youngGoku, Technically a house can have arms… A Coat of Arms.
EmoDuck, Ffs it’s only a Coat if Arms if it’s from the arms region of France. Otherwise it’s just a sparkling jacket
Jumuta, (edited ) that’s just a coat, unless a coat can be an arm
ericisshort, It’s not “coat = arm,” it’s “coat OF arms,” and I could totally some psychopath making a coat out of other people’s arms.
pruwybn, (edited ) Me: Do you want to see my coat of arms?
My friend: Oh, you’re into heraldry?
Me, pulling a coat made out of human arms from my closet: What’s heraldry?
capt_wolf, Excuse me, what’s the “soup du jour?”
Viking_Hippie, Sorry, but the chef got more strict about not making too many of those. Our days are numbered now.
Twinkletoes, I’m sorry but I ordered soup du jour last time I was here and this isn’t it.
TheBlue22, Why are the stupidest jokes the funniest to me
I might have an issue
creditCrazy, So your telling me you made this soup inside Dave
WarmSoda, “He lives in that piece of paper!?”
Slovene, It’s a typo, was supposed to say homie.
Gemini24601, It was probably made by this: hell house
LemmyKnowsBest, If I saw that thing making soup for me, I’d run away.
Corigan, Think I saw this mini On critical role
Benign, Clearly a smart home
ivanafterall, Do you think people with arms never eat soup?
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