Well... you haven't met Kyle. When he lets one rip... everybody in the room teleports outta there. dude should ask his doctor about lactose intolerance...
I need a 6 hour shift. 8 hours is useless. I’m not even efficient for the 8 hours. Any time above 6 hours is just power tripping, because the employees don’t even work through it, it’s just the employer demanding you are at work for that much. If I recall correctly, studies clearly show people are far more efficient with less week work hours. I have so many coworkers who stay at work longer, but they absolutely do not work. They go around chatting, playing guitar, foosball and generally fuck around. I hate the culture where being at work is valued so much more than working.
I highly recommend getting jobs adjacent to social media with full time contract. Sometimes it’s insanely busy, much more than a person can handle, but if you can manage the stress, there’s many slow days where you can just play games.
one day to recoup from no sleep and working nonstop everyday. One day to do all the chores and errands you didn’t have time for during the work week. Then time to finally… do it all over again yay!
As an Indian, I would like to congratulate everyone here, you tax returns are here, but there is a spelling mistake in your name and it would take $5000 to correct it, please call 1800420SCAM to get your refund.
bad jokes aside, these are the scum of the country and I am sorry for this shit.
If we’re apologizing for national issues that aren’t our fault, I’d like to say sorry for mass-shootings, exploiting poor people and the widening wealth-gap, and (worst of all) obnoxiously loud Americans abroad!
Kitboga’s work is just epic. With all the programs he develops, sound effects, other people to help him, etc he uses it’s just like a modern day version of a radio hear play.
I’ve never felt so imaginary jacked in my life. Like, multi jacked if you think about it. And I’m really Goro from Mortal Mombat, so that helps the jacked multiplier…
I can’t play fast paced shooters anymore. The kids these days are too jacked up on caffeine and trickshot you while jumping around like they are a clown on meth.
Use your experience to dominate them tactically. I found it when playing high TTK shooters like Overwatch 2 I can still hold my own against them young’uns.
I thought they are called “throw pillows” because you’re suppose to throw them at your family and friends when they annoy you and you are too lazy to get off the couch.
For real. I have a lot of problems right now, and there’s not a single one of those problems that can’t be solved with an adequate amount of money.
I, like I think a lot of people, fantasize about winning the lottery not because I’m desperate to live in a mansion or to have a $500k sports car in my driveway, but because I dream of watching all my problems absolutely evaporate before my eyes.
I have a disability and I’m a student so I have zero physical or mental energy to have a job next to my almost full time study. I used to just be broke all the time. I found out there’s a city government fund for people exactly like me, and it honestly so fucking crazy what that extra 300 euros a month does. It’s not just that I can afford necessities and something fun once in a while but it gives so much peace of mind. One of my cats was sick a few months ago and I could just take her to the vet and have her blood work done without having to stress about it.
Probably things like living paycheck to paycheck. Needing a new washing machine or some other device but not being able to afford that yet. Not being able to have your car repaired or buy a car so you have to use public transport and walk long distances to get to your work.
I mean that’s what I imagine. A little money would make those problems go away. But when your paycheck only covers your rent, bills and food, you never get to save up for things.
xactly. Any other problems are usually self made or if not then the money still can ameliorate them greatly. Like being crippled. Better to have a nice house, someone to come clean, with stair lift and such than to be on the streets with a tiny tim crutch.
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