
XFCE 4 Life.

mlg, avatar

I have an unholy combination of XFCE and Compiz lol.


That was definitely the case for me. There were definitely other factors that shaped my decision, but the biggest “click” was finding my preferred DE. So long as I can go about my day-to-day computing, everything else is easier to figure out.

In my case, it’s GNOME with a couple extensions like Dash to Panel and ArcMenu. I know, some people would prefer not to use extensions, and yes, my system just looks like Windows now, but it works for me. :P


I really, really wish that the Tweaks and extensions I use were defaults. I always have to mess around for a bit to make Gnome the way I like it.
Almost makes me go KDE. KDE has a lot of defaults I prefer. That said, having to go find the K version of whatever distro makes me a crazy person too. sigh


Yeah, I get that, and honestly agree. I just like the rest of GNOME, so it’s worth it. Plus I’ve tried KDE before, and it could be a bit finicky. Like, all the options are there, but it weirdly takes longer to get it set up in a way I like, and sometimes I run into issues along the way. With GNOME, yeah, I have to add the extensions, but once they’re installed, it’s pretty much exactly what I want.

That said, I totally get why someone would love KDE, especially if they like the tinkering and getting things just right. I also check it out every now and then, so maybe one day it’ll grow on me. :)


i love K⭐D⭐E




Arguably you can’t beat Debian + KDE


Aktually, I prefer Arch + KDE. I say if you like your current desktop, then stay with it. I’ve hit the sweet spot with what I’ve got because I love the AUR, pacman, and paru.


Arch btw


I’ve used Arch before and I still keep an Arch distrobox container but my current usage requires stability.

seth, (edited )

What’s more stable than blindly typing

$ sudo pacman -Syu

? /s


Tbh i do this for over half a year now and only had 2 issues were I had to reinstall the kernel after an update via a chroot



Redjard, avatar

I feel you. I don’t agree but I feel you.
And I have installed hundreds of opensuse systems, many for new linux users.

But that was my choice as the sysadmin (well really one of my predecessors some decades ago). It isn’t as amazing for self-administering newbies.


Another very good option


i read that like it was in the history of the world video


It’s like learning how to interact with Lemmy, and then deciding which app you want to use to interact with it.


I remember doing that for reddit back in the day. I downloaded a bunch of apps, then picked the one I liked best. Good to see devs doing the same for Lemmy!

0x96EA, avatar

Voyager for the win!


There’s Two Main Choices:


  1. Pacman-based - Arch, Arco, Endeavour
  2. RPM-based - Fedora, SuSE
  3. Aptitude-based - Ubuntu, Debian

Choose Pacman for rolling release, bleeding edge. Pick aptitude for servers and pick RPM if you want something that ‘just works’.


  1. Full DE - Gnome, KDE
  2. Window Manager - Awesome, i3

High end machines with lots of fancy features and ease of use pick a full DE. WM is good for speed and low-end hardware but harder to use.

FalseDiamond, avatar

Disagree on picking RPM distros for an absolute beginner (this is what the image is about at least). SUSE maybe but you don’t want a newbie having to deal with US patent bullshit and especially SELinux. Similarly, no newbie will ever pic a barebones WM as a first time user.


It’s a very rough guide I threw together. There’s all sorts of wedge cases you could use to argue against it. E.g. you could use RPMs on slack Linux. Not exactly user friendly.

Bit on the whole fedora or Suse do the job.

Also desktops are better for newbies. I thought I’d mentioned that but yeah I agree deffo better for newbies while WM managers more for tinkerers/power users.


I started on CentOS and don’t remember any issues but that was a long time ago. I flirted with Suse, Ubuntu, and Arch when RH started being a super dick. I finally settled on Rocky, rpm is the devil I know.


I dunno, I picked RedHat 5.2 as a complete beginner along with fvwm95 and afterstep, and that worked out okay. Of course, that was 25 years ago.


25 years ago the viability of options were slightly more prescriptive


Same. I remember getting interested in Linux in like 1997 or so, and it seemed like RedHat was preferred for newbies.

Of course, what were the alternatives then? It was basically Slackware (or Suse), Debian, and RedHat (or Caldera). There was no RHEL or Canonical or SElinux back then. It was a different time.

Hell one of the language packs for installing RedHat was “Redneck”. It was a gimmick to demonstrate localization options.


I have used Fedora for nearly all the time I’ve daily driven Linux, and haven’t encountered any problem that a newbie would encounter and couldn’t overcome, excluding distro-agnostic stuff. Yeah, the h264 shit sucks, but if you use flatpaks you shouldn’t have to worry about it. And if you ever have to face SELinux, then you’re probably doing something that’s beyond beginner level.


So for gaming… Pacman? I thought mint and kubuntu use aptitude, and was under the impression those are two of the better gaming distros.

I hate windows, but am sick of trying Linux every 5-6 years and finding out that I cannot get half the games I play to work. Admittedly, with you guys I might not be going it alone this time…

menemen, (edited ) avatar

I’d say, just use Ubuntu if gaming is your main concern.

Imo the main problem for games are 1. hardware drivers (afaik only if you have brand new hardware), 2. game launchers (fuck those fucking game launchers, fuck; except steam) and 3. anti- cheat software.

Otherwise gaming is really good under Linux nowadays.

MonkeMischief, (edited )

The package manager is usually tied to the distro, but the point above is to let the package manager inform your distro choice.

You’ll notice a running theme in my lecture here is “choice.” You can switch Desktop Environment and other stuff on just about any distro and make it feel like yours. Switching package managers isn’t recommended though! 😅

So for instance, Arch (btw lol), or Manjaro, or Endeavour use Pacman.

I’ve switched to Endeavour recently which is essentially “User-friendly Arch-based” with an installer and stuff, and it’s absolutely lovely for games. My old 960M laptop runs plenty of stuff great. :D

On my main rig I’ve used OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for years, which is also a rolling release (constantly updated) distro that technically uses RPMs, but uses its own package manager called Zypper, which I find mostly user friendly. Packages are also a bit more thoroughly tested.

Both use KDE Plasma desktop environment and it’s gorgeous.

Alternatively, especially for laptops with hybrid Nvidia graphics, POP!_OS is alright if you’re okay with GNOME desktop environment. (You can always change, but it’s geared toward GNOME). It used Aptitude, and the updates trail behind a bit, but generally that’s supposed to make a more stable system.

(Note that when I say “lags behind”, latest security fixes tend to be backported, but you won’t see fancy new shiny features as fast.)

For gaming specifically though:

Win10 is gonna be my last Windows. 11 is invasive and opinionated, and 12 is gonna have a forced Ai fetish. Gross.

Good news: Steam games work wonderfully. Thanks to advances with Proton and all their support for the SteamDeck (which runs Linux btw!)

For other platforms, look into Heroic Launcher, which takes a lot of the headache out of managing stuff like GOG games. :)

With rolling releases you usually want to update cautiously and check news updates and stuff, because newer versions aren’t as thoroughly tested and some stuff might break…but you get new features faster so that’s fun.

That being said: If you’re willing to learn a little as you go, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is a big win in my book for getting the latest fun stuff while still being stable! It’s also thoroughly security-minded.

And by default, it includes “Snapper” set up for you, so you can just roll the system back to a working version in the rare case something goes wrong. You can install snapper on any distro, but it comes pre-configured and ready to go, as long as you use the default “BTRFS” file system.

I won’t get into filesystems because hoo boi…but TL;DR: BTRFS allows “snapshots” and rollbacks that don’t require literally doubling your disk space for rolling back, so it’s a great safety net.

That being said: ALWAYS have more than one backup, in multiple locations, of anything you find important!

Good luck and have fun. I will say, Endeavour, OpenSUSE, and Pop_OS all have great communities that are eager to help if you’re eager to learn! :)


Steam on linux has tons of games. But not all of them (Baulder’s Gate 3.)

CosmicCleric, avatar

Steam on linux has tons of games. But not all of them (Baulder’s Gate 3.)

I play Baldur’s Gate 3 on my Fedora KDE Linux system just fine.

captain_aggravated, avatar

Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu and its forks such as Mint) uses dpkg and APT (APT does all the communicating with repositories, dependency managment etc, dpkg actually installs and removes packages.) Aptitude is a TUI front-end for APT that gives you a menu-based system in the terminal. Synaptic (not to be confused with the trackpad driver) is a GUI front-end for APT.

I game on Linux Mint. Now it might be my tendency to play single player and/or cooperative multiplayer (think Stardew Valley or Unrailed!) games often made by smaller studios and indie developers as most of the AAA space has otherwise offended me, but…I don’t really have a problem. The vast majority of things just install and run from Steam.


Started using Debian because I only used it for servers to begin with. Learned APT and never dared to learn anything else. So now I just stick with any distro using APT and a DE I like.


Apt, not Aptitude. Aptitude is just one of many front ends for Apt. I usually go for Synaptic.

Encinos, (edited )

I’m a noob using the default Ubuntu DE for a few months now and I’ve gotten used to it, at this point I’m afraid to ask what are the other DEs and whether I should swap over


I particularly like Cinnamon, it’s very simple and nothing fancy (while still looking great and modern).

The other popular choices include:

  • Gnome
  • KDE (customizable to hell)
  • XFCE (very easy on resources, good for old hardware, or if you like simplistic DE)
  • LXDE (similar to XFCE in the resources department, but looks more modern, IMO)

There are others, but I can’t speak for them as I’ve never tried them. I can’t really describe modern Gnome as well, because the last version I used was 3 and it doesn’t look at all as the same DE, so someone else will have to provide that info.


I‘ve recently used lxqt in a project. Very cool and the successor of lxde afaik at least for lubuntu.


modern gnome is simpler to learn and more polished than basically all other DEs. i think its better for someone that wants something new and for people who just started using a computer, because of just how easy it is to use. its not good if youre switching from windows or mac and want something similar.


I tried it recently and it was confusing as hell.


first time i tried it, i felt it was easier than any other de ive tried, though different people of course wont have the same experience


Test them out on a virtual machine


You can use the list there to look up images or videos of the DEs

If you think you’d prefer one then you can try it but you aren’t likely to find an advantage over what you’re used to (there are some like old hardware wanting lighter weight) it’s mostly preference.

If you changed your Window Manager to i3 then you would probably hate it just for being so different

Linkerbaan, avatar

Don’t. It’s a trap. Most of them have compatibility issues with software. Stock Ubuntu is the benchmark for every piece of software these days. Deviating is fun until it isn’t.

Unless you want to go a non Debian based distro, always pick Ubuntu.


Compatible issues on desktop environment level? This is the first time I ever hear about that.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar

Tried switching to KDE Plasma and then OpenCV broke because of outdated QT version or some shit. Same with another distro. And I couldn’t install two versions at the same time.

It’s all fun until you get dependency conflicts.


Bro. I think you would benefit from sticking to Chrome OS.


That’s a great insult, I love it :D

Linkerbaan, avatar

Nice comeback when you get evidence of how a different DE breaks software compatibility.

It’s clear that this is a forum of people that only install Linux to open their terminal and type neofetch.

maryjayjay, (edited )

Ubuntu is shit. It used to only be shit under the hood if you were an enterprise sysadmin building your own packages and managing versioned repos for thousand machine fleets, but now it is shit from a user experience, too. Fuck snaps, fuck walled gardens, and fuck vendors attempting lock-in.

I hate everything but Matlock!


Stock Ubuntu is the benchmark […]

…for nothing this days. The only people using Ubuntu now are dinosaurs and system managers running cheap servers or locked into Canonical’s ecosystem, and the latter are using headless servers, remotely managed, not the DE. Variety is the spice of life. All mainstream DEs are perfectly serviceable, 100% compatible with everything and completely stable and reliable. FFS, Ubuntu’s snaps don’t even work well on their own DE. Stop fearmongering for Canonical, let people live life.

Linkerbaan, avatar

You do you. Just stop wasting other people’s time with this worthless false hope. What I’m saying here is what I would have liked people to tell me before I wasted my time troubleshooting issues caused by custom Desktop Environments. What’s next you’re going to tell me Wayland already runs without issues too?

The stock Ubuntu environment looks pretty decent to begin with.


Wow, you really are aggressive and hostile for no reason. You can use Ubuntu all you want. But don’t go around spreading lies just because you are too cognitively challenged to change your DE without breaking the OS. Most people are fine making a fresh install with the DE they want to try preinstalled and it works fine 100% out of the box. It’s trying to make two different DE live on the same system at the same time that is only partially supported and thoroughly discouraged by every single DE developer. Most of the time installing a new DE on a system and uninstalling the old one is a pretty straightforward, although dirty process. Guess who is particularly bad and incompatible with that process? Ubuntu. It has the worst support for alternative DEs, because Ubuntu is not the benchmark for squat shit anymore. Use a real end user distro, and you’ll be able to change DE to your heart’s content without issue.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Because advice like this is an enormous waste of time. Calling people dinosaurs for using Ubuntu instead of KDE is a pretty out there take. The only more modern option is arch based distros like Manjaro but since every programming tutorial assumes you have APT and are running Ubuntu I don’t see much of a reason to deviate from that.


it seems you should be using debian or distros based on it. ubuntu, as far as i know, uses apt as a mirror to snap, so as long as the tutorials youre following letter for letter arent too recent, you really should be using debian for actual apt packages, since ubuntu used those a couple of years ago.

you can also use fedora or arch, but it seems you dont want to check what package youre downloading at all, and just want to follow tutorials blindly.

Linkerbaan, avatar

People here are under the illusion that a DE changes nothing about the base OS. It seems like those people have never actually been using their OS.


the DE doesnt change anything in the base os unless you count its packages and rare incompatibilities as noticeable changes.

what it does change is the visual experience.

Linkerbaan, avatar

No it installs and uninstalls a ton of packages and often relies on specific versions of certain packages. This is like saying Ubuntu isn’t different from Debian.

Some DE’s even use Wayland which will break a ton of software such as OpenCV.


I’m only on Linux for a few months (as a daily driver, always used headless servers before that), and I’m almost certain that my Fedora install came with both KDE and Gnome in Wayland and X11 flavors pre-installed out of the box, and I could just choose between them at login screen. Or am I wrong, and I do I just not remmeber installing the other manually? I mean, that’s also possible, it’s been a while.


Noobs gonna noob


not really, compare installing something like Spotify on Ubuntu vs something Arch Based, something that allows you to access AUR packages with a few simple clicks.


I can’t imagine that there is any overlap between Linux users and Spotify users, considering what a shitty piece of software Spotify is. I think you must be the only one.


Statistically unlikely, mate


many people use linux because they dont like windows and still use proprietary software like spotify, discord and steam (mostly steam, just because of how good it is)

Evkob, avatar

Spot, a native Spotify client for the GNOME desktop

Spotify-qt, a Qt-based Spotify client

Both made possible by librespot. Not only do some Linux users use Spotify, some great open-source devs have worked to make clients for it. I honestly prefer Spotify-qt to the official one.


Believe it or not, there are people who use Linux who don’t shun everything mainstream.


the DE is more important. yes, arch has more options than ububtu, but as long as the new person chooses anything that allows using flatpaks (like mint and anything that isnt from canonical), theyll have an easier and better experience since they would already get the DE they want preinstalled and flatpak would help with any proprietary software they want that isnt on the main distro’s repos


Preinstalled DE, you mean like this?


idk i havent used endeavour yet


For windows users that go to Linux I always recommend KDE as it looks like windows and it’s easy for them to understand and use it!


Start recommending Cinnamon then, it’s the best DE when switching from Windows.


i concur


Whats better in cinnamon in your opinion?

rikudou, (edited )

It’s really similar to Windows in how you use it. Switching between Windows 11 and Cinnamon is as seamless as it can be.

There’s almost no configuration or anything necessary, you just install it and it’s great.


Got it. Thanks for elaborating.


It’s very simple and stable


I can see that. Thanks for explaining.


Yeah np. For example my dad got bogged down by all the options and features in KDE, but cinnamon was great cause it just launches apps and shows the time lol


Got it! I tend to forget that not everyone can deal with tons of options. I am this person in certain config files like synapse and telegraf. The config files are just impossibly long and getting an overview of them is impossible in my mind.


cinnamon is lighter and simpler and looks more like the best version of windows (7)


Okay. I can see that. Thanks for elaborating.

lolcatnip, (edited )

I can’t see how looking like a 14 year old version of Windows (as opposed to a newer version) is an advantage for people coming from Windows.


windows 7 was simpler and lighter, and as far as i know, everyone i know prefers it over 10 or 11

7 just worked better, had a lot less bloat, so people who liked it will be happy and nostalgic when they see something theyre used to


The most important thing for most new Linux users would be a pathway to getting support. Because of this the distro you use matters much more than the DE because each of the major distro’s have different pipelines that the funnel users in to getting support. The package manager lock in is distro dependent and depending on the philosophy that they subscribe to can be the difference between how many steps a new user has to take to get a working system up and running. Thankfully, with the rise of flatpak, appimage and snap being more popular than ever package availability is much more streamlined but that is another layer on top of an already overwhelming package system for new users. The defaults for all of this depends on your distro which can be different. Heck we haven’t even gotten to support cycles which depending on user needs can be different. Because not every user has or wants what comes with for example maintaining an rolling release distribution. Did they setup their system to have snapshots so they can roll everything back when the new kernel update breaks something system critical and they have a presentation at 2:00? None of these things are really DE dependent but are baked in to the defaults you subscribe to when you choose a disto. The good part is that if you don’t like how something is configured you can change everything easily depending on how well documented it is. This is why it’s more important to choose a distro with good documentation or at least a active enough community so when you run into hangups you can get some sort of resolution.


I switched to Arch[-based distros] when I realized I had been getting 90% of my support from the Arch wiki for years

CosmicCleric, avatar

Loved your comment, but please, next time use some paragraphs. It was a hard read.


Great take. But you know the real sneaky one that trips you up? File system.

I wouldn’t call myself a beginner, but every time I install a Linux system seriously I see those filesystem choices and have to dig through volumes of turbo-nerd debates on super fine intricacies between them, usually debating their merits in super high-risk critical contexts.

I still don’t come away with knowing which one will be best for me long-term in a practical sense.

As well as tons of “It ruined my whole system” or “Wrote my SSD to death” FUD that is usually outdated but nevertheless persists.

Honestly nowadays I just happily throw BTRFS on there because it’s included on the install and allows snapshots and rollbacks. EZPZ.

For everything else, EXT4, and for OS-shared storage, NTFS.

But it took AGES to arrive to this conclusion. Beginners will have their heads spun at this choice, guaranteed. It’s frustrating.


Makes sense to go simplest as possible on a home pc and even home sever. More important with raid and production capacity planning or enterprise stuff.


I did NTFS because both windows and Linux can read it. Do I know literally any other fact about formatting systems? Nope. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to, I’m normie-adjacent. I just want my system to work so I can use the internet, play games, and do word processing.


If I read lsblk correctly, I am using ext4 for my whole drive. I have used linux for some years now, but I never bothered to learn more than “next next next done” when installing my OS.

Does BTRFS popOS allow BTRFS? Should I bother for a daily driver?

linearchaos, avatar

Unraid turned me on to BTRFS, but in the end, you have to want to use the features to make it matter.


Lending my voice to this as well for most, my thought is EXT4, without LVM, deferring to the preferred FS for the distro. It is a mature, stable, and reliable choice and logical volumes complicate things too much for beginners.

If dual-booting, yeah, definitely an NTFS partition for shared storage (just be aware that Windows can be weird with file permissions and ownership).


Ext4 is the safe bet for a beginner. The real question is with or without LVM. Generally I would say with but that abstraction layer between the filesystem and disk can really be confusing if you’ve never dealt with it before. A total beginner should probably go ext4 without LVM and then play around in a VM with the various options to become informed enough to do something less vanilla.


This would absolutely be my thinking too. When I was still newish to linux, I remember lots of confusion with LVM and trying to reformat drives.

TCB13, avatar

I agree with that take until…

The “what you go for it’s entirely your choice” mantra when it comes to DE is total BS. What happens is that you’ll find out while you can use any DE in fact GNOME will provide a better experience because most applications on Linux are design / depend on its components. Using KDE/XFCE is fun until you run into some GTK/libadwaita application and small issues start to pop here and there, windows that don’t pick on your theme or you just created a frankenstein of a system composed by KDE + a bunch of GTK components;


most applications on Linux are design / depend on [GNOME’s] components

[[citation needed]]


Not my experience at all. I’ve mostly used KDE, and when I need to use a Gnome/GTK app, it’s just not an issue.


I don’t like Gnome so I use KDE. also haven’t had any issues.


Just installed Mint to try it out because it looks similar to Windows. Don’t judge me.


Installed it on a thin client instead of win10 iot for the same reason, basic functionality all there, being used as a media streaming browser machine, no regrets.

Had previous experience with fedora and others many years prior, definitely can tell how far it all progressed since

Octopus1348, avatar

I installed Mint for the sake of trying it and I quite liked Cinnamon, but after that I did some distro and desktop hopping, I will not go back until it has proper Wayland support.

Interstellar_1, avatar

It has proper Wayland support.

Octopus1348, avatar

Cinnamon? If you’ve seen the news that it’s getting Wayland support, it doesn’t mean it has now or anywhere in the near future.


I’ve been using Linux in different capacities since the late 90s. I use Mint with Cinnamon because it’s stable, does all I need and I don’t need to fuss with it. You’re more than fine.


MintOS is fresh and full of life. It’s the freshmaker!

Linkerbaan, avatar

New Linux Users don’t even know the difference.

hellfire103, avatar

Ha! Yeah, I remember that phase. I was planning to install LXDE as my first distro, simply because I thought the wallpaper looked cool.


Yeah hi that’s me - I just use pop_os and everything works so I just roll with it


PopOS is great! I have used a few other (but never strayed far from APT), and I also did some light reading when doing my final decision . PopOS was the best fit for and easy-to-use OS without Snaps. Linux is great and all with how much control you have, but I want as little maintenance as possible for my daily driver.


Yeah that’s all I need - I’m super into everyone else hyper customizing what they use, I love seeing everything that can be done, but I just need something that works and pop_os is it, and as I’ve said before, my games run better on pip_os than they ever did on win 10/11

Mikina, (edited )

I agree - was switching to Fedora about month and a half ago, and only learned about KDE vs Gnome like a week ago, when I was reinstaling to Nobara to fix some NVIDIA issues.

I did hear terms like KDE or Gnome thrown around, but never really realized that it’s actually and important choice. And once you add X11 vs Wayland to the mix, it’s suddenly so confusing I just subconsciously choose to ignore that choice and went with whatever the OS installed for me. I though that DE chouse is similar to X11 vs Wayland choice, i.e something tha is more about back-end than front-end, and didn’t realize that’s literally how your OS UI looks and controls, instead of how it works in the background (which I now know is what X11 vs Wayland is actually about)

Turned out I really don’t like Gnome (Which was default for Fedora), but love KDE, which was thankfully a default for Nobara.

So, if you’re ever recommending Linux to someone, be it in a comment or somwhere else, or someone is asking for a recommended distro, please include a short paragraph about the importance of choosing the correct DE, and explanation of what it is and that you can change it!


Cinnamon is epic dekstop environment

Bruncvik, avatar

Agreed. I used to be the tech support for my family members. Everyone I switched to Mint Cinnamon stopped calling me. (That’s also when I realised my relatives never call me to share good news or to ask about me.)


Start installing malware on their machines that reminds them to call every once in a while.


Perfect gateway for Windows migrants. This and Mint are excellent starter distros.

I mean you don’t ever have to switch but many people do, if only to explore their options


The important thing is the package manager really. Then you can install and uninstall whatever DE you want


Actively choosing a package manager is way beyond a Linux beginners capabilities IMHO.

Neil, avatar

I agree with this, which is kinda why distro is more important than DE at the end of the day.

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