there are some AI tools to “increase” the quality of a photo and they are not perfect. I believe the original picture was in low res and AI just boosted some areas and made that thing with the ear.
Looks like the original image was cropped closer and they used something along the lines of Photoshop’s Content Aware Fill to try and expand the image.
For me it’s practical effects and characters in danger. Some of us just want a straight up murderfest that’s a hard R. Plus, it’s the meanest movie franchise I’ve seen. It was refreshing, honestly.
The issue here is similar to most of the land contest issues in the world: what historical period you use to determine land ownership. As an example: most of the current territory of Russia was once occupied by Mongolian tribes under the leadership of Chenghis Khan. So if that's the frame of reference you use, Mongolia has legitimate rights to wage war to reclaim their land.
I have a solution for you: why shouldn’t we live with Israelis in peace? Why can’t we have a Democratic state for all? Israel loses this “historical land” battle, but even if they didn’t, does that justify massacre? Palestinians have always advocated a state for all, but Israel never agrees.
@matcha_addict I agree with you. Historically Jews and Arabs that occupied this land are the same people with different religious beliefs. They are all Semites. They should be able to live together.
Globally speaking, the borders of counties are just arbitrarily drawn lines on the map. Lines, drawn by individual people who decided for the masses where they can and cannot have a home.
I believe, we as humans, should abolish borders of any kind.
@matcha_addict But I'm afraid this idea has no traction. It's only going to be possible if we as humanity realize that we are not alone in the universe and another species threatens us from outer space. I don't know any other way that we can all unite as earthlings and realize the fallacy of carving up the world into spheres of influence for a few, mostly militaristic men.
I agree with the comic. I do however disagree with the title. I think the Hamas’ attack shouldn’t to be called “resistance”, just as Israel’s response shouldn’t be called “self defense”.
I agree with you that it needs to be clarified further. While I think it is still “resistance” in the sense that it was done with the intention to resist occupation and all what Israel does, I do agree that civilians died that didn’t need to, and it did not lead to positive results.
When you live your whole life in a concentration camp and get bombed almost daily, you may lose some rationality and start justifying more things in the name or resistance. Ultimately I blame Israel for putting them in this situation, and putting civilians so close to their border.
In the end, my whole point is that Hamas attack must not justify a response from Israel. It should lead us to pull back instead.
can we please talk about what ripoffs those shops are? They sell you a 1L bottle of lube for 96 bucks that is only 16 bucks online, the profits are off the charts!
I have no idea, it’s something to do with the Evangelion anime anime series. I read the wiki and I’m still confused. It’s like the third global apocalypse or something.
If you have not watched evangelion, you should, it’s pretty good and pretty short (the entire series is 10h).
Spoiler for the ending of evangelionThe third impact, causes “Human Instrumentality”.
Human instrumentality is when the barrier that separates one soul from another is broken.
When that happens, everyone must face the reality of their true self and of other people.
At least four episodes in the show are mostly in this state, completely detached from the real world, exploring the mind of the characters.
You work hard for money -> so you buy unnecessary stuff since you earned it -> you have no money -> you work hard for money…
I have quit this loop by limiting my consumption to minimum. My friends ask me why don’t I buy X if I can easily afford it and it will make my life better. Well, not better enough to justify waste of both my money/time and Earth’s resources to manufacture something.
Also over-consumption is a fuel to capitalist dystopia.
While this is true, this is severely short sighted and misses the perspective of being impoverished and constantly being unable to make ends meet even after you have cut luxury from your life.
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