It’s gotten so much worse recently. Now you gotta wait 30 seconds, then you gotta wait another 15 seconds to “play” their demo, then once you click on the x or take you to a pop up ad page. Click on the x right after and then it takes you to one more showing of the ad where you gotta sit there for 5 more seconds, and only after all of that can you click on the x to move on with the game.
These dumb ads have gotten more annoying than they have already been before and it makes me even less likely to try any of their shitty games
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this. At least what looks like a close button appears but it has an arrow or some shit instead which links to the game page. It changes to an x after a few seconds, so if you’re too eager you’re clicking on the ad. It’s very shitty.
That would kinda explain a lot. I think this shit started to become an inconvenience in my life AFTER my eyes started to deteriorate. So, like, I couldn’t possibly see it, without holding a magnifying glass up to my phone.
Ive seen that many adds for idiotic games where the stupid fuck in the add is obviously just playing the game poorly and I KNOW its a tactic to get me to prove how smaht I am by getting the game and doing better than the shitstick in the video. I KNOW its a manipulation tactic.
There’s a subset of those that end up actually being SUPER CREEPY. Ya know the ones where there’s, like, a pack of Albert Einsteins or Socrateses (Socratepedes???) all chanting and waving their arms? And saying some weird shit like “ONLY LEFT BRAINED PEOPLE CAN BEAT THIS LEVEL” or whatever wack-ass shit, like that?
That shit is somehow, like, actual nightmare fuel for me. It’s just too surreal and weirdly threatening. Makes me want to just not look at it, instantly.
Vinny from Vinesauce on twitch will often play the most horrible mobile games/ads on Sunday streams and him and chat are always just absolutely shitting on them. It’s a great laugh, I highly recommend.
Reality is even worse than the worst thing you can imagine. You know all those games you’ve seen hundreds of ads for and do do a pretty shitty job at making the game itself feel interesting?
Well that game content shown in the ads is actually the best part of those games. The actual game has nothing to do with what’s shown in the ad, but if you keep playing the super boring game, from time to time you get a chance to play a mini game inside of it which is still pretty boring but miles ahead of the rest of the game. Those mini games are what is shown in the ads.
I don’t know how those games afford so many ads. Who is even playing them. I can only imagine some people actually play it just for fear of missing out because the constant ads for those games make the game itself appear popular.
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