I just bought a new set. We used to have a vertical stacked set but only the bottom washer was unrepairable. We had to rearrange a lot of stuff in our laundry room to get a side by side set in there but we found one that worked nicely. WAY bigger capacity than our last units and only $50 more than the cheapest set available. And yeah, it’s not smart. No Internet.
I’ve seen you a bit on a few of these posts, always defending these companies’ behavior. I tend to disagree with your stance. While I do understand that the infrastructure behind the sites I use is not free (trust me, I run some sites myself and my pitiful little things are expensive), I also do not think punishing users for adblock is justified. Neither is scraping as much data as can be gathered for further sale. Advertising can be very intrusive anymore and data collection from sites is no different. It’s not that the sites want to make money; it’s their insistence that the user is the product. Just pay walling the service would be much less scummy and unjustifiable than this nonsense.
Hey wait a minute where is the sea of righties that converge en masse every time a meme posts, bitching about all the political memes being posted, demanding political memes be banned and those meme creators start their own community?
Could it possibly be that those people are being disingenuous and are totally cool with political memes so long as they agree, and only want to ban the politics they don’t like?
Fuck that. Any military defending this country is gonna be serving the side I’m not on. More than happy to let someone else take it and try to run this shithole.
It’s only a problem if you identify with America and its mental culture. Which country doesn’t have some unsavoury aspect, past or present? Americans have an incredibly fragile and insecure self conception.
So fucking annoyed at the taskbar overflow shit in Windows now. I don’t want it hiding any of my system tray icons…I want to see what’s running and I don’t care how it looks. Every time certain apps update themselves, I have to go in again and select that particular app to hide itself with no way to tell Windows to just stop trying to hide system tray icons altogether. I’ve told it to hide Discord and the Xbox app probably 20 times each now and it conveniently forgets my decision every app update.
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