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notaviking, in South African diamond miner being x-rayed at the end of his shift to prevent theft, 1954

You know we still xray people at diamond mines here in South Africa. Try visiting a De Beers mine and see for yourself.


Try visiting a De Beers mine and see for yourself.

I’m depressed enough as it is thank you.


Daily x-rays… Seems like that won’t have any impact to long term survival.

What a humane way to prevent theft.


Yeah, I was wondering whether this was worse for the miners or the examiner. I’m sure that today modern technology protects the examiner more thoroughly and that they still don’t care about the miners. But I could be wrong. Maybe they don’t care about the examiner either.


My grandfather died in his 50s likely due to constant exposure from industrial xrays in the 50s and 60s. He was a college educated white guy in the US, so I’m guessing they give even fewer fucks about these guys.


I’m sorry for your loss.

This is the reason why you can only get so many medical scans per year, to limit exposure. I’m sure the corporations who are running the equipment for non-medical reasons couldn’t give less of a shit, since caring doesn’t usually drive profits.

It’s truly horrendous and should have never been allowed.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Really? Jesus. I would have expected such a thing to have long died out.


The practice of x-raying or the worker?



@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

Mining is one of the most grotesque industries: child labor, slave labor, water contamination, entire ecosystems being destroyed, workers getting contaminated with everything you could imagine.


All for diamonds that can be created with chemical deposition for cheaper.


“A Diamond is forever” ad campaign really fucked the perception of diamonds.

sxan, in "My turn next!" Testing bulletproof vests, 1923
@sxan@midwest.social avatar

Probably not testing, but rather demonstrating to potential buyers (the pig in the background). It sells better, and demonstrates the seller’s conviction that the product works.


Yeah this is whats actually happening. The inventor of the bullet proof vest would litterally get shot to show how safe it made the wearer.


People still do it today. There was a bullet proof glass company where the CEO (iirc, might have been owner) sat in a car with their windshield and let someone shoot at it with a rifle.

givesomefucks, (edited )

Yeah, I don’t know how anyone would think this was “the first test”

It was a demonstration to potential buyers (cops) that it worked.

The makers didn’t just strap on their first prototype without knowing it would stop a bullet yet.

This was after they knew it would work.

I think OP is just grabbing posts from “fakehistoryporn” off Reddit and not understanding the difference…

Just another of the (probably hundreds) of shitty meme communities OP mods or posts too. At this point I’m just blocking their whole account.

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

The irony is it’s your poor reading comprehension that lead to your misunderstanding.

PugJesus, (edited )
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Mind mentioning where I said this was the first test?

I think OP is just grabbing posts from “fakehistoryporn” off Reddit and not understanding the difference…

You do realize that's not the kind of material "fakehistoryporn" posts, right? It would be labeled something more like "Experimental worm-removal by shockwave, 1865"

Just another of the (probably hundreds) of shitty meme communities OP mods or posts too. At this point I’m just blocking their whole account.

That's what the block button is there for.

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

It isn't even a test, it is a demonstration.

JungleJim, (edited )

It’s in the text of the meme you posted. How embarrassing for you Thank you for sharing with the group. Sorry for being rude.

PugJesus, in Solidarity in history, Yugoslavia, WW2, 1941
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

The picture below shows Zejneba Hardaga guiding a Jewish woman (Rivka Kavillo) and her children down a street in Sarajevo in 1941. As they walk, Zejneba covers Rivka’s yellow star with her veil. The Hardagas let the Kavillos (including their children and Rivka’s husband, Josef) stay in their home until Josef was able to get his wife to an area where they were relatively safe. Afterward, they continued to hide Josef despite the fact that Gestapo headquarters were nearby, and despite the fact that the town was plastered with signs warning that anyone caught housing a Jew would be killed. Josef eventually joined his wife and children, and they all survived the war.



I love this story, and I also love context, so I just need to add to this. The story behind the photo is from the Yad Vashem testimony of Josef Kabiljo (husband of Rifka, the pictured Jewish lady). (They spell their names differently everywhere because Hebrew is possibly the worst language for Balkans language transcription except maybe Chinese). It is very much worth reading, it involves multiple concentration camps, and much more nuance than just "German Nazis vs Jewish people".

From the testimony, after the Hardaga's took in the Kabiljo family:

“Our home is your home”, [Mustafa Hardaga] said, and to demonstrate this point, the women were not obliged to cover their faces in the presence of Josef Kavilio, since he was now a member of the family.

This was an insanely dangerous thing for them to do. There were posters lining the streets warning people that the penalty for harboring communist Partisans and Jews was death.

This time, he stayed with them for two months, hidden, without ever leaving their home. Through the windows, Kabilio watched Jews being deported, or being maltreated in the Gestapo building opposite before being flung off it from the third floor and onto the street. Before long, there was not a single Jew left in the city. Kabilio felt that he could stay with his friends no longer – it was simply too dangerous for those harboring him. Thus, with their help, Kabilio managed to move to the Italian occupied zone, where he found his family and joined the partisans.

Zejneba Hardaga, the pictured Muslim lady, her father was later also murdered for harboring Jews. Josef, her husband, spent time in Jasenovac, the third largest concentration camp, which was run by the Croatian Catholic Ustaše who were the Nazi-puppet state running the area. Even the Nazis considered the Ustaše barbaric and inhumane.

Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Ustaše have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand. - Heinrich Himmler in a 1942 Gestapo report

For 'reasons' the fascist Catholic Ustaše are rarely mentioned, despite being the main axis forces in the area who targeted Orthodox Christians as much as Jewish people. The communist Partisan partnership with the Allies is also rarely mentioned, despite being the main anti-Nazi military forces there too.

A lot of the Yad Vashem testimonies are worth reading though, even if it is Jewish-focussed and WW2 in the Mediterranean was much much more complex than that.

@Tammo-Korsai@kbin.social avatar

The story of the Partisans fascinates me and how they went from being a tiny force to an army that had freed most of their country by the time they linked up with the Red Army. It's why I do living history displays about them since the war's largest resistance movement deserves more mention than just a passing mention in western-centric historical narratives. It has been received very positively, so far since re-enactors re-tread popular history all too often, but that seems to be changing for the better in the UK.

Empricorn, in British blacksmith on an anti-slavery patrol boat removing leg irons from a freed slave off the coast of Mozambique, 1907

Actual badasses.

downhomechunk, in OJ Simpson freeway chase, 1994
@downhomechunk@midwest.social avatar

Holy crap. I thought he was driving the car. I didn’t realize he was a passenger holding a gun to the driver’s head.


Very common behavior in innocent people. /s

PorradaVFR, in Secret service agents moments after the 1981 assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan.

Thankfully he was literally surrounded by good guys with guns preventing….oh.

But surely trained and armed amateurs are the solution to stop shootings because reasons.


The other thing that never seems to get taken into account is that most of the NRA membership wouldn’t be able to hit the broad side of a barn if it weren’t for the fact that the barn was stationary and not firing back.

They think that proficiency at the shooting range is the same thing as proficiency in combat.

JoMomma, in Construction worker at the Hoover Dam, USA, 1931

Thanks, now I’m gay for construction workers

GrammatonCleric, in The Monowheel, Italy, 1933
@GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Still beats flying!

Caradoc879, in Aboriginal Australians used as forced labor by European settlers, 1902

Slave. The word is slave. “Forced labor” sounds like it’s downplaying the severity.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

I don't mean to downplay the severity, but there are procedural differences. Slavery was pro forma banned at the time. Effectively, I agree, for all practical purposes of the folk in chains, it was slavery.

EdibleFriend, in OJ Simpson freeway chase, 1994
@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

I still can’t believe this fuck had the balls to put out that book.

PorradaVFR, in Michael Dukakis tanks his presidential campaign, 1988

Between this and cheating on your wife with a porn star paid off with campaign funds not derailing a campaign. Boggles the mind how the bar fell so far.

automattable, (edited )

Was the payout actually from campaign funds? I thought the problem was that it wasnt and that the money needed to be reported as a campaign contribution because keeping it quiet was obviously for the benefit of the campaign.


My understanding is that Michael Cohen paid out of his own pocket and was reimbursed by the campaign effectively (as you noted) being an unreported contribution. But that aside, we used to hold candidates to a standard - Dukkakis’s photo op, Hart’s boat trip, Dean’s silly yell - that was the end of their run. Trump literally cheats on his wife, talks about fondling women, is…himself over and over and quite literally takes the unprecedented step of refusing to gracefully cede power and…he still thrives. It’s beyond parody.

Got_Bent, in A divorced couple divides their Beanie Baby collection in court, 1999

My last girlfriend took all my band stickers that I had spent decades collecting.

They’re of no monetary value, but they can’t be replaced.

People get petty in breakups.


My best friend broke up with his fiancee a month before the wedding.

She moved out while he was at work. She took all the toilet paper, and left him 2 squares.

MindSkipperBro12, in Aboriginal Australians used as forced labor by European settlers, 1902

Didn’t know Australians still had slavery so late in history.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Formally, it wasn't slavery. Effectively, it was.


I’m seeing chains on necks, looks like slavery to me. Even if they were prisoners, that is inhumane.

Fucking greasy to think it’s so close to recent history.


It was still happening in the 1970’s.


The current US prison system is effectively legalised slavery, and is a big reason why US system doesn't do reform and incentives recedivism

okamiueru, (edited )

Still literally in the US constitution. 13th:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction


And it only took the bloodiest civil war in history, a war we’re still paying the price for not going the extra mile and abolishing the southern states and replacing them with Union members.


Such is the price to end slavery in America and advance the worldwide abolitionist movement.

And I wish federal occupation had lasted significantly longer, enough to replace the older generation with a enlightened, Yankee way of thinking and attitude. That or go the route of Jacob Smith and just shoot about everyone above the age of ten and sell all the land for cheap.


Mate, its more recent than you think.


@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

doesn’t count if you don’t think those wearing chains are people.

cjsolx, (edited )

What gets me is that yeah that’s their excuse, but if someone treated, say, an orangutan or a baboon like this I’d think that was pretty fucked up too. We were so gross. We still are (dog fighting, circus elephants etc) but the cruelty that we’re capable of without what is essentially moral peer pressure, is chilling to think about. Even today we fight tooth and nail against moral progress and treating everyone with respect.


hahahahaha you think this is late???


Aboriginals we’re even denied a seat in politics just in the last few months. I remember being shocked they voted in Tony abbot …who for years screamed about women’s menstruation in parliament. Australia is super backwards.

@Couldbealeotard@lemmy.world avatar

Abbott was also appointed Minister for Women.

The Voice which, if I understand correctly, wasn’t an offer of a seat in parliament, it was a constitutional amendment that would allow an advisory board for Aboriginal and Torres strait islanders. They wouldn’t have had any actual power any way.

sharkfucker420, (edited )
@sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml avatar

America still had slavery in the 1940s when the last slave was freed (might’ve been later than that) and it still has slavery in the form of prison labor


Can you tell me more about that?

@sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml avatar

Here’s where I got this information, it’s a long watch but well worth it. video


His videos are really detailed, fact based and eye opening for sure.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

And we still have slavery. It is legal per the 13th amendment. Disgusting.


China still has slavery today.


Also India, many places in Europe, the Arab states, South and North America. Or do you mean China is specially “slavey”?

@sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean sure maybe idk anything about china. What made you bring it up?


They didn’t even class indigenous Australians as people, until late 1960’s. They were considered fauna.

@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar
@Floufym@lemmy.world avatar

Is it ? Australia hold a référendum this year to give a bit more rights to native people. They voted against it.

@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar


I am Australian. And the vote wasn’t about rights, it was about representation.

@Floufym@lemmy.world avatar

You can use the wording you want, Australia is a racist country that shows no respect to the native people.

@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

I’ll take solace in knowing we will never be as racist as Europeans. Because we’re a proud multicultural country and you’re the lot who keep toying with nationalism and genocide.

You would never hear anyone in Australia mutter the vile hate they spew towards Romani. And their treatment of refugees is so bad, that they make us look good in comparison.

At the end of the day, outside of say NZ/Canada you will not find a less racist country.

So cry all you want.

@Floufym@lemmy.world avatar

He, it is not a contest. I never say Europe was less racist than other country/area. Just I don’t hide by using some words to softening the reality.

I don’t try to move away the initial discussion : we don’t care if it is true or not that native people where considered as fauna. The point was native people are considered as second class people, that do not deserve respect, unfortunately.

Deceptichum, (edited )
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

That’s not softening reality.

The recently failed referendum gave zero rights to Aboriginal people. That was never the intention, because they already have the same rights.

The Voice is one part of the healing process, to misframe it as something else only helps the people who voted against it.

You’re obviously not equipped enough to understand the situation.


It was a British penal colony up until 1840

shish_mish, in American professor standing beside two massive guards of the personal retinue of the Maharaja of Kashmir, 1903
@shish_mish@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder if the professor is really small, or are the guards giants?

@Alchemy@lemmy.world avatar

I think it is a little of column A and a little of column B. Wish one of them was holding a banana or something for scale.


I would say a lot of columb B. It makes sense for guards to be big, for intimidation alone. After all, the best case is that the guards don't need to fight at all, but keep people with their mere presence from doing something stupid. Being big and imposing is certainly a desirable trait.


According to this article the guards are 2.23m / 7'4" and 2.36m / 7'9" tall. The taller one on the right is standing a bit closer to the camera, so I'll use the other one to measure the prof. Allowing for a bit of imprecision since it's hard to tell exactly where the guard's heel and head are under his clothing, I get the prof being 80% of the guard's height. This puts him at a pretty ordinary 1.79m / 5'10"

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Guards are huge. Both well over 7 foot, tallest men in Kashmir at the time, supposedly

@Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca avatar

One of the giants was 7’9” tall (2.36 m) while the “shorter” one was a mere 7’4” tall (2.23 m) and according to various sources they were indeed twin brothers. They created quite an impression at the Durbar as they literally stood heads and shoulders above the rest. The brothers were known as the Two Kashmir Giants and were elite riflemen in the service of the Maharaja. rarehistoricalphotos.com/kashmir-giants/

So ya they were pretty big.

yoz, in South African diamond miner being x-rayed at the end of his shift to prevent theft, 1954

So they do xray everyday ? If yes , then fuck rich people to death.


This is pretty far down the list as far as reasons to not buy diamonds. They’re not rare. They’re not special. It’s a rock with limited industrial use.

For added context, they’re still cutting the hands and feet off of dependents (including children) of miners to ensure they work hard.

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