This is all well and good if you have a group that can be on this level, but also don’t be surprised if people get upset when all you do is yuck their yums. Read the room in other words.
Right. If you want to debate with people you have a rapport with, great. But if you’re just being a contrarian and only talking about why you don’t like something other people enjoy, they’re gonna think you’re a dick.
I completely agree. When I was a kid there was a slide in a playground that had rollers. Someone showed me how to hold onto a bar and run on the rollers. Well I slipped and smashed my face into the rollers losing a front tooth. Many thousands later and I was a kid under to witha root canal and a false tooth. It’s still holding strong.
Classic Monsters Any horror genre fans around? If so, good news for you: Many of the classic monsters are in the public domain. These include Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, Phantom of the Opera, Creature from the Black Lagoon (film), and The Bride of Frankenstein (film).
What You Need to Know: You cannot use modern day adaptations of these stories. Instead, create your own take on the original stories and characters.
Disney is VERY litigious , meaning that they will sue for copyright , saying that you haven’t use the public domain version of a character - you used their version - because their version has a pretty nose or whatever.
Child-friendly fairy tales: a little girl went into the forest alone and got lost, she speak with an owl and ask the owl to guide her home, which the owl agree to guide her home and she went home scared but safe.
OG fairy tales: a little girl went into the forest alone and got lost, she speak with an owl and ask the owl to guide her home, the owl laugh, then fly straight to her and rip her face off, eating her alive.
Likely a typo. Out and Our often autocorrect to each other, and the keys are next to each other.
But once again this proves: the best way to start a conversation on the internet is to be nearly correct. Bad memes start more conversations than perfect memes haha.
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