I won’t be worrying about the zombies … I’ll be in more danger from other healthy people who will all be going bat shit insane and want to kill me, the neighbor and everyone else around for food and supplies because they all want to live five minutes longer than me.
In the end the survivors will probably kill more survivors than the zombies will.
Exactly, I’ve spent my entire existence doing the right thing, the second it hits the fan I plan on going the Dexter route and letting loose and taking down the crazies.
My journey to mp3s was weird. Phones were already becoming common in high school but I wanted a music player after using the in-game ipod in Metal Gear Solid 4. But iPod classics were expensive and weren’t drag and drop. Being on flights and in areas with spotty reception really made me see the value of portable offline music. No ads, no buffering, and no drain on my phone battery.
Yup I still use a standalone player. I got a Sony Walkman NWZ-385 first which was 8GB. It has the best ui I’ve seen on a player and I still have it. But now I moved on to a Sandisc with a 256GB micro sd card. Before I had to pick and choose but now I can have hours long files just dropped in no prob. And I have it a copy of everything on my pc hard drive.
Yall may hate on em, but Spotify has not only made my life easier in that I don’t have to first pirate then sort all my music, but has also got me through some difficult times by recommending music that I would have never found otherwise. I’ve found groups that I love that have maybe 2000 monthly listens. Went to concerts in places I’ve never been for bands I never would have found. It’s more than just listening to your own music. The Monday and Friday discover playlists have been more beneficial to me than most anything else on this planet.
I get being frustrated that you were silenced and didn't get a reason but people, by and large, don't care about your personal beefs, and expectations react badly to complaints of not getting ups. That's a knee-jerk that people have.
In future, don't complain about votes first. Make the meme about it seeming broken or something. The majority of people who complain about votes (and find out they were banned or whatever) look like salty crybabies because most of them are.
This is a learning opportunity for being on the internet so use it that way. And then ask about this ban and clarification of rules there.
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