I used to live getting high and watching ancient aliens. Those motherfuckers were so earnestly stupid, I found it really entertaining. That was 15 years ago, so the show probably got much worse as time went on, given the limited nature of the subject.
Dude you have to exercise and stretch. I actually went to a “movement specialist” personal trainer for a couple of sessions and that helped a lot. My near constant back pain is non-existent now.
Good suggestions, the key is to break a sweat as many days as you can, consistently and sustainably.
Another option is taking tai chi, yoga, or shotokan with a good instructor; good instructors can be hard to find though.
All three of those have really helped me at different times, particularly with posture and movement (tai chi the most, but it takes the longest to actually be able to do it).
Never done Pilates but I’ve heard very positive things about it.
Yes, Pilates is great! Still need to find a new course for after work (old one is not campatible with my work hours anymore), but at least 34 km on 3 to 4 days by bike is my current workout. Don’t do home office unless you use the time saved for something like Pilates, jogging or other recommandations from above.
Personally, there are some smaller communities that exist on Reddit that just don’t exist on Lemmy, or have inactive communities. The other option for some of those communities is Twitter, so I’d much rather just check Reddit. I also don’t expect my local towns subreddit to move to Lemmy from Reddit. I think it’s less about returning to Reddit and more so wanting to participate in small communities that exist in Reddit.
…that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokemon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that’s not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won’t mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression ever again.
I was a bit before that, my group of friends liberally shared 5 1/4" floppies with C64 games on them. I also remember a demo being passed around where someone (not one of my friends) managed to encode about 10 scratchy seconds of “Why can’t this be love?” by Van Halen onto a 360K floppy disk and it was amazing at the time.
Oh I remember bringing not one, not two but three pirated 5.25" disks home from the only other C64 person in the village! 3km in the cold on my crappy bicycle.
Coming home the cold had made them all making read errors aaargh but then they thawed up and all worked perfectly well, I remember one was a sort of platformer where you had to walk on the different ingredients of burgers to make them fall down an well … make burgers.
I’m making sure to take the time to really enjoy when my body doesn’t hurt because I know there’ll be a time in my life when that’s not the case anymore. I’ve always dealt with pain, but I know my shit’s been amateur hour.
My wife has crippling Endometriosis so I’ve always been the one that’s not hurting, but I feel like a whiney little bitch when I am in pain just because she’s living with lifelong pain.
Her loss is my gain though, she gets the strong pain killers, so if I have half her dose I’m getting twice the over the counter dose.
That’s how it works in most abusive relationships. The perpetrator behaves terribly and then is forgiven. Like the tide coming in each time the abuse is worse, more damaging or in this case more demeaning, but the cost of exiting the relationship is too high because it means to become alone and people hate loneliness more than being shit upon so they complain and stay and hope that this time it will be better even though if they think about it they know it won’t be.
Dubai Porta Potty is a slang term for a woman who purportedly allows Dubai billionaires to defecate into her mouth for large sums of money. In late April 2022, an NSFW and NSFL video of a man defecating into a woman’s mouth began trending on TikTok and Twitter, generating discussions, memes and reaction videos referencing the viral video. According to the rumored backstory, the clip depicts a billionaire committing the act on a prostitute. Discussion of the video was shared under the hashtag #DubaiPortaPotty.
Rumors of models agreeing to perform deeply scatological and fetishistic sex acts in exchange for large sums of money have appeared online since roughly 2015. Mentions of “Dubai Porta Potty” have appeared as early as December 29th, 2015, on 4chan.[2] The blog “TagTheSponsor” operated from 2015 to 2019, and the runner would pretend to be a Dubai billionaire offering women money in exchange for sex, sometimes including scatological sex acts, and post the conversations.[3] On April 24th, 2019, Redditor Dhall15 posted a Starter Pack meme about women returning from Dubai smelling poorly (shown below).
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