
Mfw downing shots of apple cider vinegar for “health benefits”

Crackhappy, avatar

But there are health benefits. I mean, not as big as some people claim, for sure, but they do exist: ……

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Yeah but it’s always about some rapid wait loss hack with these fads


yim yum

Okokimup, avatar

Honey fans eating literal bug vomit.

Mushroom fans eating literal reproductive organs.

Lots of things sound gross when you think about their origins. Just eat what you like.


And standard cheese is just milk way way past its conservation date.

Shadywack, avatar

Montana has an event called the Testicle Festival, so they’re not even trying to conceal the origins of Rocky Mountain Oysters.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

cannibals are like right?? just let people enjoy what they want


is eating your own nails cannibalism because i know a person named Paul that eats his own toe nails

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

yes Paul is a deviant and must be stopped

wreckedcarzz, avatar

Imagine you’re chilling at the park and all the sudden some asshole rips your dick off and eats it



TheFlopster, avatar

Always upvote Rammstein.


Delerious Mr T. flashbacks intensify


Mushrooms are kinky like that though. They enjoy it.

wreckedcarzz, avatar

I can relate.

I mean uhhhh


I will not.


I imagined it for you. Your penis was delicious.

SecretSauces, avatar

Your penis was delicious.

That’s what your mom said to me last night



wreckedcarzz, avatar

This dudes a mushroom

Crackhappy, (edited ) avatar

He does seem like quite a fungi, my bro


That was meeee!!! Best friends!

Dio, avatar

Least honey and mushrooms offer benefits. The hell does eating blue mold do.



rustydrd, avatar

The hell does eating blue mold do.

Douse my brain in endorphins because it’s friggin delicious.


It’s penicillin. Eating it not much but it does hold benefits aside from tasting good and calories

ForestOrca, (edited ) avatar

" Believed to have originated in a cave in Roquefort, France, blue cheese is available in a handful of varieties including gorgonzola, stilton, and cambozola. The blue veins characteristic of blue cheese develop from the bacteria Penicillium Roqueforti that grow within small punctures created on top of the cheese loaves at the beginning of the cheese ripening process.

Though blue cheese is typically high in sodium, it is rich in dairy protein, dietary fats, and essential vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and vitamin A. What makes each variety different is the type of milk used, the length of ripening, and the result texture and flavor."

Mmmm, cheese.


the bacteria Penicillium roqueforti

I don’t think that article knows what a bacterium is. Penicillium is a fungus.

ForestOrca, avatar

Bah! Missed that. Thanks for the catch! I was looking for nifty things blue cheeses did nutritionally. Mostly seems they are just cheese.

EdibleFriend, avatar

When it comes down to it lots of people eat things just because they like them not because it’s beneficial. Obviously that can lead to unhealthy eating but in moderation there’s nothing wrong with it.


reads this while munching on ramen at work

Yup I like it. No it’s not very healthy.

Dave, avatar

Um, you know where ramen grows, right?


They grow on Ramen Trees. It’s an offshoot of Spaghetti Trees


The ramen Gods. This is the origin of the phrase “Ramen” after a prayer.

Dave, avatar

Yes but that ramen does not grow on their heads.


Honey can literally kill humans


Everything can kill humans if you have enough of it.


Valid af

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Based everything


People have been hospitalised for too much spinach


Eggs are technically chicken’s periods when you think about it.


Wait really? That’s so interesting. So eggs you buy at the store aren’t fertilized? (Not sure if that’s the right word but ykwim)


Correct. You can get fertilized ones too. Look up balut. Or don’t.

SnipingNinja, (edited )

That don’t is a weak recommendation to not look it up, depending on the person it can be terrible to look at


Some countries sell packs of chicken offal, and you can see what the eggs look like before they get far enough along in the bird to have a shell


Typical mass market eggs are unfertilized, but eggs from smaller scale or hobby farms are usually fertilized. On a small scale, it’s easier to keep the hens safe from wildlife with a rooster around, but on a large scale they’re just a waste of feed. If you’re curious, fertilized eggs have a tiny red dot in the egg white.

topinambour_rex, avatar

Bees store the nectar in a honey stomach, where no digestions happen at all. So it’s not bug vomit.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

They’re also bees, which are notably distinct from humans in ways almost too numerous to count.


Can I please have another bee fact?


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.


That was bumble bees specifically, and we do know how they fly

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

bees sometimes fly, like flies, but not exactly like flies; though they do fly. Bees do. Well, flies also fly, but differently. Not that differently if you don’t care about such distinctions, but pretty differently if you do. I wish I could fly. That last one wasn’t a bee fact. It was a me fact.


I read this with Morgan Freeman voice and thoroughly enjoyed it.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Thank you. Never have I rejoiced more in the rereading of my own comment.


“Vomit” doesn’t require digestion to be called vomit. If it was in a stomach and then came back out via a mouth, it’s vomit.


So you’re calling a newborn baby vomit? (/s)


They’re clearly vaginal shit


Though the baby’s path has lips it’s really not a mouth

postmateDumbass, (edited )

Are bees a ruminant?


Blue stilon is amazing


I assume you also find disgusting alcohol and all the other products obtained through fermentation? Or is stuff eaten by bacteria somehow better than fungi?


Alcohol is made by fungi, as is bread, and mushrooms are literal fungi.

squiblet, avatar

Blue cheese culture is literal fungi as well.


Yes, that’s why I mentioned mushrooms.


Blue cheese barely have any taste, get you game up

squiblet, avatar

Cheese doesn't sound that great when you think of it as milk that's been left in a cave for a year and infested with bacteria


That’s not what cheese is, generally. Blue cheese is that though. Cheese is converted into a solid form in the kitchen the first day, then aged.

squiblet, (edited ) avatar

How is that not what cheese is? As far as I understand, every cheese uses a bacterial culture, mesophilic or thermophilic. Blue cheese is different because it also has a fungal culture. But sure, usually it's put in on purpose when the cheese is made, not something that comes from the environment.

Sagifurius, (edited )

Traditionally is done by heating, separating and the introduction of rennet, which is an enzyme from calf guts that converts milk into a solid form that a herbivore can digest. This relates to why cows milk kills human infants and kittens but they can survive on goats. Cheese basically dates from ancient times when everyone was lactose intolerant but some farmer noticed how calves digest milk.

squiblet, avatar

I have made some simple cheeses before and learned about rennet so i can feed vegetarians. Then what is this page about? It seems every common type of cheese has a bacterial culture.


Aged like milk has a lot less impact if you are good at it.


“Aged like milk” can mean anything from “so awful it’s literally illegal” to “so good people will pay unreasonable amounts of money”.


Almost looks like Slappy Smith got a slap of his own.

teft, avatar

I love it so much.

MudMan, avatar

It's amazing, but I never peer pressure anybody to try it.

Because it's great when there's a cheese board and you get to hoard the blue cheese because people are "ew, gross, mold".

MrJameGumb, avatar

Blue cheese is delicious though! Especially with hot wings!


I like to add a tiny dab to ginger snap cookies.

MrJameGumb, avatar

That sounds absurd but I kinda want to try it now lol

blanketswithsmallpox, (edited )

So you’re telling me for it to be edible it has to be on something that’s completely delicious on its own…

Also that’s still a hard pass. Even on the burger which is more of the same lol.


Nope, it’s perfectly delicious all by itself.

MrJameGumb, avatar

Nope. What I said was it’s especially delicious with hot wings.

I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s been my experience that people don’t tend to just hunker down and eat a block of cheese by itself. Most cheeses are meant to go with something else, unless you’re Charlie Kelly getting ready for a big date.

blanketswithsmallpox, (edited )

I mean… tell that to every person who eats a pinch full of cheese any time they open a shredded bag…

Or fuck some up on a snack board. (I suppose that’s loosely with something else.)

But good cheese is definitely able to just be sliced and ate on the spot. Just make sure it’s off the block and BAM.

Blue cheese though? I’ll leave the stank foot blue waffle cheese to y’all.


Stuff raspberries with it. 🔥


Or on a burger. Especially on a pepper crusted burger along with sauteed mushrooms.

CalamityBalls, avatar

I've yet to find a burger that's better than just caramelised onions, blue cheese, and quality beef. I might add a leafy something out of arterial guilt, but I can't say it improves anything.


Bacon, that burger needs bacon.

MrJameGumb, avatar

Dang, now you’re making me hungry 🤤


My sides lmao! Though I do like blue cheese

AllonzeeLV, (edited )

Friendly reminder:

Unless you grow and/or slaughter ALL your own food, you have eaten and will continue to eat both the intentional and unintentional shit, piss, spit, and cum of food processors, transporters, and preparers your entire life.

I know that freaks a lot of people out, personally it just reminds me that the idea of being clean in this world has always been a illusion and that there’s no point obsessing over something out of my control.

If we wanted that to happen significantly less, we could compensate and respect said workers commensurate with their vital role to society, fulfilling a universal basic human need, instead of treating them like shit, paying them shit, and calling food preparation/processing/serving “unskilled,” but we won’t, so enjoy!

MudMan, avatar

Oh, you are giving a lot more credit to homemade food than it deserves. Or you're surprisingly alright with eating your own of all of the above.


Aren’t we all continuously eating our own spit?

MudMan, avatar

You left all the interesting ones out of that, though.


If you jerk off in a hot enough shower the cum scrambles just like eggs.

Psychonaut1969, avatar

Wait until you find out about Koji and how soy sauce is made.


Fun part is, Aspergillus oryzae (fungi used to make koji) can develop into dangerous strains that release heavy toxins able to easily paralyze an adult forever.

Psychonaut1969, avatar

This is one if the reasons they say not to try making your own spores and to restart batches with commercially purchased spores. One of the things people do with it is fast age steaks over 24 hours at room temp by growing a layer of it on the steaks surface (moldy steaks). Also isnt Aspirgillus is a mold not a fungi?


Mold is a structure formed by some fungi. Mold is always fungal.

MudMan, avatar

Wine is spoiled grapes, all cheese is just milk you left out for so long it got dry and sausages are what happens when you disembowel a pig and stuff its guts with its own minced ass. Today I ate a thing that looks like the first draft of an Aliens facehugger they rejected for being too spiky.

People buy food so processed they forget we're just gross hungry animals just putting random things in their mouths to see if it keeps them alive for a bit.


“Cheese is just milk gone off big time styly.” - Stephen Fry


Sausages are also commonly inoculated with mold. The powdery coating on aged salami is Penicillium nalgiovense.

And some of the fanciest, most expensive wines are made from moldy grapes. Botrytis cinerea, when consistently wet and humid, causes “grey rot” which spoils the grapes. When it dries out, though, it becomes the “noble rot” which is prized.

MudMan, avatar

Absolutely, if you've ever made the types of sausages for cold cuts at home it's very obvious. People think the white powdery thing is just cool packaging (and to be fair in ultraprocessed crap it can be), but nope, that stuff is transparent when you get started.

Also, the "transparent stuff"? Disemboweled guts. I mean, the mold should be the least of your concerns if you're going by gross-out factor.

bruhduh, avatar

Moldy memes

eezeebee, avatar

It’s rare for a meme to make me salivate

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