The bottom one is the person who is sharing a meme, I think? I don’t understand the idea of reading their commentary before looking at the image. I know what you are talking about, but I think that’s more when it is replies, isn’t it?
This is why I never bought the “Joe has dementia!” line, it just feels empty when Trump always does crazy shit that makes no sense, and Biden’s just… well… a boring politician
Sadly this, I’d have been surprised if he showed even a slight disappointment with Israel… Sides Trump LITERALLY put the US Embassy in Jerusalem and announced it was Israel’s.
Literally eating ass for 14 years, never got an itchy butt. If someone has them, they would know and maybe not even want to have genital sex. The best sex happens with people you can trust.
Munching ass, no genitals involved. There are more examples, hopefully you can use your imagination so we don’t have to list them. A web search might also prove fruitful .
The man On the left is justifiably disturbed knowing what he’s about to run over. The man on the right is psychotically excited to see someone was tied to the rails that they almost ran over.
The guy on the left is sad because they missed the guy on the tracks, and the guy on the right is happy because he can see a train coming from the other direction.
Owner Class: “Watch out! That White Tree is trying to steal your nutrients.”
Mushroom: “…”
Mushroom: (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
White Tree: “Whoa hang on there, fun guy. I’m not trying to steal your nutrients. I worked hard for these, I deserve my share.”
Mushroom: “Let’s fight, bitch!”
White Tree: “Them’s fighting words! You’re on!”
Scuffle Intensifies
Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: “Good. Good! Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.” Sticks a straw in the nutrients and starts sucking all of it.
Owner Class: “Hey everybody. We’ve had an excellent season this year, so we wanted to pay our success forward. Hold out your hands, we’re gonna share our harvest!”
Mushroom and White Trees hold out their “hands”.
Owner Class trickles a pittance of nutrients on Mushroom only.
White Trees: “… Wait, what?! How come Mushroom got this?”
Mushroom: “Yeah that’s weird. Let’s go ask Owner Class what happened!”
Owner Class: “WTF? That’s so weird! Hey, Mushroom! What happened here? Why did you get some nutrients and White Trees didn’t get any?!”
Mushroom: “Hey, I deserve this! I worked so hard this season, I have to eat, too!”
White Trees: “Give us some!”
Mushroom: “Make me!”
Scuffle Intensifies
Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: Laughs in Reaganomics
Sticks more straws into the nutrients and starts sucking.
If you really want to be pedantic… that’s not even the Microsoft logo to begin with. Microsoft didn’t use the Windows logo for their own company logo, at least during that time period.
Sorry, I think the last Windows I had installed anywhere was XP. I was like “which windows logo is that? should I look it up?” but then I was like “nah, fuck it”.
They used to go for the Distort tool. Then, the Skew tool was all the rage. And now, they realized that Photoshop subscriptions are a ripoff and stopped using it altogether.
“It’s a single pane window. A single pane of glass. It symbolizes the synergy between man and machine. Window 12 offers an enhanced user experience with greater simplicity and clarity. Also, we’ve revamped our mobile and iOT OS lines which we’re calling ‘Porthole 12’ and ‘Peephole 12’ respectively.” -Microsoft, Probably
Microsoft doesn’t give things new names. It reuses the same name for a vastly different product to keep everyone confused. Outlook. Outlook (the hosted email service). Outlook express. Skype. Skype for business. Teams. Teams professional. Etc etc.
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