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atzanteol, in Fedora, Arch, or EndeavourOS?

Just install one. Find out.


This. I shill fedora all day but really it comes down to preference


I would recommend trying it on a virtual machine, or even better a external ssd

atzanteol, (edited )

Just friggin’ install it. People spend so much time debating “which distro should I install”. Toss a dart at a board and pick one. Install it. Get your hands dirty and go. You’re not naming your first born you’re trying a new OS.

UNWILLING_PARTICIPANT, in Wine 9.0 is now available

Wine nine you say? 🧐

autokludge, avatar


butsbutts, in What are some interesting devices powered by Linux?

my sexbot

shadearg, avatar

“I fuck Arch, btw.”

swab148, avatar

Arch is the hot one, Debian is the girl next door, NixOS is the cute barista down the street.

Kali has three kids and smokes (but every once in a while…)

Urist, (edited ) in Fish rewrite-it-in Rust progress: 100% avatar

Seems one of the main reasons is to use Rust’s thread safety to enable “concurrent mode”. Anyone with the knowledge able to explain what advantages that would yield for an end fish user?


Here’s one issue they hope to solve with this rewrite:


End user shouldn’t care what PL the software is written in. Their advantages and disadvantages are meaningful for developers only.

Nyanix, avatar

While I agree, most people shouldn’t have to be concerned with it, you can’t deny the resource impacts of various languages, libraries and frameworks, like compare the memory usage of Discord or Teams with those of FOSS chat applications, and you’ll notice those two consistently eating much more memory. You can also compare compute speeds of a higher level language like Python vs lower level languages like Rust and you’ll find that Rust is quite a bit faster (though generally takes more dev time). So yes, users shouldn’t have to be concerned with involved languages, but if you’re running something on a low-resource device, such as a Raspberry Pi, those little details can make all the difference.


PL can have a large impact on features, bugs, bug reports, troubleshooting, performance and documentation. Particularly when dev resources are limited.

It’s hard to see how this opinion holds any water.

Rust is a great choice for a shell built as an interactive shell that doesn’t have to be core to the OS. Over C++ this also makes development more accessible to young programmers.

Strit, in What is the state of Multiseat in Linux today? avatar

While Linux TTY is multiseat by default, each TTY is a seperate user login, I’m not sure any of the GUI’s support this function.


You can run multiple X servers for a graphical multiseat setup. It’s a lot of work to set it up and most of the information about it is out of date though.

yianiris, in Wine 9.0 is now available avatar

There is nothing "worth" running in wine, but it is good to know it exists, just to spite those choosing binary blobs.



Dunno fam, I like LAN partying 2001 games with old friends during our biannual meetups.


How about this then. While your neighbors are using wine, it attracts more commercial attention to develop the open source projects that you do actually use. It’s so impactful that you measurably benefit directly from its contributions, like optimizations to the Linux kernel.

You don’t have to agree with it, but you cannot deny the increased investment in open source projects it causes.

For a painfully blatant example see: Steam Deck.

Also for the binary blob purists, how do you feel about all that closed source firmware underpinning your pure world? Isn’t it practically impossible to get completely open source firmware down to the silicon? And even then, do you trust the silicon? Are you running everything on FPGAs?

ipacialsection, (edited ) in Edit: Flatpak (possibly regression) issue caused by either xdg-desktop-portal-gtk and/or xdg-desktop-portal-gnome avatar

It still sounds to me like something’s up with the disk. Can’t think of any solutions to suggest but I would run a SMART health check on it:

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo apt install smartmontools  
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda

If you prefer a graphical tool, you can do the same thing with GNOME Disks, which also has options for disk benchmarking.

In the resulting report, the overall health state should be “PASSED”, the “Type” column should show “Pre-fail” and “Old age” values, and the “Media-Wearout-Indicator” should be close to 100. If the overall health state is “FAILED”, then you will want to back up your files immediately and consider getting a new SSD.

jackpot, avatar

ive tried that actuqllt, it said there was no dev/sda. it did aay there was a dev/nvme0. scanned it and it ‘passed’ but i can try again

ipacialsection, avatar

/dev/nvme0 is probably your SSD. But if it passed you probably have nothing to worry about

jackpot, (edited ) avatar

wait i think ive had a breakthrough, all system packages SEEM to run fine but all flatpak applications are effected. this seems to be flatpak related

jackpot, avatar

just tested it, vlc system package opens in .2 seconds but flatpak opens in 30 seconds.


Who’d have ever thought that having 47 copies of a library instead of using a shared library wouldn’t work out great. 🙄

jackpot, (edited ) avatar

i do it for the sandboxing and flatseal. any suggestions?


Not specifically. It’s probably actually a configuration problem though, for any other program I’d delete or default the settings. Not sure how to do that for flatpak itself as I won’t use it.

jackpot, avatar

why wont you use it


The only use case I can see with any validity is for the sandboxing features, and I have no need of that currently.


You mean 1 copy and 46 links.

Flatpak isn’t a disk hog and this urban legend is dumb.

db2, (edited )

You mean 1 copy and 46 links.

That’s a shared library with extra steps. It’s also loaded 47 times. Thanks for playing.

jackpot, avatar

this impacts file access speeds too, system package opens things in like .2 of a second but flaptak again takes like 30

ipacialsection, avatar

Definitely flatpak related then. Try running one of your flatpak apps from the terminal, and post the output here; might help pinpoint the issue. You can list the ones you have installed with flatpak list, then flatpak run <one of the listed apps, e.g. org.videolan.vlc>.

jackpot, avatar

it took 30 seconds but this got outputted and then the file ran: dave@dog: ~$ flatpak run org.x.Warpinator Gtx-Message: 14:29:03.389: Failed to load module “xapp-gtk3-module” Using landlock for incoming file isolation

ipacialsection, avatar

Looking online, there are some suggestions to either (re)install xapp:

sudo apt install --reinstall xapp

or a related library:

sudo apt install --reinstall gir1.2-xapp-1.0

However, usually I find that errors like this mean nothing, so I wouldn’t be surprised if these steps change nothing.

BlanK0, (edited ) in Fedora, Arch, or EndeavourOS?

Fedora is indeed a pretty solid option its very stable and you are still up to date when it comes to packages.

One distro that I personally use and I’m going to shill is void. Its bleeding edge but its surprisingly stable. If you don’t mind reading documentation and researching similarly to arch you shouldn’t have a problem (since you are accustomed to endeavourOS).


I absolutely love void. Second to that I would say endeavour, it’s just arch with zfs, a wm and an installer.

If you’re interested in learning more try , I use oddlama’s installer. With binary packages, distrobox and flatpak, the small amount of compile time is a much smaller issue.

Alternatively, if you’re thinking about Fedora maybe play with Silverblue, it forces you to learn a bit of containerisation which is handy


The oddlama installer looks interesting, I might personally check it out later 👍

moon, (edited ) in Wine 9.0 is now available

codeweavers the true gigachad of Linux

they managed to make their anti-microsoft crusade a sustainable and profitable venture


Heavy: killing you is full-time job now!


Them and also collabora seem to be doing an amazing job!

SheeEttin, in Linus Torvalds postpones Linux 6.8 merge window after being taken offline by storms

Does Linus still maintain that much control over it? I feel like I read something a few years ago about him starting to step back.


In a certain light, you could argue that Linus doesn’t really have any control at all. He doesn’t write any code for Linux (hasn’t in many years), doesn’t do any real planning or commanding or managing. “All” he does is coordinate merges and maintain his own personal git branch. (And he’s not alone in that: a lot of people maintain their own Linux branches). He has literally no formal authority at all in Linux development.

It just so happens that, by a very large margin, his own personal git branch is the most popular and trusted in the world. People trust his judgment for what goes in and doesn’t go in.

It’s not like Linux development is stopped because Linus goes offline (or goes on vacation or whatever). People keep writing code and discussing and testing and whatnot. It’s just that without Linus’s discerning eye casting judgment on their work, it doesn’t enter the mainstream.

Nothing will really get slowed down. Whether something officially gets labelled by Linus as “6.8” or “6.whatever” doesn’t really matter in the big picture of Linux development.


He does still own the trademark though.

KrapKake, in What are some interesting devices powered by Linux?

Really it’s the backbone of the modern tech world.


Yeah, it used to be just web servers in a data center. Bigger systems used mainframes. Consumer electronics used custom RTOSes or other custom boards. Now it’s everywhere. It’s used in the biggest systems, like the computers that power virtually every Google product, and the smallest systems. It’s almost not worth it not to use Linux when building a tiny device because it makes the dev cycle so much shorter.


Jesus I’ve been using Linux for years and your comment just made this really click for me. Do you think Linus is protected by governments and stuff? Like I know he didn’t make all of it, and there’s lots of forks, but he’s defacto in charge… That’s gotta be a lot of soft power

jackpot, in Linus Torvalds postpones Linux 6.8 merge window after being taken offline by storms avatar

bill gates controls the weather


It’s because of the COVID vaccine mind control chips he put in everyone. If he wants to cause a storm, he just makes the entire population of Norway start flapping their arms in unison, which causes atmospheric disruption that leads to storms.

jackpot, avatar

he makes them piss actually

pbjamm, avatar

Bill Gates is Pissmaster?

jackpot, avatar

like rock and mirty

pbjamm, avatar

Aww Geez

tgxn, avatar

He only controls the windows that keep it out!


Don’t be silly, that’s just ridiculous. He’s not that powerful. But he is on the secret syndicate boards with the people that do. 😳

vole, (edited ) in Wayland running GUI program as another user avatar

I got interested, so I spent some time looking into what’s going on here. I’m not intimately familiar with X11 or Wayland, but I figured out some stuff.

Why sudo ip netns exec protected sudo -u user -i doesn’t work for X11 apps

Short answer: file permissions and abstract unix sockets (which I didn’t know were a thing before now).

File permissions: when I start an X11 login session, the DISPLAY is :0 and /tmp/.X11-unix/ has only 1 file X0. This file has 777 access. When I start my wayland session with Xwayland, the DISPLAY is :1 and /tmp/.X11-unix/ has 2 files X0 (777) and X1 (755). I can’t figure out how to connect to display :0, so I guess I’m stuck with :1. When you change to a different (non-root) user, the user no longer has access to /tmp/.X11-unix/X1.

Abstract unix sockets: When I start my wayland/xwayland session, it creates abstract unix sockets with ids @/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 and @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1. See ss -lnp | grep Xwayland. The network namespace also sandboxes these abstract unix sockets. Compare socat ABSTRACT-CONNECT:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 STDIN and sudo ip netns exec private socat ABSTRACT-CONNECT:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 STDIN.

When you do sudo ip netns exec protected su - user, you loose access to both the filesystem unix socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X1 and the abstract unix socket @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1. You need access to one or the other for X11 applications to work.

I tried using socat to forward X1 such that it works in the network namespace… and it kinda works. sudo ip netns exec protected socat ABSTRACT-LISTEN:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1. It appears having ABSTRACT-LISTEN before UNIX-CONNECT is important, I guess it would be worth it to properly learn socat. With this sudo ip netns exec protected su - testuser -c ‘env DISPLAY=:1 xmessage hi’ works, but sudo ip netns exec protected su - testuser -c ‘env DISPLAY=:1 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb kcalc’ does not work. 😞

Changing the file permissions on /tmp/.X11-unix/X1 to give the user access seems to work better.

Wayland waypipe

Waypipe works as advertised. But it’s still a little bit tricky because you need to have two separate processes for the waypipe client and server, wait for the waypipe socket to be created, adjust file permissions for the waypipe socket file, and set (and probably mkdir) XDG_RUNTIME_DIR.

<span style="color:#323232;">waypipe -s /tmp/mywaypipe client &amp;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sleep 0.1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">chgrp shared-display /tmp/mywaypipe
</span><span style="color:#323232;">chmod g+w /tmp/mywaypipe
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo ip netns exec protected su - testuser -c 'mkdir -p -m 0700 /tmp/runtime-testuser &amp;&amp; env XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/runtime-testuser waypipe -s /tmp/mywaypipe server -- env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland kcalc'
</span><span style="color:#323232;">kill -SIGINT %1


into this script…/run-netns-user-wayland.bash


Sir, you’re awesome! Thank you a lot for taking your time and explaining what you have found I will try these steps when I have some free time to tinker, and the info and script you have provided has cleared a lot of questions that I had

MRLimcon, in Edit: Flatpak (possibly regression) issue caused by either xdg-desktop-portal-gtk and/or xdg-desktop-portal-gnome avatar

I had this problem with flatpaks, I changed the dbus implementation to dbus-broker (in endeavouros) and it fixed the issue. It may be the same problem.

jackpot, avatar

how do yoy do that

MRLimcon, avatar

I installed dbus-broker and the package manager checked the dependencies and removed the unnecessary stuff. After that I applied the dbus-broker services:

systemctl enable dbus-broker.service

sudo systemctl --global enable dbus-broker.service

And then restarted.

Idk if it might break things in mint, so I would be cautious.

jackpot, avatar

by any chance does this have to do with gtk3?

MRLimcon, (edited ) avatar

Yes, I remember reading about a gtk thing that interacts with flatpak, they said it should not give this error in April, but it seems to still be happening, idk.

Edit: I just saw that you deleted the gtk portal and it worked! So no need to install another dbus daemon.

smileyhead, in With Firefox on X11, any page can pastejack you anytime

JavaScript was a mistake.


Yes, pure html pages are so much better and nicer to use!

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