2097, obviously, cause 1817 there were no plastics* or refrigerators** or cameras cheap enough to take pictures of trivial shit*** and 1997 would be to obvious. Nah, its definitely not 1997
My mom didn’t defrost the freezer for ages. It’s finally dead, but it took 2 hours just for the doors to unfreeze from the rest so I could open them.
See for yourself: https://i.imgur.com/7BQ8S6I.jpg
So perhaps a similar issue.
It still technically works, it’s just that the door doesn’t close properly, making it kinda useless. It was only shut off due to high temp alarm, which I am surprised took so long to turn on as there was some gap in the doors all the time.
It’s probably still perfectly safe to eat. It likely just tastes like hot garbage. Frozen food doesn’t technically expire, it just slowly gets more and more freezer burnt that degrades the quality and taste. It remains perfectly safe to eat indefinitely, however.
I was thinking the same thing. It’s probably higher quality ingredients than today’s shit. I grew up in the 80s and I distinctly remember food tasting better back then. Even shitty TV dinners.
I don’t know if that affected Ireland, or whether Ireland was importing British beef, but I don’t think I’d eat that even if it smelled good, and I wouldn’t give it to my dog either
Ireland has had issues with BSE too, even recently.
In 2020, Irish beef destined for export to china was found to be infected, and it resulted in a 3 year ban on Irish beef imports. In 2023, another case was found, and exports have been stopped again.
There have been ~2000 cases since 2001. Way down from the 90s, but it still exists
I kind of want to see a charter plot of that scoring function projected onto a 3-axis manifold with a colored heat map. How would I minMax my anticipated score given my current age or projected lifespan?
From a reverse image search, looks like this was originally posted on Twitter by Orla Walsh, a dietician. Her education experience on her LinkedIn puts her at about 36 years old at the time the image was posted (July 2023). Since this is her mom’s fridge though, we estimate her age at 36+25=61. So, total score is 42.62.
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