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Mothra, in Feeling a lot like Gonald lately avatar


Yes I’ve found my spirit animal

boredtortoise, in Oh, you are here, too?

It’s good for instant messaging

hungryphrog, in Feeling a lot like Gonald lately


NENathaniel, in Oh, you are here, too? avatar

I use it for y’know, messaging


Remember, it’s a cloud messenger, not a secure messenger. It’s cool to have all chats on every device, but by default, they are unencrypted. I message there, too, but only nonsense.


I’m not saying Telegram is perfect by a long shot, and they’ve made some questionable decisions around crypto and paid-for services, but it grinds my gears when people suggest that it’s “unencrypted”.

E2E encryption means that yours and the other person’s device are the only ones that have the keys for decryption and are typically the only places where chats are stored.* The conversation is secured end-to-end.

Telegram has the master copies of your chats on their servers to enable certain extra functionality that you can’t get with E2E messengers, but it does not mean that the data is stored or transmitted unencrypted. The data at rest is encrypted and it’s encrypted when it travels to and from your device.

Sure, there’s the argument that governments could compel Telegram to hand over the keys to your chats, but considering that the platform is outright banned in more than one country with questionable regimes, it’s reasonable to conclude that they don’t give in to such demands. Honestly, if your government wanted copies of your chats so badly it’d be far easier for them to go through you and your device directly, and then no amount of E2E encryption is going to help you.

All that said, Telegram does actually have E2E encryption in the form of Secret Chats which, while having no method of backup, allows you to have two very different conversations with the same person and provides a level of plausible deniability that E2E only platforms cannot.

*Until you or the other party chooses to export a plain-text backup and store it on Google Drive where it’s far easier for governments to subpoena. I’m looking at you, WhatsApp.

NENathaniel, avatar

It’s fast, supports sending large uncompressed files, has fun stickers and great UI

It’s a great messenger really, just not E2E encrypted. I’d happily use Signal too but most people don’t care about the E2E encryption advantage and prefer Tele

hrimfaxi_work, (edited ) in *sigh* *clack-a-clack-a-clack-a-clack* avatar

I noticed on paragraph 3 of this policy-mandated letter that literally no one but me will ever read–and it’s mind-boggling that even I read it–that you referred to “December 2022.”

As it is December 2023, and December 2023 is referred to multiple times elsewhere in the aforementioned letter, can you please clarify to which month this document refers?

Thank you in advance.

Jerb322, in Feeling a lot like Gonald lately avatar

Miguel looks about right

HootinNHollerin, in Feeling a lot like Gonald lately avatar

Well I can’t eat conch again

randomTingler, in Oh, you are here, too?

I started using it for the Android development community. Then for messaging.

Now only for bots 😔

Neato, in Oh, you are here, too? avatar

How do you use it for bots?


Search for botfather.

It creates an API token and in combination with my own telegramID I get notifications from services like uptime-kuma or watchtower.


I’m ignorant to all of this, what’s the purpose of bots? How are they used?

bruhduh, (edited ) avatar

Relay notifications or/and messages, and other useful functions, like automated control of your home server and other electronics like vacuum robot and such from places with bad connection, also automated fetch of information you need, like timesheet or news you follow or state of your home and this is just fraction of use cases the only limiter is your imagination


And this is best done through telegram?


It’s very effective for sysadmins if you want to get real time notifications about server stats. The possibility are endless because you could push everything with curl from commandline or cron. For example why not get informations about SSH login attempts or CPU usage or unattended upgrade logs?

unoriginalsin, in Truly a moment of all time

No, but it is raising some alarm bells.

MelodiousFunk, in *sigh* *clack-a-clack-a-clack-a-clack* avatar

I hate how most of my job is being a professional emailer.


This is a cute comic, but it would be much, much worse if the director was the type to send change requests directly to the junior associate.

Because it won’t just be font size. It will be some impractical idea that you’ve already ruled out in three weeks ago in meetings with your manager, but now you have to drop everything and waste more time spinning wheels to either attempt the director’s dumb idea, or you have to spend time explaining to him why you’ve already ruled it out, and do so without seeming lazy or insubordinate.

While you’re doing this special task for the director, your workload is piling up and your manager thinks you’re slacking because the director emails you directly and never bothers to CC your supervisor. You can try to diligently CC your supervisor on all replies, and even mention your supervisor in emails (the classic “looping in x”), but rest assured, the director will never use reply-all.

kennismigrant, in First meme here

I did the math:

Room temperature is often defined as 20 degrees Celsius (although I remember it being 23C in some old textbooks).

20+16.6 is 36.6 which is the normal temperature of a human body.

20+18.6 is 38.6 which is above normal temperature, i.e. fever.

AFAIK ~42.0 degrees is lethal.

spicytuna62, (edited ) avatar

F=1.8C+32 but for anyone else too lazy to do the math since the Americans are awake:

I did the math:

Room temperature is often defined as 68 degrees Fahrenheit (although I remember it being 73.4 in some old textbooks).

68+29.9 is 97.9 which is the normal temperature of a human body.

68+33.5 is 101.5 which is above normal temperature, i.e. fever.

AFAIK ~107.6 degrees is lethal.

wreckedcarzz, avatar

Who the hell keeps their house at 68F?! 74-78 is my preferred temp but I can cope all the way to 85. But you turn that below 70 and we’re gonna have a problem (both in the “I’m fucking cold, bitch” sense as well as the “do you own the electrical company or something? I didn’t know you’re a billionaire”)


I thought the same thing! Though since I pay the electric bill and have electric heat, I’m keeping my place whatever the fuck temperature it wants to be.


I start to sweat if it’s much above 21 (70 F) indoors, I prefer it to be around 18 (64.4F) to 19 (66F). Of course that is in winter where outside temps are well below freezing, in the summer I tend to sleep in the basement during the hottest period since I can’t sleep if it’s too hot


We keep our thermostat set to 64-65 during the winter time. Keeps the HVAC from running a lot. You just put on some cozy sweater, sweatpants and warm socks. During summer we keep the thermo higher, up to +10 more degrees.

spicytuna62, (edited ) avatar

I do.

I sleep at 60. House is 65 all day between November and April. We don’t get true winter here so the heat hardly has to run. In May/June when we need to start running the AC, everything goes up 10-12 degrees.

I can’t cope much over about 78. 80 degrees indoors and I’ve got no fewer than three fans aimed at myself. Gas bills in winter are relatively low. I’d like to get a little unit just for the bedroom and the computer room, then I don’t have to cool the whole house to stay comfortable. Leave the house at 82 during the day and keep the rooms I’m in at 72.

I’m the kind of guy to wear shorts when it’s below freezing outside.

SpaghettiYeti, (edited )

I keep my house at 55 during the week and 60 on weekends. 51 at night.

Edit: I sleep with a window open even when it’s 10 degrees out and I have a window fan to pull that fresh air in. My wife tolerates it, but I get snuggled more because I run so hot, so it’s a win.


My apartment is 50F, i only heat up when it goes lower than that

I also wear 4 layers of cloth on me

spicytuna62, (edited ) avatar

This was pretty much how I operated when I was single, but my wife won’t tolerate below 55 at night. I had a 600 ft² apartment, and my power bills were $150 in summer and $25 in winter. But now my wife and I have a 1,500 ft² house so that’s just not feasible. In summer, I take a cold shower before bed, the thermostat gets left at 71, we put up a box fan on medium, and we sleep with no blanket. That makes things tolerable when the overnight lows are 80 degrees. It’s also what kept the power bills below $250 this summer. We fucking roasted this year. 10 to 15 degrees above average all summer. 90-95 is very tolerable, even when it’s humid. Just drink lots of water and you’ll do alright. But 105-110? Count me the fuck out.


20C seems just fine to me

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, (edited ) avatar

The normal average temperature for a human body. Some people run slightly hotter or colder than that.

For example, my body naturally runs slightly colder than that, almost an entire degree colder, but it’s normal for my body.

TiredNerdDad, in Feeling a lot like Gonald lately avatar

Miguel for sure cause I’m on winter break.

miss_brainfart, in First meme here avatar

Say what you want, but a fever knocking you out and having you dream weird stuff is the best part about being sick


I’ve never had a fever this bad

miss_brainfart, avatar

Really? You’re missing out.

They’re not called fever dreams for nothing.


Ok, lemme go to a hospital rq and see if there’s anyone coughing. (/j)


I had 41C when I had pneumonia. I was delirious

Apeman42, avatar

Call me crazy, but the fever wank is a great wank. You feel so cleared out, and it helps you sleep and recuperate.


Have to agree, felt the need to wrap up warm when I was ill once, went to sleep and it was the best sleep in my life. Woke up drenched in sweat and hot as Satan’s crack but the sleep and dreams were great

wreckedcarzz, avatar

That’s like saying the best part of being interrogated is the waterboarding because it’s refreshing

Funkytom467, avatar

Getting decapitated really got a weight off my chest!

Cysioland, avatar

“waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay” sounds like something fun

yagurlreese, in Never jammed out to an Adobe Pro patcher harder


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