That’s how I like to see us too, but I’ve definitely met some Z hating millennials.
I met a fellow “old millennial” recently who said “we’re the last generation to be raised right”. I disagree, but hearing it from a guy my age really cemented me in old man status.
Then he told me he had 3 kids. Who’s responsible for raising that generation!? Lol.
Go onto TikTok or Reddit (verboten, I know). Gen Z is currently going wild on how cooked and ruined Alpha already are.
They also have very strong opinions on what good child rearing looks like despite making up a huge portion of the child free ideology.
I generally dislike broad generational… uh generalizations. However, trends are undeniable. And as Z ages they appear to be going through Boomerification. I think that’s why so many public freakouts on service workers happen with them. Millennials have the opposite reputation, of bending over backwards to be overly polite.
Edit: to say that I’ve never seen a generation publicly express nostalgia as hard and young as Z. My older Alpha kids are sort of up there with their friends, too, but Gen Z just seems like they are retreating into a false past which never really existed as they remember it because the world is so shit.
Besides the thing about talking about how children should be raised I completely disagree. I’ve never see anyone have nostalgia for anything besides music and fashion maybe since a massive amount of us are gay or trans so there’s no reason to want to go back to the past. And every gen x or millennial I know will gladly argue with cashiers for longer than any gen z since they’re still working as cashiers and were the generation that invented the concept of Karens and watch all the “customer gets owned” " I am the manager moments"
I mean I kinda get it. I’ve met a couple of gen Alpha kids that were raised as proper iPad kids, and they are just so developmentally fucked.
They had their pad in front of then literally 24/7 playing those wierd as fuck AI kids videos on youtube or scrolling through the most mind numbing youtube shirts and would barely react to anyone in real life to the point the mum had to send him a message on the iPad to get him to respond to anything.
Even my own nephew who was raised with strict screen time limits is kinda fucked up as well. Just not as severely.
I guess you can be an honorary Xer, but I was 14 when you were born, so it’s just a fact that a lot of what I and my fellow Xers have in common time-wise is going to be significantly different. Consider; you were 7-years-old when I was 21.
The more recent racism: “they gave us covid because of eating bats!” While they chew on some prion infested venison while insisting mad cow isn’t real.
Covid is real and dangerous when they feel like justifying their racism.
Yet Covid “is no big deal” or even “is not real” like you say, as they threw one lazy selfish tantrum after another, refusing to mask up, abusing essential workers.
I vote for him pissing his pants, slipping in a pool of his own piss, and then falling and smashing his head against that sink he was carrying in that picture back when he bought Twitter.
I love how the rhetoric is “dey turk our jerbs!” While lawmakers are lowering the work age requirements so that kids can be forced to fill those “jerbs”.
Also, throw massive temper tantrum about “crisis at the border,” but refuse to do anything about it. If anyone is wondering, the answer is no, the Republicans do not want to make a deal with Biden on border policy; it’s way too politically convenient for them to have it both ways.
They want to use it as a campaign talking point and as a political cudgel, while also refusing to do anything about it. Also they can’t give Biden anything that might look like a win, no matter how much the American people want it.
Unfortunately they have right wing media on their side so their constituents will never understand the two-faced game they’re playing.
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