I'm a fraud/was making a joke. I love kissing. I'd love to be a part of one someday... But I'm glad this thread has provided vindication for your hatred of it.
In my head the xenomorphs can also spit some kind of sticky liquid and they use it to attach stuff. Either that or like some insects or similar there are micro stuff on the surface that works.like Velcro and stuff gets attached to it/trapped.
To be fair, I just tried to get back into duolingo a few days ago and it is straight up bonkers trash now.
I learned many languages on it and I am incredibly disappointed that after I took a few years off traveling and came back, it is basically unusable at this point.
The woman in the meme is supposed to say something unreasonable, and that makes sense because she’s clearly emotional and angry. Her correctly solving the puzzle doesn’t align with her picture.
Then we’ve replaced the cat with Skeltor… for what? I guess him being wrong makes more sense than the cat because the cat is usually correct, or just minding their own business, but why not use the meme with the monkey looking sideways? Or why don’t we use the Winnie the Pooh meme?
It just seems like someone slapped together three images they saw on Reddit without really trying to make sense. And for some reason people up vote this. Idk.
Maybe to you. If this is the kind of content that you like and gets upvotes in this community then y’all have fun with it; it’s not harming anyone. I just commented after seeing it on All because I only just noticed the trend of memes being used differently than they used to be.
Social media companies have worked so hard to become walled gardens and have vastly succeeded. Someone naive is like “hey check out this meme” and it’s a facebook, or instagram, or toktik, or twixxxer link that requires a profile before you can can see the content so they can start to demographically align you toward the bulk data they want to advertise toward.
I deleted pretty much all social media years ago, but I stuck it out with Reddit until they fucked over third party app devs. It’s wild to this day how much of my family is surprised that I don’t have a Facebook account
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