Mr_Blott, Must be Welsh, he was from Llandow Nunder
Assman, Do you or do you not chunder?
ininewcrow, I don’t know … but I can hear the thunder
someguy3, You better seek cover then.
Jerb322, The man was selling bread in Brussels, don’t think that he was from Brussels…
ininewcrow, I guess OP was just slack jawed with not much to say
someguy3, Are you trying to tempt me?
D_C, No, you come from the land of plenty.
robolemmy, Quality stuff!
Pissnpink, World class
lemmie689, It goes “do you speak-a my language?”, just had to say it.
istoff, (edited ) Where was he from?
burgersc12, (edited ) deleted_by_author
kattenluik, They’re quite obviously talking about the other guy where no country is specifically specified, and you’re just rude for no reason.
istoff, He was in Brussels but not from there.
burgersc12, deleted_by_author
istoff, After he gives the sandwich, he explains where he’s from. I’m guessing you don’t know the song?
Jerb322, A land down under…
ininewcrow, Where women glow and men plunder?
istoff, I think it was beer flows and men chunder
LordOfTheChia, For decades I thought they were saying “a piece of his sandwich” and not “a Vegemite sandwich”…
tacosanonymous, So close…
Mr_Fish, I’m disappointed. Vegemite is clearly inferior to marmite.
CopernicusQwark, Them’s fighting words…
dipshit, (edited ) This meme brought to you by TOTO - manufacturing the finest crappers. TOTO: “just take a shit in my open mouth!” ™
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