We got cans of beans and sausage in the army. The cans where from the back end of the food reserve so about 30 years old. We had been on manouver for about a month, it was -30C, we where on very little sleep and food was about the only thing that kept you going.
I still couldn’t eat those. Completely inedible. All the other cans were ok to eat. Some were even good at the time. Not the beans. I like beans, but that image gave me flashbacks. Vile stuff. Don’t post it again, please?
Ah yhea seeing these all over Toronto. I ain’t against it (though not for it either). But I do know that nearby OCAD is a supposedly very pro Marxist art school with the resources to mass produce flyers and stickers. So this is is probably just someone’s homework.
Southern US resident, and I’ve seen these all around around my college campus. Almost every one has been heavily vandalized, of course, but they’re there.
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