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CitizenKong, in A King regardless

Flattering angle, professional photographer trying to make him look good, beard hiding signs of aging vs. unflattering angle, paparazzi scum trying to make him look bad, no beard to hide aging.


The crop makes him look fat, too. In the original pictures, he literally looks like a relatively slim middle-aged man - which is exactly what is he when he isn’t training for a movie. Too many people forget that very few celebrities are consistently pumping iron to the extent that they have a perfect body throughout the year. Rob McElhenney goes into detail about this topic, I recommend everyone watch it when they get a chance


The people who expect celebrities (or anyone) to be at peak alll of the time can go screw off, though. I thought body shaming died off with those stupid gossip rags, (magazines). He is more than the value of his evternals. People love him because of his actions and choices, who he actually is. Him being epic in movies is just an added bonus.


Exactly. Keanu is 60 next year, I’m happy if I’ll look half as good at 60.

Vuraniute, in It's gonna be tremendous. avatar

slowly backs away in European



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  • Vuraniute, avatar

    even if they think that europe is a country they know it exists soooooooooo

    also i think the correct word is “overestimate”

    (source: random youtube video)

    populustree, in rust 😋😋😋

    the feeling of rust on my fingers, is almost orgasmic

    slazer2au, in So many people still think its ok for them to do📱

    Different departments. It’s the ‘keep the plebs in line department’ that wants to scan your devices.
    Where as the ‘keep the rich giving us money department’ are not actioning the rapist list

    Wish I could add a /s to this.


    They’re the same department.


    Why would they be? To save taxpayers’ money?

    BilboBargains, in Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway

    The confusing mess that is Windows update feels like the result of a large corporation of many people that are pulling in different directions while they attempt to meet the requirements of users that are completely ignorant and apathetic.

    I don’t understand why I need to choose ‘restart and update’. Why can’t this be achieved from shutting down? It’s programmed as if shutting down means I’m never coming back to the machine again. Shutdown is the wrong word, it should say Decommission.

    KairuByte, avatar

    Ngl this is a weird question. It’s like asking “why would I ever need to choose ‘restart’, why can’t the same be achieved by shutting down?”

    You really can’t think of a use case for updating and restarting your computer instead of just shutting it down? Remote sessions? Power button in an inconvenient location? The desire to not need yet another input to get what you wanted?


    I think it’s weird to want to be involved in the update. They want me to sit like a dummy watching the stupid icon spin round for a few minutes. What I have learned or achieved during that time is not edifying in the slightest.

    KairuByte, avatar

    You’re no more involved than sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y in that you’re sitting watching mostly useless info output to your screen while you wait.

    It’s essentially just a way of saying “the update is still happening and this is about how far we are in the process” so you’re not just twirling your thumbs at a black screen or nothing but spinning dots.

    User feedback is pretty important, be it verbose output of what’s currently happening, or just a progress summary in the form of a total percent complete.


    I daresay there are plenty of folks who do want to know about updates and good luck to them. At least Linux users have the opportunity to properly examine what"s inside. Windows and macOS are designed for the lowest common denominator, the people who don’t understand what a cancer these proprietary tech companies have become.

    KairuByte, avatar

    Yes, the info can be useful. And technically speaking (on windows at least) you can dig into the logs and see what happened. But yeah, 99% of users don’t know what any of it means, so it makes no difference to them if it’s hidden away.

    That said, aiming for the lowest common denominator is a good thing, imho, so long as you’re also providing a way for power users to get at the info being hidden.

    That’s pretty much the entire way windows works. Give the tech illiterate a shiny object to stare at, and give power users a way to view what’s underneath.


    The last time I paid any attention to the update process was probably ten years ago when Microsoft noticed how much user data was worth on the open market and retrofitted their nascent surveillance apparatus to win7. That seemed to motivate a lot of folks to block the offending updates. Thankfully the EU have regulated their data harvesting ‘updates’ but it’s probably something we should keep an eye while the little number climbs to 100.

    Starshader, in So Cute

    “Ohhh cute kitty ! Look at those ! Do you like the sound these dinglebinglekeys are doing ?”

    removed, these are the keys of your brand new Audi.”

    30p87, in It's gonna be tremendous.

    Nah, IntelliJ IDEA is much better.


    Underrated comment


    Sir, may I interest you in the word of our Lord and Saviour Bram Moolenaar and his Vim text editor ?


    I am already enlightened by Vim for use of Python and C, but compiling and coding Java seems to be much more complicated than a standard Vim setup could handle.


    EMACS!!! EMACS!!!


    well you might want to look into vim’s built-in make and compiler commands for the compiling and LSPs for the coding.



    kaffeebohne, in rust 😋😋😋

    Rust takes too long to compile for me… I’d rather eat Java

    CaptainBlagbird, avatar

    Random fact on the topic:

    A rust plague in the late 1880s killed off much of the plantation stocks in the Sukabumi area before spreading to Central Java and parts of East Java.


    robocall, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre. avatar

    No more Mister Nice Guy

    No more Mister Clean

    No more Mister Nice Guy

    They say he’s sick, he’s obscene

    bloubz, in 4am every weekend in college be like

    Pink Floyd and Roger Waters concerts are getting out of hand


    I hope we all find a shelter from these pigs on the wing!

    Sprite, in Business is going well avatar

    I tried Mastodon, but had dead feeds and the discovery was really bad. All I want is gay people but I’d get USAian politicians and other irrelevant shit. I got BlueSky and it’s all very relevant. Many dead accounts, true. Still seeking out ppl to follow.

    makeasnek, in Business is going well avatar

    use mastadon or nostr, they are actually decentralized. Bluesky is just twitter 2.0 with the same broken incentives and the same broken business model.

    makeasnek, in So many people still think its ok for them to do📱 avatar

    Pro tip: The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a non-profit which has been defending your right to privacy for many years. If you shop on Amazon, you can give a portion of the purchase price to EFF. You pay the same amount and daddy bezos gets a few less dollars. Use the affiliate link, not the smile link as smile has been sunsetted:

    insomniac, avatar

    There’s so much irony in this comment it cured my anemia


    Propro tip: Don’t buy from evilcorp and donate those savings directly to the EFF

    makeasnek, avatar

    Agreed. Some people have to shop there for whatever reason. If that’s you, the link is good to use :).

    yozul, avatar

    If I’m on Amazon it’s for something that I need and can’t get locally. There are no saving to donate. I’ll probably have to spend a lot more, drive multiple hours, or both if I don’t shop on Amazon. That’s the only reason I ever use it.


    I tried to avoid Amazon for a product the other week, by buying direct from the person who was selling through Amazon.

    They had their own store.

    The prices were 50% more than they were charging on Amazon.


    And there’s a reason for that:

    “[Amazon makes] every merchant that sells through their platform sign a “most favored nation” guarantee that they will not charge less for their products anywhere else – which means that the price is the same everywhere.

    And that’s the heart of the California antitrust case against Amazon: Amazon’s market dominance makes it impossible to survive without offering your products on Amazon; to succeed there, you must turn over 35-45% of your gross to Amazon. That leads to higher prices on Amazon, and, thanks to the most favored nation deal, it pushes those same higher prices to every other retailer.”

    So basically the price on their website is what the company would charge you if they would want to be a sustainable business (or they’re trying to recoup their losses from selling on Amazon).



    I'm glad someone said this here. It feels vile, being forced to do business with these corporations, but I end up getting bulk couscous (which has been scarce even in single bags or boxes in my rural, deep south community) for my autistic stepson who has very specific dietary needs. I can get very specialized disability equipment there, and it's delivered in two days (which is already two days longer than we can afford to wait, sometimes, but we make do.)

    Yes, obviously, be ethical everywhere you can, as often as you can, but a blanket "dOnT dO bUsInEsS wItH eViL" is useless, whereas minimizing harm like with tips for links like this one is very helpful.

    It's so insanely privileged. Reminds me of the same keyboard warriors who like to "raise awareness" by pouring ice water on themselves and then doing nothing else, feeling smug they did "something" when their only involvement with our causes is posting smug one-liners on the internet, or, of they're feeling particularly "helpful," changing their profile picture to reflect someone else's cause.


    🤔 And no one thought to make a federated Amazon alternative yet.


    I thought about it a couple of years ago, and even started gathering information and talking to people from the field, as well as consulting lawyers. I ended giving up on the idea because of too much complications.


    Counterpoint: Perhaps “Don’t buy from evil” is just a catchy way to share a sentiment and you’re taking it too literally/to an unintended extreme to be riled up as hard as you are about it? I see no intent from those comments in line with “fuck you if you give Bezos money” as you imply.

    For example: Sonic’s “GOTTA GO FAST,” but in reality, he IS capable of standing around. “Gotta go fast” doesn’t mean his circulatory system shuts down if he doesn’t, it’s just a short catchy way to share an aspect of himself. In that vein, nobody’s kicking your door down if you get the specialized thing you need from Amazon, just saying that it can be beneficial to shop in other ways when possible.

    Haui, avatar

    Hi. Autistic adult here. I‘m sorry you have to go through this and get triggered by these things. I can relate.

    I think these „don’t do business with evil“ peeps are trying to make do as well as they’re watching the vast ignorant majority embrace consumerism and are panicking how to save our planet and our minds. I know its futile but I don’t think the majority wants to feel smug.

    I learned something that helped me out a great deal since 2020: don’t assume malice if you can assume incompetence. (And for us autistic people: if you can assume incompetence, be kind and don’t repeat the ableism you were met with).

    Just trying to spread some kindness. I hope it helps. Thank you for working so hard for your kid.


    I appreciate your answer! I would like to offer a counterpoint; at what point does a person become responsible for their own ignorance? And how often is ignorance, whether intentional or otherwise, the direct cause of malice, or malicious behavior?

    In the slim chance a person here sees what they said, and does not know that Amazon is "evil," merely saying not to work with an evil corporation is not educational, and therefore serves no purpose.

    Since there was no effort to education, we can assume within a reasonable amount of doubt that they are speaking to those who are already educated. And if that's the case, then all they offer to the conversation is, at it's heart, self-satisfaction. Anyone aware that Amazon is evil who chooses to continue to use their services has either come to the conclusion that they have no choice, or simply doesn't care.

    They add nothing to the conversation, and in fact, might reduce engagement with the premise (use this affiliate link to reduce the harm of doing business with Amazon).

    I agree with your statement, that we should treat all actions with reasonable doubt. Offer that before assuming malicious intent. Which is absolutely true! I don't believe the commenter intentionally thought, "I'm going to shut down this conversation while also virtue signalling." But the effect is the same for the purpose of conversation. It adds nothing of value and may even discourage discourse. It is equally as useless, to me, as pretending to champion a cause from a screen, patting themself on the back for their wise ways, and doing nothing. It provides the illusion of helping, while adding nothing. And that's a dangerous thing.

    I would correct my statement in the presence of anything at all to "add" to the discourse. Explaining why using Amazon would be unwise if it can be avoided. They did not make that effort. I stand by my previous comment. But I want to thank you for taking the time to engage me, and I really hope you continue to try showing other people the value of giving people the benefit of the doubt! It's so important, and does so much kindness in society.

    DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

    Well said, both of your comments.

    There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and the people who focus on policing where others shop (or what others eat), instead of fighting the system that enables and encourages these corporations to exist and operate in the horrific way they do, are literally doing nothing to tackle the problem itself and are 100% doing it for their own dopamine hit and feelings of superiority (E: this is of course encouraged in capitalist society by those it serves via their media to divert attention away from them).

    I'm also autistic as well as housebound, so I literally have no choice but to buy everything online, and while I try my best, there's almost no avoiding amazon, since even small businesses now sell through them exclusively. It's so frustrating how rarely the classism and ableism in those kinds of comments is discussed.

    Never mind that it isn't even their retail business that makes them the bulk of their money, but AWS, but point that out to the person telling people not to shop there, and that it means that they almost certainly provide amazon income passively every time they use the internet, and watch the most incredible mental gymnastics display you'll see in a while. 🤦‍♀️

    deez_ballzzz, avatar

    The world is much interconnected, and unknowingly we use the services of many that we don't agree with. Doesn't mean we shouldn't use, we absolutely should because that is what progress and technological evolution are.

    Using some certain technology or service doesn't mean we agree with their leadership or policies

    DessertStorms, avatar

    Using some certain technology or service doesn't mean we agree with their leadership or policies

    Especially in a world they've manufactured specifically to leave us no choice, from food, and hygiene (and cosmetics, which like fashion are entirely manufactured for profit and perpetuated by the media.) to energy, and so on and so on.
    Wherever we spend, it almost certainly ends up in the hands of one of a few hundred people, that have created an illusion of choice.


    I don’t think it’s saying to stop using the Internet, just that if you’re talking to someone preaching to avoid Amazon retail purchases to avoid giving them money with the goal of bringing down the company, pointing out the fact that only avoiding retail but still using websites that are hosted on AWS is hypocritical. It’s hypocritical because they will then start making excuses about why they won’t stop using those websites, which shows that they only care about “fighting” the evil of capitalism when it’s convenient (or only mildly inconvenient) for them.

    Kerrigor, avatar

    Amazon Smile is discontinued fyi

    ZeroCool, in 4am every weekend in college be like

    Gotta make sure the pizza bagels don’t escape.

    NielsBohron, in Need to make more money 😩 avatar

    Unrelated to the meme, but I appreciate your username. Do you prefer chair conformer or boat conformer?

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