This may sound weird but as a self professed hermit a part of me wants only my kids to know when I die. The idea of a room being filled with people because I’ve died just seems weird.
So many questions on a single image. Why the red marks? Why is the laptop so old it has a XP (maybe Vista?) certified sticker but shows a recent Sonic game collection? The world may never know. Godspeed little hedgehog, may you go fast and eat plenty of chili dogs.
Or they made good edited youtube videos and then they starting chasing the streaming trend like Critikal and other youtubers I used to watch. Sorry I want to watch a single 10-30 min video once or twice a week and not hours of unscripted rambling. The only person I can watch do that is Nothernlion but even then I don’t watch most of his content anyway.
I know this can be true, but a more predatory trend is Youtubers quitting because these vicious incentives are difficult to navigate compared to Twitch, Patreon, or a regular old career.
Ruined relationship with stupid comments like this with my little brother. I thought we were both having a laugh rubbing each other, I’d take it all back in an instant.
That secret entrance behind a waterfall in the original Legend of Zelda meant that I've been checking every waterfall in every game I've ever played since 1986.
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