The company I work at has a couple of buildings spread out over a larger campus. Before COVID, you’d just go over to the other building for meetings. Now nobody can be arsed to walk across any more. But we still have to come in because face to face communication is sooo important!
Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under impression that Porche lost the bid to build Tigers, though? And all the chassis they built for it were instead used for the Ferdinand.
Nah wiki says your right. A company called Henschel made the tiger. Krupp helped with the tiger 2. Porsche was barley involved. I didn’t even know he competed for the contract, I thought he just coined the name.
Because they were prohibitively expensive in materials to make. They were diesel electric. Like modern trains. But all the copper needed made them unfeasible.
It’s a zipper merge if the lane closes. Use all available lanes and alternate the right of way to keep traffic moving. It’s assholes who think they’re high and mighty that cause headaches in these situations
Not that anyone asked or even cares, but you know what really annoys me? Liquid IV. It’s this trendy rehydration beverage with electrolytes and shit. Why does it annoy me? Setting aside the fact that every actual IV is in liquid form, not only is the drink not an actual IV, obviously, but it’s not even a liquid. It’s a fucking powdered drink mix. /rant
The main problem with zipper merges in practice are selfish people who rush to zipper and cause even more congestion because of their erratic attempt to merge. Like traffic circles they work great when everyone is doing it right and they cam get really messed up when people do it wrong.
It would be great if zipper merging was taught as part of getting a license. Or they actually required someone to learn how to zipper merge as part of their license renewal.
Do you mean "rush to zipper" as in "using an open lane to move forward and then zipper merge into the remaining lane when that one closes?" That is precisely what you should do.
The problem is the selfish people who refuse to let those people actually zipper merge, like OP.
It’s hard to discuss zipper merging because people use to justify all sorts of dick behavior. Zipping through an empty left turn only lane to skip to the head of a right turn only lane for example. That’s not an example of zipper merging but there’s tons of people who I’ve seen argue that’s acceptable behavior.
States that mandate signs about lane closures being really far out claim it makes traffic flow better. In my experience it just makes traffic stop in a different spot and is likely worse than zipper merges.
My state just recently started posting signs to keep using both lanes so people wouldn't go to one lane far too early. It was nice to be able to zipper merge without people pushing back.
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