Nope. I just decided to go 2 hours later to my own company and turned around again. That’s why I started that whole thing years ago, literally with nothing. And you should too. I’m not working anymore, I’m just having fun. Ok, I’m not having weekends anymore, but honestly: my weekends are more fun today than ever. I’m in my shop, creating stuff, preparing stuff for the week, blasting my music on the company stereo - I’ll never go back slaving for other people. Never.
Me and X: Rebirth. Looking forward to it for years and it comes out as an abomination.
5 years later I pick up the game on a deep deep sale and I try to dock and the physics gets screwy and immediately refund it. This was after 4 expansions and several patches to make it version 4.something.
Also Payday 3. Though the server issues have been fixed.
There are 10 times more daily players in pd2 than in pd3, so the servers arent overstressed anymore. (Also means players don’t want to play pd3 even when it works)
Mythbusters is a great thing that we would all love to experience again in another medium, but that just wasn’t going to happen. It’s hard to even point to an existing good game that has the mechanics that you’d want from a Mythbusters. They could have gone Factorio, or an Infinifactory, but a goal of “maximize this” or “build this intended output” still doesn’t capture the scientific intent of extracting some tiny nugget of truth from a cold unfeeling universe. Straitjacketing the whole process into something scripted, or throwing a sandbox at the player and walking away, are about the only two approaches that a game could do.
The myths all have different physics and some have some weird phenomena so coding a comprehensive physics simulation will all the scripts to trigger the mythical event when certain conditions are right would be expensive.
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