked my question answered.
Edit: mods removed the comment? Why? I don’t think the guy was wrong to be concerned about sexual content in books for children and I would have liked my question answered.
It’s probably the mods on your instance ( that removed the comment. I can still see it.
What matters is the depiction of one male giving fellatio to another male.
Which doesn’t exist in the work you are talking about. The one performing fellatio is a girl, and the one receiving it was born female and identifies as non binary - they are wearing a strap on.
Nope, but that guy doesn’t get outraged with the idea of kids being exposed to sex acts. They just get outraged specifically by the thought of them being exposed to gay sex acts.
They’re not upset because it shows sex they’re upset because it shows and talks about gay people and trans people. This person has a history of homophobic and transphobic behavior (you can check their post and comment history and you’ll find plenty of these bigoted talking points).
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