I’m disappointed in myself that my first thought wasn’t utter revulsion, but instead, “Hmmm, I should get a few packs when they go on sale after moving zero units on Halloween…I bet they’ll make fantastic catfish bait.”
It’s not real. You can see the photo shop textures in the orange label. Also “black licorice” wouldn’t be an ingredient. It would be anise or natural flavoring that also happens to go into black licorice.
Look, it’s the standard American recipe, as dictated by George Washington himself. Every American is born knowing this recipe, like how we all know how to make a s’more.
You take a pig (probably from the natives) and you cut off its ass. Throw the rest away because efficiency is for the goddamn communists. Puree this ass for about 90 minutes. Add high fructose corn syrup because lobbying. Extrude (squirt) it into a plastic forever chemical tube then microwave on high for 17:76. Serve 10 of these with 8 buns, because certain people just don’t deserve bread.
I shall tolerate it. Just don’t use this as an excuse to then eat bread. Remember! Wheat and wheat by-products are strictly illegal (unless the city secret police are doing it, then it’s fine because you didn’t see anything).
One of the rocket parts they had in Kerbal Space Program was a gigantic wheel. I guess for you to make gigantic rovers for. The in-game description of this thing was
The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion’s R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company’s chairman, he stared in shock, screamed ‘WHY’, and subsequently dropped dead on the spot.
Since the day I ruined my own life I hadn’t laughed at anything as hard as I laughed at that.
I think sausage made from cow’s teats is quite a tasty product.
My grandfather loved liver sausage, and I became nostalgic for this product. I decided to buy this sausage, but modern liver sausage under any brand consists of 1% liver and 99% flour…
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