
You can “click” in GRUB?


They’re talking about the Debian installer.


you click the enter key…


Man, imagine using GRUB.


what do u use? genuinely asking. i use systemd-boot bc its default for my distro

Hexarei, avatar

I dunno about the guy you’re responding to, but I run rEFInd

JakoJakoJako13, avatar

Same but only because I dual boot Windows and was too lazy to setup grub or systemd-boot the day I installed Linux on my new setup.




Its poorly the defacto standard on most common distros


What’s the problem with GRUB and will it impact someone who sees the boot menu maybe three times a year at most?


Nothing is wrong with grub, I’m taking the piss by saying quippy things on a meme post.


Ah, gotcha. You weren’t the only one to say this, so I thought there might be something more to it.

HiddenLayer5, avatar

And then Windows overwrites your bootloader so it can only boot into Windows.


I need to overwrite windows because currently I’m just considering my laptop unusable until I bother to fix grub after that…

HiddenLayer5, avatar

Do it! Commence the sacrifice so that the great penguin in the sky may grant you its blessing!

Jaxseven, avatar

Oh my god, this truly was one of the biggest reasons I didn’t use Linux in college. After I built a rig with two SSDs, it felt so much easier to get into Linux.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

The only SUCCESSFUL AND RELIABLE way I found to prevent Windows 10 from doing this shit was to remove the HDD from my ThinkPad on which I have Linux, then install Windows on SSD, then put back Linux HDD, then in BIOS deprioritise booting SSD, so I can only manually select and boot SSD/Windows when I really want to use it.

This approach means there is only 1 existing OS on my machine – Linux (Debian) – unless I quick select different boot device. There is nothing that can defeat this approach, and is the best one.


There is one better way, telling your linux bootloader where the windows install is so you don’t have to go to bios when you want to boot windows

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

I keep no connection between Linux HDD and Windows SSD at all. I do not trust Windows.

downdaemon, avatar

people who insist on using windows should just run it in a VM, it has suprisingly low overhead these days, you can even game with it if you insist, but i’m hearing wine/proton is getting good enough that it doesn’t even matter

Jumuta, (edited )

windows’ ram overhead is insane though, it’s not like I can’t run it but I wouldn’t want to daily drive it

Vendetta9076, avatar

Youre entirely correct about proton unless your kid wants to play fortnite


Literally the only reason I haven’t switched to a Linux distro. I hate anti cheats so much.


To date I have not found any degree of enjoyment in any games with a windows only anti-cheat.

miss_brainfart, avatar

I was going to say Siege, but they removed the ability to play as a team of exclusively shield recruits, I’ve heard.


Siege is honestly awful these days (not complaining about the sci-fi ops, reality is lame as shit why not spruce it up a bit) but what they have done to the UI and the queues (bring unranked back please) is honestly unforgivable and makes the game hard to play. (It isn’t all bad, but more bad than good)


I’m unlucky, I play Fortnite with my cousin in friends.

moon_matter, avatar

You're still stuck when it comes to anti-cheat in multiplayer games. Some do allow it to work on Linux, but a significant number don't. Hopefully the tides slowly start to change thanks to the Steam Deck.


I mean I do that currently and it is okay, but file transfer is still not working. The rest is, and I think it even was pretty much ootb, but the SPICE drivers are a real hassle to get installed, while it could be a one click solution?

(This “insert spice CD” thing has no option to download the driver ISO, right?)

Also windows11 is a bit bloated. Bulk crap uninstaller and ChrisTituses Winutil really help making it less fancy but more performant, or just usable.

But yes, VM is way better than hardware. If your Laptop supports that.


There is an ISO somewhere, I always struggle to find it

After that you can just download from within the VM, mount from within windows and run the installer exe


Yup did that, but this needs to go automatically, like its their stuff why cant they download it themselves?


Who is they? There are many tools to run VMs on Linux not maintained by rhel


Idk the devs of virt-manager I guess. Not sure if its a RHEL project


I need the stability and reliability of it not running in a vm because it’s for schoolwork


I haven't booted Windows since February and at this point I'm afraid to.


Be afraid, be very afraid.


If you haven't used Windows in that long you might as well just get rid of it.


Unfortunately not possible for me. I daily Arch (btw) and hadn’t booted into Windows for months and months until my university professor came along and said “btw, we’re gonna build GUIs using Microsoft Foundation Classes in Visual Studio now, and yes, you have to use Visual Studio on Windows in the exam”. So nope, not uninstalling Windows.

Hexarei, avatar

Sounds like prime time for a virtual machine to me!


I was wondering if you can do BIOS updates through wine (because obviously they only are supplied as .exes) but it doesn’t sound like something I’d like to try …


Aren't BIOS updates usually done by putting the update file on a flash drive and installing it from the BIOS? I've never heard of updating BIOS from Windows with an executable.

RandomChain, avatar

Yeah, some vendors do this, I think the .exe basically unpacks the .bin file then calls some API or something to push it from Windows while it’s running. Probably done for the sake of more casual users who don’t know/want to mess with the actual BIOS UI.


Yesterday after a reboot windows added a fucking bing search bar in the middle of my desktop.

Hominine, avatar

systemd-boot for anyone that is tired of GRUB/Windows antics.


Yeah, I’ve been using systemd-boot for over 6 months, close to a year, and I’ve never had issues with Windows. And I’ve been dualbooting a lot. Multiple times, using different windows editions, like AtlasOS, or Windows after Winutil, and my sytem has never broken because of Windows and boatloader shenanigans. And to top it all off, in all of these instances, I had Windows installed AFTER Linux, and the only tbing I had to fix after install is to change the boot order so Systemd-boot takes priority.


How does it fix that?

Hominine, avatar

Truthfully, I don’t know what the secret sauce is. In my experience: system d boot is very simple and allows us to hook directly into the bootloader without any fuss. GRUB seems to be an operating system of its own and windows knows how to hook into it if you will.

cupcakezealot, avatar

this one i don’t understand im in windows insider beta so i get a lot of frequent updates but i never notice them because windows has gotten good at only doing them when im not on the computer. so ill wake up and they’re already completed

s38b35M5, avatar

Your experience is vastly different from mine.

My GF had a Windows laptop until this week and her last straw was three reboots in a row, each with over an hour of waiting for updates on shutdown and startup. She never asked for the updates, and wasn’t asked ifbahe wanted to perform them.

Now her password is required for any updates, and she controls her computer,as it should be.


Lol is your OS always on?


Unfortunately, windows likes to wake your computer from sleep to update and reboot without your permission. All unsaved work be damned.

blind3rdeye, (edited )

Too real. I booted up windows last week because I wanted to test something quickly before going to bed… starting it and testing my thing took about 5 mins; but then shutting down took more than half an hour.


Try ghost spectre. It’s a custom windows that rarely gets update. I didn’t has any problems even with cracked games. But then I left windows for Linux

dino, (edited )

custom windows that rarely gets update…

sounds like an amazing idea.


The crap people will do to avoid just using linux, eh?


I used it along Linux for gaming but now I’m gonnatruy to game on Linux

bruhduh, avatar

If you wanna flash Android phone, or resurrect usb flash, then you’ll NEED windows, I’ve been daily driving Linux for 8 years myself, but sadly, some specific software don’t work under wine and if you run it in virtual machine then you’ll never know what’ll happen, may as well brick device you’re flashing


flash android phone = putting another OS on it? I use grapheneos, installed from my linux tumbleweed.

bruhduh, (edited ) avatar

Nah man, lineage os on chinese unsupported phones, trying to give new life to abandoned hardware


Lineage is trash anyway:…Use browser translate


That does not sound like trash to me. I can see how those issues with Google connections are problematic for some users, but as the article acknowledges, lineage is primarily targeting people who want to update their old devices. Sounds like degoogling is best done with a different rom is all.


ADB and Fastboot both run natively on Linux. I don’t think I’ve needed other tools since the HP Touchpad days. And that didn’t come with Android in the first place.


you can flash phones through qemu

bruhduh, avatar

I tried install windows on qemu through gnome boxes, it didn’t go well, even though i used gui only options, no tinkering

corrupts_absolutely, (edited )

i am fortunate enough to not need a vm often, but the last time i had to use one, i just didnt bother with win11 and used a win 10 installer image. also i think the xiaomi tool didnt/doesnt work with usb 3.0 so i had to use usb 2.0 drivers in order to flash

bruhduh, (edited ) avatar

Yes, with Xiaomi there are also Linux terminal app and you can flash through adb/fastboot but i was talking about some obscure hardware like speedtrum cpus and others also obscure memory manufacturers when i ressurect usb flash drives or chinese ssd, i am using Xiaomi poco x3 pro 8/256 and Xiaomi redmi note 4 4/64 and alldocube iplay 30 pro 6/128 and ressurect second hand devices as hobby, when looking for rom reviews i check “channel48” this guy reviews new roms on old hardware

russjr08, avatar

What manufacturer? If it’s done through Fastboot then no, it’s available on Linux just fine.

But of course, not all manufacturers use Fastboot.


Simple fix here. Just get rid of your Windows partition.

nik282000, avatar

I did this on my new laptop. feels_good_man.png


Welcome and enjoy!


Just use Windows Update Blocker 🤷.


Nah. WuMgr is what you want.


Yeah… this doesn’t stop automatic updates… or at least it wasn’t mentioned in the description.


ChrisTitus Winutil setting updates to “security only” is a solution. This is dangerous, even more as Windows is a malware target

0x4E4F, (edited )

Did you have windows updates enabled by default (automatic) in versions prior to Win10?

And you get security only with LTSC. Plus, it has no apps, so it’s a double win.



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  • 0x4E4F, (edited )

    There is nothing better out there, trust me, I’ve searched. I would love to use something open source, but short of me writing it myself, there is no better solution at the moment… well, at least not for my needs.


    Just use some unknown program in binary form downloaded from random site that require adminstration access and God knows what it does, because Windows don’t have an option or config file to change simple thing👌.


    Have been using it for a while, does nothing malicios, plus I’ve done some RCE on it, as far as I’m aware, there is no malicious code in it.

    And I would love to know how I can stop automatic updates in Windows with a config file… cuz… you know, Windows never uses the registry for those kinds of things.


    As far as you are aware. Only author knows what code is in it.

    It’s basically like giving computer to a random guy on the street for a day as he promise to disable Windows update for you. Maybe he do it, maybe not, for you it worked, would it work for me? Will there be anything additional in the background running after, I don’t know.

    0x4E4F, (edited )

    That is true, yes, I do agree.

    But, on the other hand Windows is not open source as well and I have to use it for work or an oddball proogram here and there that just doesn’t run on Wine.

    Hell, people also use a lot of closed source code in their Linux installs as well. Let’s strat with drivers and firmware binary blobs, printer drivers (binary blobs as well, depends on manufacturer) and end with NLE software like DaVinci Resolve… we use binary blobs all the time, including our phones, and even though none of us asked for that, but instead was shoved down our throat in order to be able to live in a modern society, no one seems to complain about that… but, when a random stranger suggest using something, oh no, that thing most definitely is something malicious 😒.

    Run it in a sandbox for a while, see if it calls home. If it does try to call, block it with a firewall, is that so hard 😒… though I’ve never seen it even try to call home or do something malicious, and as I said, I’ve been using it for years. Also, people use a lot of their products, I have yet to see one complaint regarding any of their products doing something malcious.


    The thing that annoys me the most with this is powershell “modules.” Like the most recommended module to use powershell to update windows… just has a raw DLL in its repo

    The source code is just “run routines from this binary file, that you will never see the source code of”


    This module contain cmdlets to manage Windows Update Client.

    Sounds trustworthy to me.


    You can, in Windows, boot into a no network safe mode and set various registry and group policies to stop Windows updates.

    If you’re particularly frisky, there are alternatives to the WSUS, Windows Server Update Service you could deploy on your local network.

    It’s a lot of work, though.


    It’s a lot of work, though.

    Exactly. I have tried them all before and it is a lot of work and that’s why I opted for this one click solution. Sure, it’s not open source, but I’ve been using it for years, it’s never done something malicious. I’ve also done some RCE on it, and I came to the conclusion that this thing is most probably legit and has no malicious intents.


    I have a single windows 11 system while everything else is on some form of Linux distro.

    That windows system has never been connected to the internet, and it has been great without ever causing any of the typical update issues (although I update applications/components manually over an isolated NAS link).

    It’s sad to see that everyday users have gotten habituated to these constant workflow braking updates. No wonder many people I know are jumping to the Apple ecosystem after getting a taste with a M2.

    TheKingBee, (edited ) avatar

    It’s sad to see that everyday users have gotten habituated to these constant workflow braking updates.

    I’ve never understood this problem, people talk like it has a mind of it’s own and i just don’t get it.

    I’m running windows 11 pro and have never had updates interrupt my shit.

    Updates show up in my system tray, then it updates overnight when i sleep.

    TheGrandNagus, (edited )

    Most don’t leave their PC on overnight.

    I remember when I went on my lunch break and came back to see my PC part way through upgrading to Windows 10, which I never agreed to. So yeah, Windows update can definitely act bizarrely.


    I mean… having updates that suck is not a good solution but for sure do every update please.

    Its just excrutiatingly slow, like 5min one time where Fedora Kinoite is more stable, doesnt fuck up other partitions and goes in the background while using the system!

    Android (GrapheneOS) is even better with updates in the background and very low CPU usage, one reboot and you are there.

    Or just regular mutable Linux distros seperating packages that dont need a reboot from packages that do.


    wish you could install only security updates

    LUHG_HANI, avatar

    Long term service branch exists on 10.


    Only for Enterprise tho

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    You can delay all other updates with the group policy editor. You can disable preview builds and you and delay quality updates by 30 days and delay feature updates by 365 days. The bugs are always worked out by then.


    OR they could stop shipping broken updates for their $100 ad-infested operating system. Just a a thought.


    My tinfoil hat theory is that they ship broken updates on purpose to feign how fast and hard they work on fixing them. See, customers, we really care!


    thats good but Im also worried about the useless changes that they make… so after 365 days I would start getting constant useless updates anyways

    EmperorHenry, avatar

    Feature updates are necessary after a while. There’s SOME important stuff in there. And if you wait a whole year before installing the new one, all the bugs will be fixed by then


    For me it was the opposite. I had Ubuntu installed and wanted to do a upgrade to the next release, took around 2 hours “settings things up” where I just said fuck it and force closed it.


    My experience with big release distros was like that. I rarely had an upgrade complete without issue. Rolling release has been good to me so far. Granted, this was 10 years ago and things gave probably gotten better since.

    s38b35M5, avatar

    Which distro with rolling release do you prefer?


    I like EndeavourOS (Arch based) and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (or Gecko Linux). But if you prefer sticking with apt based distro Debian Sid is a rolling release.


    Check out Linux Mint Debian Edition, if it still exists. It was also rolling release.


    Fedora is cool, I also want to try SUSE and endeavor though so I can’t speak on those yet.


    Does fedora have a rolling version?

    ArcaneSlime, (edited )

    I think this counts but tbh I could be misunderstanding something.


    I forgot about rawhide. But it’s not really intended for the general public, similar to debian testing, isn’t it?


    I think so, but from what I hear it is pretty stable, enough to use. I’d keep backups of important files, but I do that anyway. I use the Branched release myself, but an aquaintance of mine uses rawhide.


    I used Manjaro in 2015 for about a year before switching to Arch and sticking with that for a long time. Recently I tried EndeavorOS for a few months, then I switched to Void just to try it.

    I can solidly recommend either Arch or Void.


    Never had an issue with Debian upgrades


    I have a laptop still with Windows 10. I got it from my late sister about 4 years ago, booted it up, went and installed Ubuntu (18.04 at the time), and never touched Windows again.

    I later read somewhere that W10 was forcibly upgrading itself to W11, so I’m afraid to even boot into it. Should probably take some time to copy everything important over and finally nuke it.

    For reference, I’ve been using Linux since around 2012.


    If it isn’t encrypted you should be able to mount the Windows partition from Ubuntu


    Oh, it isn’t encrypted. I’ve mounted the partition before. I just didn’t find the time (read: I was lazy :P).


    Haha, fair enough, I feel that. I’ve been procrastinating on my home lab maintenance.


    This little trick bypasses windows passwords btw, booted puppy on my disused win10 machine a while back and mounted my drive without needing my “unlock windows” pin. Used it to rescue files because that win10 install won’t pass that pin screen anymore, just input the pin and then black screen forever like it can’t load.


    It doesn’t forcibly update, but it asks in a fullscreen window that looks as if the update started. Just click no thanks/cancel and it will continue to show the desktop. The window returns sometimes, but not always.


    Good to know, thanks.

    Still, I won’t touch Windows if I can help it.

    Denvil, (edited )

    Bot spamming this link, does have gore, so click at your own risk

    MentalEdge, avatar

    offensive spam account, please ban forever

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