But it’s not random. Not fair. Not balanced. Entire civilizations of gut bacteria wiped out! To them it was like he wiped out entire planets instead of life forms!
In my region of Brazil we have three flavors (!!!) of hot dog: beef (filled with meaty Bolognese), chicken (shredded chicken cooked in tomato sauce) and mixed (both; yes, BOTH!!).
Things Brazilians put in hotdogs:
Hot dogs. How many, you ask? Well, how many do you want?
There is no combination of ingredients a brazilian won’t dare mix.
Americans will be whining about pineapple on pizza while Brazil is adding banana, chocolate, ribs and potato chips to it.
I’m honestly all for it, i hate this dumbass stigma people have over changing “traditional recipies”. Fuck that, mix it up, throw shit at the all until it sticks, just make me something that tastes good.
if only free markets worked that way. Countries that make lots of would panic and try to horde what is left. You also have half the worker to raise the animals, crops, and everything else we need. Half the number of driver does not mean we need half the roads
If an angel appears before you in human form, they come bearing good news. If they appear before you in their true form, they come bearing responsibility.
In my experience, if they appear before you in human form, it will cost you a few hundo to fuck it. If they appear in the other form, then if you offer it some of whatever you just took, it will fuck you for free.
I grew up when people were getting worried about Led Zep and backward masking clearly indicating BS shit smoking pot. I’m glad these mental gymnastics are still strong - I’m slowly getting free of it all…
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