Fun fact: When a rabbit is dying they scream like a baby, literally, to alert other rabbits. They’re definitely stupid in many ways, but they do have some built in survival tactics.
It’s weird. I don’t like most fish, but I really don’t have an ethical problem in general with eating fish as long as they were harvested sustainably. Unfortunately, most of the saltwater fish I have enjoyed over the years- shark and swordfish steak, cod, tuna- are not harvested sustainably, so I don’t eat them. That pretty much leaves me with farmed trout and catfish, the only two other fish I like. And I just don’t feel like it’s the same as eating a cow or a chicken. Maybe I don’t have any actual scientific basis to go on, but fish are just so different from us and so much more primitive that it just doesn’t bother me.
Googling problems certainly helps but you still need enough knowledge to define the problem, Google it, and implement the solution.
I get the impression that a lot of posted solutions are from people who actually spoke to high level tech support for various hardware/software because how else would they know things like what obscure registry key with a very arbitrary name to add?
That’s a big part people don’t understand is you need to know enough about your problem to google the correct terms and find what you need. Googling itself is a learned skill.
This is so true. That’s why there’s no shame in using Google or Duckduckgo or even Chatgpt. You have to know enough to phrase the right question, know how to filter the right answer, and then use it.
I can Google a Chinese dictionary, but that won’t make me fluent in Chinese.
I love that miniseries so much, I rewatch it like every few months. Watching all the total denial in the face of terrible facts and consequences is endlessly fascinating to me.
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