He posted on Twitter about his magnificent car collection, and Greta Thunberg posted back that he was a giant manchild [ or words to that effect] Offended, he got into a flame war. Meanwhile, there’s an NGO called GRETA, which works against trafficking. Someone tells Andy that he’s on GRETA’s radar. Incensed, he posts a video that gives clues to his location. The police use that video to find and arrest him.
If he’d acted like the powerful leader he aspires to be, he would have ignored the posts. Instead, he took the bait and got caught, just like a little fish
The reality is, the police knew he was in Romania, and they knew that he owns property in Romania. When you fly into a country, the government knows. He was already under investigation and the arrest just coincidentally synchronized with the pizzabox photo.
It’s one of the lessons he teaches his students/acolytes; the person who speaks less in a meeting is the one in control. Too bad he couldn’t learn his own lesson.
And families love the morning Woody. Why his arrival was the talk of the town! Heard all the people excitedly talking about taking their children to see Woody and take photos with Woody. Woody gets very excited by all the attention, and stays up right until Christmas!
People stuck in traffic for 2 hours everyday: “So much freedom!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against someone having nice things; but the fact that this guy made half of his identity having said things (and the other half being a sadistic, misogynistic monster) makes mocking him much funnier.
If anything, it is the bicycle. No taxes, no license, no expensive vendor-locked repairs, all features perpetually unlocked, basically all-terrain, runs on breakfast and determination.
So how is the expensive, needs specific maintenance at regularly scheduled intervals with specialised tools, and parts you can only get from one manufacturer financial freedom?
I agree, I commute by bike. But being able to buy a luxury car probably means you have a sizable disposable income and don’t have to worry about everyday expenses.
If that car was a old beat up converted out semi-liveable van then yes, actually. All an expensive luxury car is a symbol of is huge maintenance cost and a tiny dick
And why do you associate the car with freedom? Because marketing has made you associate cars with freedom. Its terrifying the amount of thoughts that are put in people’s head by advertising. Lots of those in marketing have psychology degrees.
I guess I wasn’t clear. A car in general is not freedom. But being able to afford a luxury vehicle like a Lamborghini probably means you have enough money to not worry about everyday expenses. That is something a lot of people want.
That video is dope. Dude hadn’t posted on YouTube in 2 years and then drops a 6 hour video on EVE Online. We almost lost him to that fuckin game, lmao.
He hadn’t posted because of how much work he and his team were putting into the EVE Online video. They wanted to do justice to the topic and I think they succeeded.
During that time he was still streaming on Twitch regularly so he didn’t just drop off the planet.
As someone that played that game from 2014 to 2021…
Don’t play that game…
My character turns 10 next year, and I’m planning on doing a charity livestream where I spend all of my money on shitty fleets, getting blown up a lot, and when the ISK runs out, biomassing the character.
I played with Goonswarm back during their rise to power in 2005-2010, probably the most interesting time period in the game.
I agree, avoid it like the plague and just read about it instead. The game itself is a boring grind and playing at the top level is basically a full time job.
Pretty funny that the currency is the same abbreviation as the currency of the country the devs are based in (Íslensk króna). I had no idea even though I walk past their headquarters every week.
This was low-key one of the most exciting moments when I actually visited Iceland. First thing we did was stop off at a cash machine and I was giggling like a child at the ISK. Also found a shop called Aurum (the name of the premium in-game currency) so clearly that’s an Icelandic word too although I could never figure out exactly what it means.
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