Hawaii was great until the haoles fucked it up. So was a lot of pre colombian america. And parts of pre colonization africa.
Just because Europe was shit doesn’t mean it was shit everywhere. Europe is pretty unique in that it has been total warring itself for over 2000 years straight. The streak ended in world war 2, but goes back to the bronze age.
Could those places I listed be improved by modern medicine and trains? Sure. Doesnt mean they were terrible.
Those areas are also wildly romanticized. Let’s not forget that one of the ways that some Europeans got established was by trading guns to indigenous people so they could go off and kill other indigenous people for their land.
The idea that we were warmongers was made up to justify stealing our land. Who was it that welcomed the colonists with open arms until they spat in our ancestor’s faces? Our stories talk about war parties going out and coming back home with zero blood shed. What conflicts we did have were extremely low intensity, we didn’t have the numbers for the horrific wars like the ones waged against us by the colonists.
Many of the tribes were nomadic, we didn’t have oil reserves to war over. We had hunting grounds and fishing spots and art, and just about everyone agreed that these things weren’t worth dying for.
Similarly in Australia there were a lot of symbolic battles that never resulted in serious injury or death.
That said I wouldn’t characterise pre-invasion Australia as great, most of the country is pretty fucking hard to survive in (let alone over 60k years of climate change)
Just let me pay for PBS kids without going through Amazon please. I’m a goddamn sustainer ffs. I want my kids binge watching Reading Rainbow. For my kids. Just them. Not because Levar Burton is dreamy. No. Just for the kids. Trust me. If I needed a Levar Burton fix I’d just listen to Levar Burton Reads podcast. His voice is enough for me.
This interpretation is valid. But I recently learned to see it a different way.
If you’ll humor me, please consider this. Since Santa knows if you’ve been “bad or good,” he knows the other reindeer have been bullies to poor Rudolph. And, while a red glowing nose is cool, it’s not a useful fog light. It’s just not.
So Santa “uh oh!” had an emergency where, for the first time ever, the fog was going to be too thick all over the world to deliver presents?
Nope, he set up Rudolph in a position to “lead” his peers in a situation that maybe needed a little help but was not, in any way, a true, worldwide magic-assed Santa emergency. Santa knew how to guide his reindeer to accept each other. The story of Rudolph was not about Rudolph doing something to prove himself. It was about recognizing a Rudolph in need and helping him rise to the occasion to bring him closer to his peers in a way that could heal division.
Rudolph isn’t about how to triumph as a Rudolph. It’s about how to be a good Santa.
(Edit: For everyone who already thought this was obvious in the story, thanks for letting this Rudolph have his epiphany anyway.)
I imagine he’s like Ghost Rider and can tell with a glance if someone is guilty or not by seeing their soul. If the entity has a soul, then he knows. Goldfish? Probably not. Sapient reindeer? Definitely.
Angry upvote. I’ve been holding onto the interpretation that Santa was an asshole for knowing nasty shit was going down under his nose, but not doing anything about it until there was something in it for him.
So I’d like to add to the chorus of those who appreciate this wholesome take.
If Santa didn’t give us the opportunity to choose to do good or choose to do bad, how would we earn the chance to live in heaven with Santa for eternity? Santa never gives us more than we can bear, and he works in mysterious ways. Yes, we can come to Santa with our earnest request, but sometimes the answer is no. Remember the abominable snowman is always on the prowl for boys and girls whose faith is weak
My theory is they meant the lesson to be learned by santa and the others, through Rudolph, but they focus on him so much that you expect Rudolph to have learned or grown himself. Truth is its santa and the head elf who grow, by realizing that even outcasts have something to offer, and that being cruel is, while morally wrong, just dumb as shit because you might need a glowy reindeer snoot someday, but only if you didn't drive them to run away and die to a snow monster. Or something.
That or they just didn't think it through very well at all. Which is probably more likely. Idk. But it feels a little bit more understandable if you think of Santa as the one with the arc, not rudolph.
Old children’s stories were never really about teaching morality. I think there’s a German story where some guy goes around killing children who don’t eat their vegetables.
Insidious and Piped are great but I hate it when people post them, it’s always a gamble on if it’s a legit instance or a malicious site. IMO YouTube or redirect.invidious.io are the only ways people should share YouTube videos
The message to me was just that sometimes you have to sing and dance to entertain the people who have power over you. That doesn’t make the situation right, but I’ve gotten a lot more done since that realization.
Why are y’all in the comments trying to act like one or another universalist position has to fit like a sock to all situations? There are debates where one side is blatantly wrong and the other is blatantly correct, debates where one side is wrong and the other has some points right, debates where both sides have some points right, debates where both sides would do well to return to school and debates where no side can be objetively correct because they’re discussing something intrinsically subjective. The “enlightened centrist” meme is useful to mock the stupid position that “the truth is always in the middle”, but if you think you’re always going to find someone in any debate who has the right answer, you’re going to find yourself siding with stupid shit all the time.
There’s also the opposite problem, when you can’t sleep because you don’t want to fast forward to all the bullshit you’ll have to get back to tomorrow.
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