Y’know, you would think their obsession with ‘the good old days’ and “conserve” being in the basis of their namesaks, that their ideology would extend to the environment.
Nawp. Drill baby drill.
I guess by the “good old days” are pretty much the 1910s where we did know much about ecology or conservation.
Jokes on you, I saw a video of a lass saving a half empty glass bottle of chocolate milk up her fanny last night. Sure, it was only the neck, and it was for like barely any time at all, but still.
I don’t know how my instance is gonna be about me linking directly to pornhub, but, and I can’t stress this enough. If you are under 18, do not search for this. But. If you want to find it yourself
spoilerShe’s called area51freak, and the first half of ot is called fucking a bottle of chocolate milk.
Do not question how I found it, I just randomly stumbled across it whilst bored.
The Second one is one man one jar. I’m just gonna avoid linking that. Oh, actually, I saw an interview with that guy somewhere, but he was just like "yeah, I fuck glass bottles. They’re better than plastic. The incident in one man one jar was a complete accident, it was really interesting.
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