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misterdoctor, in Waaaaah shrimp fried rice has always been celebrated for its excellence

So good I literally just sent this to everyone I know (just my wife)

Track_Shovel, avatar

guess what you’re having for supper tonight…

TryingToEscapeTarkov, in The size of a what

Bould of them to assume they know sizes.

TheGiantKorean, in But cat domesticated us avatar

This could have gone a much different direction if they hadn’t of petted it in exactly the right spot.

JoeBigelow, avatar

“It shredded my whole arm!”

“And I love him, who’s a good kitty?”

cows_are_underrated, in Accurate.

I personally don’t like this “one site bad” thing(in this conflict at least). Of course, in terms of killed persons Israel is the bad guy, but also the things the Hamas did are pretty fucked up. I personally came to the conclusion that both sides are bad, Israel is allowed to defense itself against this brutality but shouldn’t take the opportunity to absolutely fuck Palestine again(what it sadly does). I’m not for Israel or Palestine. I’m for the civilists and human rights.

WuTang, avatar

I personally don’t like this “one site bad” thing(in this conflict at least). Of course, in terms of killed persons Israel is the bad guy

In terms of killing children, women AND in the most cowardly manner, there’s no good manner but they succeed to go beyond that.


You have to look at it in terms of power dynamics though. Israel is a uS backed settler colonial apartheid regime that propped up Hamas because they would rather face Islamic fundamentalists then socialist opposition. They’re either directly or indirectly responsible for all of the violence.

Only one side could hypothetically end the violence tomorrow.

OniiFam, avatar

Can they? If Hamas still refuses to release their hostages. Like Jesus how the hell are you people saying that when they have hostages???


Hamas having hostages isn’t stopping Israel bombing hospitals and cutting off food, water, and electricity to the region. If it doesn’t stop them from escalating violence why do you think it is preventing them from making concessions and ending the violence?

OniiFam, avatar

Which hospital have they bombed since the hostages were taken exactly?


Here is just one strike, that basically killed half a thousand people…/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-hospita…

OniiFam, avatar

Fucking lmao. That is the one that Hamas “accidentally” did and then claimed 7 grorillion people died. You can’t be serious.


Israel literally warned they’d bomb the hospital twice before it was bombed, but sure.

Love to deny the crimes of an apartheid state

OniiFam, avatar

The fact that you still believe that Israel bombed it despite the insurmountable evidence in the contrary and the fact it was literally on livestream from multiple angles shows how blind you are. I’d suggest you stop talking about things you have such small amounts of knowledge of. You are either ignorantly or knowing and maliciously spreading misinformation. Gross

OurToothbrush, (edited )

The fact that you believe it was hamas despite the fact that Israel said they’d bomb it twice and then it was bombed is sad. Israel has habitually bombed Gazan civilian infrastructure, hamas hasn’t. And now all of a sudden Hamas has the weapons to blow up their own side’s hospital when they’ve basically been shooting glorified bottle rockets at Israel? Sure.

OniiFam, avatar

Jesus do you realize how foolish you sound? Jesus you must be insufferable in real life for how ardent you are about something you are completely wrong about. You know the photos of the damage have been released right? And how the damage is contained to a parking lot? And how the hospital is nearly unscathed? Jesus never talk again. Holy fuck. Imagine being so so so ardently sure about something so easy to verify. Take your meds


Jesus do you realize how foolish you sound? Jesus you must be insufferable in real life for how ardent you are about something you are completely wrong about.

I’m not going to stoop to making ableist insults though.

Even your rhetoric admits you know you are wrong. You claim Israel didn’t do it, in the next breath you say “But the damage wasn’t that severe” because you know Israel did it and want to minimize it. 470 people died, hundreds are buried under rubble.

OniiFam, avatar

There is no way you are this dense. Again I already said it was on livestream. Everyone saw it. I’m so tired of your kind. You just lie through your teeth without even checking to see if you are saying literally anything true. What a complete knob. Do yourself a favor and actually look up what happened. Do you even know where that death toll comes from? Holy fuck I refuse to believe you are real. You are actually just trolling me. Gratz you got a reaction out of me.


There is no way you are this dense. Again I already said it was on livestream. Everyone saw it. I’m so tired of your kind. You just lie through your teeth without even checking to see if you are saying literally anything true. What a complete knob. Do yourself a favor and actually look up what happened.

Holy fuck I refuse to believe you are real. You are actually just trolling me.

OniiFam, avatar

You tankies are something else. Notice how you cannot even argue with facts. You just keep pushing lies and lies without having to verify any of your claims. Must be nice to be that brain damaged.


You dronies are something else. Notice how you cannot even argue with facts. You just keep pushing lies and lies without having to verify any of your claims.

Must be nice to be that brain damaged.

Oh look more ableism. How liberal.

OniiFam, avatar

If you were capable of self reflection, shame, and didn’t have a crater in the side of your head you’d probably start feeling pretty embarrassed right now


Ah man I can’t repeat that back, you’ve incorporated ableism into the foundation of the comment :(

OniiFam, avatar



So do you want your temp ban recorded as ableism, McCarthyism, or Zionism? Or should I just put down all three? It’ll only be for a half month because I don’t want to show anti-favoritism, usually it would be 30-60 days

OniiFam, avatar

Seethe pussy. How embarrassing. “I’m wrong so I’m gonna get you banned wah”. Tankies smh.


Okay, I’ll add misogyny too. What a major loss.

OniiFam, avatar

I do suggest you get checked out. There is help for you I promise. How embarrassing. So sure of yourself and so sure you and your imaginary internet tankie friends were telling you the truth only to become a source of ridicule. God imagine ever being this sure about anything again. You might wanna even start doubting your eyes and years because you clearly cannot tell what is true and false lmao.


only to become a source of ridicule

Oh god, ridicule from a misinformed zionist dronie. How will I maintain my self esteem? I have no choice but to abandon my ideology that I’ve spent thousands of hours developing through independent reading and book clubs because someone on the internet who supports an apartheid regime keeps calling me what they consider acceptable alternatives to the R-slur

OniiFam, avatar

All that reading and you still can’t use your eyes and ears. SMH. Lots of good that did you.


As opposed to you, you have your eyes wide open without reading real political theory, because you’re special.

OniiFam, avatar

You make a lot of assumptions for someone so horribly wrong lmao. How embarrassing. No wonder you were so wrong


You say a lot of ableist and misogynistic things when you try to play defense for a genocidal apartheid regime. You know the IDF isn’t going to come to your house and give you a hug right?

Dronies gonna dronie though I guess

OniiFam, avatar

Ya ya ya. I get it your mad and fuming that you were so wrong. That you sucked Hamas’ dick just because your only set of beliefs and morals can be summarized as “us bad” but it’s okay. Maybe next time you’ll be right. You are bound to. Btw still waiting on that ban. Any day now. Go cry to your mod friends. Go on. Scoot


Oh cool homophobia too! Lovely.

OniiFam, avatar

Oh and you are a Russian simp lmao. Classic. I love how you absolutely garggle on the balls of those who think you are subhuman.

OurToothbrush, (edited )

Supporting a ceasefire is called being someone who cares more about human lives than nationalism. But great to know you’ve gotten mad to the point that you’re digging through my history.

Also on your use of " they consider you subhuman": you’ve literally demonstrated what, 5 forms of virulent bigotry over the last 24 hours, 4 directed at me? Stay mad dronie.

OniiFam, avatar

So when is your mod friend gonna do anything? Are you gonna keep crying? Shitting and pissing? Oh don’t worry, most Palestinians believe you are subhuman. I think you very much are human. A very very very stupid one, yet human nonetheless.


Name 3 nonfiction books on the Israel Palestinian conflict that you’ve read.

Oh, or name 5 documentaries if you can’t do the former.

Ignorant antisemitic zionist jackass, we get it, youre insecure about your piercieved intelligence.

OniiFam, avatar

And yet you were the one so vehemently defending terrorist and taking their word as the gospel lmao. Come on im still waiting. Dont tell me? Did your little mod friends ignore you? Must be quite the common occurrence. Just like real life.

OniiFam, avatar

Fucking lmao

Absolutely so fucking embarrassing. God I can’t imagine how embarrassing it must be for you.


Name 3 nonfiction books on the Israel Palestinian conflict that you’ve read.

Oh, or name 5 documentaries if you can’t do the former.

Times articles are neither documentaries nor nonfiction books. If youre getting your political education from extremist corporate media that sure explains a lot.

OniiFam, avatar

You still can’t even admit you were wrong lmao. Fucking loser. How did your crying sesh with the mods go? “Wah wah I read books wah” come on I’m still waiting hamas cocksucker

OurToothbrush, (edited )

You still think that hamas magically got a rocket big enough to cause the explosion seen in video from multiple angles, and that this rocket was intercepted by the Iron dome, and instead of disintegrating like every rocket does when intercepted, a massive chunk complete with functional detonator flew backwards at significant speed and struck a hospital parking lot. Or is the claim that a bunch of miniscule components all drifted exactly into the hospital parking lot and all magically detonated? Now the Palestinian authority says half a thousand, US intelligence claims 100-300. Must have been a crowded parking lot. Now bear in mind the missile that is allegedly on video as the one that struck the hospital after being intercepted did disintegrate, as you can see by carefully looking at footage.

You’re buying into a narrative that not only is politically nonsense, but also at points physically impossible. This is why you shouldn’t develop understanding from extremist corporate media like the new York times, and should instead read some fucking books.

See I’ve been letting you go on about the mods thing without correcting you, but I was referring to the admin team reaching out about joining the admin team. You’ll know when I’ve finished the onboarding process :)

OniiFam, avatar

I’ll look forward to it. And you’ll still be wrong. It’s hilarious. You are beyond help but I’m sure you’ve already been told :>


Please explain to me how the hamas rocket defied the laws of physics though, do they have secret knit together in mid air technology?

OniiFam, avatar

For 1, you are making a false claim. It was not intercepted. If you knew literally anything about the iron dome you’d know it wasn’t intercepted. But thank you for proving your lack of knowledge. So much good your claimed book readings did for you.


Oh, sorry, the Israeli narrative keeps shifting, now I’m guessing it was fired and a chunk just fell off and flew backwards? Oh, oh, or did hamas fire a missile in the opposite direction of israel? Or did they intend to blow up a Palestinian hospital so they could blame it on the IDF?

Oh, and did they get the missile large enough to conservatively kill 100 people in a parking lot from the illuminati or from the dolphins? Because the missiles that they are capable of producing have historically had casualties of at max a dozen people.

OniiFam, avatar

Im not gonna argue against all your schizo ramblings. You can always just make up a new argument I didn’t and won’t make. Unironically take your meds and actually watch the videos, geolocation info surrounding the event because, judging by your consistently wrong retelling of events, you actually have no idea what happened and it is embarrassing that you still are so vehemently defending Hamas after all this time. You tankie lot is lost. The rest of the world has moved on and called your lot absolute morons. Good luck with that. Maybe one day your schizo ramblings will be respected by a real person and not just your internet fake friends.


Those “ramblings” are about as realistic as what the IDF says.…/index.html

Israel says that its intelligence shows a “failed rocket launch” by the Islamist militant group Islamic Jihad group was responsible.

I guess hamas has a new deadly rocket capable of killing hundreds but they only fire it so that it crashes into Palestinian hospitals that the IDF says they will blow up.

OniiFam, avatar

Yet it is on video that’s been available to public for days now. You are willfully ignorant. Fuck off.

Go simp for your freedom fighfters


That video literally does not contain anything related to the hospital bombing.

Also, settlers aren’t civilians(every adult has even participated in the IDF) and they should stop bringing their kids with them when they go to do colonial violence, it is incredibly irresponsible of them.

OniiFam, avatar

There it is lmao. Go suck off Hamas with your fake internet friends.

Shardikprime, in The size of a what

Looks bouldery enough to me

Omega_Haxors, in Given all the accurate predictions of the Simpsons and Futurama

Nazi meme format. Do not glorify the fascist wife beater.


I guess? I always thought it was ironic.

But then I suppose that any publicity is good publicity.


Yeah awhile ago reddit had a big debate about if they should be using that meme format or not and they eventually agreed on no.

Those who still wanted to use the format agreed to switch over to a Calvin and Hobbes alternative.


If we’re commiting to the bit, we should put “the other guy” instead of a name


This was during a time where that shit was like every 2nd post, that was hardly a piss in the river compared to what was going down.

morrowind, in Modern Life Is Perfect avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">You may express your creativity, and unique personality, by arbitrarily choosing from the, 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">predetermined, list of netflix shows and making it your personality for the next few weeks
hperrin, in lots of homework....

Parents: why is our internet usage so high?

Us: um, Linux ISOs…


“I’m downloading linux ISOs” was the perfect excuse to keep my computer on all night downloading “other” stuff

Viking_Hippie, in Given all the accurate predictions of the Simpsons and Futurama

I happen to know that Matt Groening weighs significantly more than a duck and as such can’t be a witch.

jetsetdorito, in Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Now I cry on company time

I’m more courageous with with food I’m not sure is expired on monday-wednesday “fuck it I have sick leave”

southsamurai, in Threw out my back... While walking? avatar

I literally feel that. Jfc.

GrammatonCleric, in You wanted a hit, but maybe we don't do hits... avatar

Gotta hit that blue arrow sometime 🤷


It’s not blue.

GrammatonCleric, avatar

Looks blue on my phone 🤷

Gormadt, in You wanted a hit, but maybe we don't do hits... avatar

NGL the lack of funny made this funny to me

Being funny is silly thing

lorty, in She is right ! avatar

“Hell is other people” - Someone smart

zewu, in Interview with a VIM Enthusiast

I switched to vscode a while ago. The remote development extension pack is great.

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