I don’t understand this. I’m 32, I’ve been working labour intensive construction jobs since I was 18, and before that I played football, rugby and hockey pretty much year round. I’ve been pretty tough on my body pretty much my whole life.
99% of days I wake up feeling completely fine. Some times I’ll have a sore back or neck or something, generally from lifting heavy shit or just overworking. Then a few days of recovery, I feel fine. All these memes I see of 30 year olds acting like they are 75 are just so stupid.
I actually started going to the gym a few weeks ago not having done proper physical exercise in the last 13 years. A large portion of the random pains and cartilage grinding are just straight up gone already.
That’s because you’re active. Being a couch potato is one of the most damaging things you can do to your body. An object at rest stays at rest… forever.
Here’s something I’ve been wondering: in Aliens, weren’t the Marines joking about the possibility of the creature on LV-426 being just a xenomorph? This suggested it was a kind of creature they’d encountered before, and wasn’t a major threat.
How did the Aliens come to be known as xenomorphs?
The simplest answer is that I’m remembering things wrong. If not, though, wtf?
I took that as they have encountered other species before, just nothing like the creature from the Alien franchise. The term xenomorph is just used to describe any creature not found on Earth, aka aliens.
This is backed by an earlier comment made during Ripley’s hearing with the company:
Insurance attorney: Are there any species like this hostile organism on LV-426? ECA representative: No, it’s a rock. No indigenous life.
Which would indicate they have encountered other aliens, just not this Alien.
The creature was named both Alien and Xenomorph because that’s what it is, but came to define the names and took “ownership” of the names, if you will.
Alien is a stupid name for an alien when you stop to think about it. Just like with the creature in Frankenstein, people are going to grab at any alternate name presented, cos it’s just too awkward to talk about otherwise.
It’s funny because I wasn’t even using a 3rd party app so this didn’t really affect me but it was better to leave reddit then instead of waiting for something that will affect me. That and I love open source.
Do you think your body hurts now? What are ya’ll going to be like when you hit your 60’s and are truly broken by old age and poor choices? Those doctors ain’t handing out opioids like candy anymore, (and as a retired medic in my 60’s, I’m very happy about that).
Old age ain’t for sissy’s, so enjoy how little misery and pain you have now. Because it won’t get any better…
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