This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.
holycrap, 1 year ago in Super secret The pharmacy where I get my pets meds from uses my birthday with the cats name.
The pharmacy where I get my pets meds from uses my birthday with the cats name.
frippa, 1 year ago in It's for you! ChatGPT-4 is 100 times smarter than the average board-of-directors rich fuck.
ChatGPT-4 is 100 times smarter than the average board-of-directors rich fuck.
HappyFrog, 1 year ago Are you saying that the board, who has very little incentive to make openai profitable, is more greedy than Sam, who brought on Microsoft and made openai a paid product?
Are you saying that the board, who has very little incentive to make openai profitable, is more greedy than Sam, who brought on Microsoft and made openai a paid product?
XEAL, 1 year ago in It's for you! Wait wait wait I know they kicked Altman, but what else happened?
Wait wait wait
I know they kicked Altman, but what else happened?
Prunebutt, 1 year ago Microsoft hired him and apparently that means they’re done? 🤷 Edit: why the downvotes?
Microsoft hired him and apparently that means they’re done? 🤷
Edit: why the downvotes?
fosforus, 1 year ago in Super secret What a bitch.
What a bitch.
Todesschnitzel, 1 year ago in Face when they didn't give you a lollipop Damn. Another example of a famous video game figure being ruined by drugs and repeated street fights.
Damn. Another example of a famous video game figure being ruined by drugs and repeated street fights.
JohnDClay, 1 year ago in It's for you! This shuffle will probably get rid of any non for profit roots open ai used to have.
This shuffle will probably get rid of any non for profit roots open ai used to have.
carbonprop, 1 year ago in Can anyone confirm? Canada…Maple syrup over a plate of SORRY!
Canada…Maple syrup over a plate of SORRY!
_dev_null, 1 year ago in Beans The most disturbing part is the hotdog’s urethra.
The most disturbing part is the hotdog’s urethra.
14AUDDIN, 1 year ago in It's breathtaking Kinda looks like a computer chip.
Kinda looks like a computer chip.
Assman, 1 year ago in Also testicles Huge dick AND balls? Most of us only have one or the other.
Huge dick AND balls? Most of us only have one or the other.
Swedneck, 1 year ago in Can anyone confirm? finland breakfast, blörö: 1 cup coffee, 1 shot vodka, 1 cigarette
finland breakfast, blörö: 1 cup coffee, 1 shot vodka, 1 cigarette
Toes, 1 year ago in Extreme sleepover Can Can
Can Can
sbv, 1 year ago in Make a saving roll... “did anyone bring a fire extinguisher?”
“did anyone bring a fire extinguisher?”
balderdash9, 1 year ago in Extreme sleepover Why does Terry Crews have Mexican gang tats lmao
Why does Terry Crews have Mexican gang tats lmao
Skelectus, 1 year ago in Yum No they don’t. Skeletons aren’t real.
No they don’t. Skeletons aren’t real.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.