Yeah people this dumb either think it’s a good thing and revel in it or are incapable of forming the thought/reaching the level of self-awareness that allows them to think “maybe I’m stupid.”
The federal minimum age overrides the state. Generally speaking, state laws can be stricter, but not more lenient than federal laws that cover the same subject.
There's no state that allows recreational purchase under 21. Vapes are considered a tobacco product regardless of nicotine content and also require you to be 21.
Satire? Maybe. Karma mining? Not on a platform like Lemmy. There’s no value to karma on Lemmy - no one wants to buy a Lemmy account with a bunch of Karma to start shilling from - the user base is still just too small to be worth it.
I wish this was the case but I’ve seen more than enough vehicles like this at home and down in the US in my travels into redneck areas. The vans are worse as they have more room for the errors. Usually there’s some Trump stuff too.
On local shared hiking trails they make dog owners scoop up after them with plastic bags so it can be flung into trees further down the trail, but with the horses they can just do their business where ever they want on trail. Some sections get pretty covered in it.
On the multi use trails we have locally there are people who ride horses, but I have never seen horse shit on the trail while biking. though I have seen the dog poop bags on the side of the trail. on the hiking trails I see dog poop bags everywhere, would be happy if they threw it into the woods (without the bags, because even if they are designed to breakdown, that only in specific industrial compost heaps)
What’s the point of bagging to carry it and then drop it. You already did the awful part of bending down, staring at and smelling the shit, feeling its warmth and consistency with your fingers…
I’ve had dog owners say they don’t want to carry the poop with them on the hike and they will grab it on the way out. Which at best is a 50/50 shot. I let them know of a product called a dumppouch when I see them do something like that. I carry one for garbage I find on trails as humans make a mess pretty much every where.
I wish this was the case at my local park. It is surrounded by horse stables and owners. There’s a lot of horse traffic being one of the local rural areas with horses. The local roads have flashing signs to warn of horses on the road and to slow down. There’s even a pub further up with a small paddock out front for owners to tie up their horses while they go in for a pint.
I would think just flicking the dog poop off the trail would be better for the environment than plastic bags left everywhere but in the times above when car first came around, our cites were covered in horsesh!t and in some cases bloated horse carcasses waiting to be disposed of. In many respects we’ve come a long ways since.
It depends on how much poop is in a specific area. There is a gradient. Like a little bit isn’t bad, but one you start getting piles it can be pretty bad for the area if they aren’t allowed to breakdown or aren’t removed.
There's a few reasons for that. One is obviously the having to get off the horse to deal with it but also dog poop smells way worse and doesn't degrade the same as horses does. It really doesn't take that long for horse poop to turn to pretty much dirt.
-someone who's shoveled or mowed over my fair share of both
it’s just big corporations fighting amongst themselves for available manpower and manlives. But still much better as the alternative, which is politicians fighting amongst themselves for manpower etc
It should be pointed out that the vast majority of the military are in support career fields, not combat units. Also, the GI Bill absolutely makes it worth it.
Generally speaking, a military career is the best means of advancement in social class for Americans. You’ll easily move up the middle class and likely upper middle class or upper class depending on time served.
Not everyone is willing to be a public servant. Of all the things from Starship Troopers, that is something I liked. I’m a fan of granting a free college education to public servants, military or govt employees after four years of service.
Citizenship isn’t a perk of military service in the United States, you don’t have to be a citizen to serve but you still earn the benefits.
Too bad the movie just glossed over the whole “Anyone can be a citizen, no matter who you are or what you can do physically” so they could make a satire on military fascism instead.
The conversation Rico has with the “anti-recruiter” is the only point you need to show how ridiculously out of context the movie was, it clearly demonstrates not just a lack of nationalism but its opposite. A concerted attempt by the state to stop getting people to sign up because they don’t have the resources or need for the amount of people that want to join.
It was a clear indication that Heinlein understood the dangers of the ever growing military industrial complex, and how a reliance on it economically will result in constant warfare to justify its existence.
No one cares though, they just quote propaganda that wasn’t even in the book (since it doesn’t fit with the book’s theme at all) and pretend that Heinlein was absolutely devoted to the ideas presented in the novel. The dude wrote about so many different kinds of societies that it’s almost impossible to define what his actual beliefs were.
Yeah less than ten percent is combat trained and tasked and only a tenth of them (so 1% of the total) are combat veterans.
Most of the people you’ve thanked for their service probably worked at a job that civilians do everyday like fixing things or doing paperwork. Just in a uniform.
My primary job was a logistics account, but that meant I had to inventory high value items at Forward Operating Bases in Iraq and Afghanistan and I drove in a few convoys, only once anything significant happened.
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