Since when is everyone in the middle east “brown”. Depending on where in the middle east you are you can find a lot of white passing people. If Jesus existed then he would have been born in the levant. Most people there (not exactly everyone however) are white passing. Here is a school in Lebanon for reference
I don't completely disagree with you about not everyone being brown, but comparing a photo of modern people to those 2000+ years ago is disingenuous. A lot has happened to the gene pool since, not to mention living conditions and skin protection have improved dramatically.
That’s just factually wrong. The Middle East (and by extension the Levant) has always been a hotbed of diversity because its unique geography.
You would have found anything from black to pale white (but tanned obviously) skin, black to blond/red hair, brown to blue eyes. Most were darker skinned and dark haired like a modern Middle Eastener, but it wasn’t a monoculture, like implied here.
Easiest counter example are the Scythians, but there are countless more.
To add a bit to that: Greeks and Turks are pretty much physically identical, but one is seen as “whiter” than the other (guess which). The eastern end of the Mediterranean saw all sorts of people from northern Africa and southern Europe because of the ease of sailing across the coast, even with the relative low technology of ships from 3,000+ years ago.
If the jews of today, especially the ones that never left the Levant, are a faithful picture of their ancestors of ~2000 years ago, then it’s not too much of a stretch to assume Jesus could’ve been white, or “white”.
Side note: gotta love (/s) how much importance is still given to skin color. I’d love to see people throwing hex codes around instead of color names. “We don’t like fceadc here!”
This is making a huge assumption that he existed in the first place. Not sure about you guys but I can’t recall the last time an angel just descended upon us to unleash his wisdom. Pretty sure they were just high as fuck back then and wrote whatever nonsense they could come to with.
I’m curious, is there another word that have the same taboo status as the n-word? I’ve never heard of another word that can only be uttered if you have the right shade of skin. What a stupid world we live in, seriously.
I’m not speaking from any position of authority here, but I think it has more to do with being in the right culture, not the right skin color like some people imply.
There are urban white kids who grew up in the projects who use the same language as their black peers, and I think generally no one cares. However, when someone outside that culture uses that language, it’s not something they use for normal speech and there’s probably some other motivation behind it. It’s just like in a lot of people’s speech they say “bro” but it doesn’t mean brother. To people outside the culture it means black person, but they use it like others use “bro”. It doesn’t really mean anything.
Reiterating, I have very little experience with this. It’s just my observations. I’ve known black people who it’d be weird for them to use this language and seen white people who it’s just a normal part of their speech.
I don’t think it’s as removed from skin color as you think. If someone saw the white kids saying it and didn’t know they grew up in the projects, would they still not care? Conversely, if a bunch of black kids who grew up in an affluent household said it, would people be offended?
You’d likely know where they grew up by the manner of their speaking. The white kids from the projects are going to sound “urban” and the black affluent people are going to sound stereotypically “white”. I wouldn’t be offended (I’m white) but I would be surprised if the black people I know who do not use that language started using the n-word suddenly. It’s not a part of their normal language, so what caused them to suddenly start using it? Probably nothing good I would assume.
It also depends on the time and place. Those white kids from the projects would probably need to code switch when going to a job interview or something, for example, just like their black peers do. That language is context-dependents on whether it’s acceptable. It’s more than just being black.
Teams room technician here. Just wanna say= fuck teams. For the love of god, use any implementation of video conferencing besides teams.
One small detail that encapsulates all that’s wrong with teams= the software that runs the room-scale experience frequently refers to itself as ‘skype for business’, even in current, official documentation from Microsoft. Hell, the (well known) default password for the system is the acronym ‘sfb’.
Please. If you’re spec’ing new software for video conferencing, use anything but teams.
Step 1. No phone/TV/screens in the bedroom
Step 2. No screens 30 min before going to bed
Step 3. Go to bed at the same time each night
Step 4. Set yourself up to actually get enough sleep
Try this for 6 weeks and then if you seriously still cant sleep discuss with a doctor.
thing is, this is basically just saying “just sleep bro”, i can’t do any of these things.
if i go without screens i will go mad from boredom, if i go to bed the same time each night i will lie awake in bed until i go mad with boredom or get up because fuck that noise, and what does “set yourself up to get enough sleep” even mean? that’s terribly vague.
i have yet to find anything that lets me get even vaguely consistently good sleep, i’ve tried all the things people say to do and it does NOTHING if it’s even feasible in the first place.
Yeah people giving simplistic life advice generally don’t understand the actual issues because they don’t have the problem, it’s painfully common especially with things like insomnia, anxiety, and similar ‘just don’t worry about things’, ‘have you tried not being depressed and just going out and doing stuff?’, ‘just lay down and wait until you sleep’
I can lay my head on a pillow after a long walk, no screen time and all the other shit they say and still spend the entire night caught in churning and bubbling anxiety that builds and builds until I’m as wired as a crackhead.
I’m not saying don’t try things people suggest but I guess don’t expect them to work and beat yourself up with them. If you can’t find something that works for you then see a doctor about getting sleep drugs, while you meme seems to be pushing the Puritanical idea that anything but a natural life is bad that’s totally stupid and op should be ashamed.
We’re complex biological machines that go wrong in a myriad of ways, it’s perfectly fine to require the addition of outside substances to moderate and control your health - honestly future generations will probably be shocked how few people used sleep aids.
Of course not every drug works the same on everyone and many can have negative side effects so it can take some shopping around but talk to medical professionals.
(Full disclosure I don’t take medical sleep aids due to other complications but I know many who do and swear by them)
I don’t get it, apart from companies wanting to cover their corporate real estate investments.
All of my work is on a computer
All of my colleagues’ work is on computer.
So why the fuck would I want to meet in person to address a problem? So one of us can literally breathe down the other’s neck looking at the same screen?
When I worked for Bell, they had just ended their WFH policy. I was required to be in the office every day. The rest of my team was still under the policy according to their contract, including my boss who was a 10 minute walk from the office, so they all worked from home. And most of my meetings involved teams in 3 different cities, not to mention the fact that it was Bell, so all meetings were over the phone with a screen sharing app. There were some other people that worked in the office, but they worked with different teams so I didn't interact with them beyond saying "hi" in the break room as I was getting coffee. But it was apparently very important that I be in the office.
Some days I really appreciate the fact that I left IT.
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