Anarki_, Nope, sorry.
Lemminary, It is false information with the aim of smearing Swedish sports and Sweden.
Is it? I was thinking they were so cool
SuckMyWang, The fact the Swedes were targeted for this makes me think they are so much cooler than they already are
It even has its own wikipedia page.
moon, Sheesh don’t be a vibe killer bruh
Thcdenton, My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Unpigged, And of course there’s a russian name under such bullshit. This is how they fabricate stories of legal animal and children brothels, and alike.
canis_majoris, Casual sex has always implied the existence of competitive sex. Glad to see we’re finally getting there.
Mango, 😵
Lemminary, Also the rest of the world… 😅
joseandres42, We don’t have drug commercials in the major part of the rest of the world.
Lemminary, (edited ) I wasn’t talking about the commercials lol
E: What, y’all think erectile dysfunction is exclusively a North American problem?
Something_Complex, Good old fashion drug enhanced sports
AllNewTypeFace, Not only that, but every train in Sweden goes somewhere called the slutstation.
BruceTwarzen, nO oNe:
Klear, ITT: POV: Someone posted meme with No one:
Alexstarfire, Do they have a losers bracket? Cause then I might have a shot.
optissima, Double elim
Klear, (edited ) The important thing is not to win, but to take part.
olafurp, Does anyone know the rules or scoring criteria? Like is there extra for anal, rimming, multiple orgasm etc?
Not a joke comment, genuinely curios.
LemmyKnowsBest, I imagine the judging criteria would be based on positions and athleticism and aesthetics and all partners are mutually pleasured and reach climax.
ThrowawayPermanente, I think we’re going to need a couple of different disciplines. Highest average pleasure would seem like an obvious one, but I would also like to see one related to conception efficiency.
ThePantser, (edited ) Great, another sport black guys will dominate in.
Edit: Getting down voted by the small peepee league.
KillerTofu, That depends on how points are scored.
hoshikarakitaridia, “performance and aftermath”?
Mango, By your mother.
rambaroo, Challenge accepted
TexMexBazooka, Lot to unpack with this comment lol
Lemjukes, I mean, just racism and impotence really.
audiomodder, Finally something reddit is good for: the competitive circle jerk
Strawberry, I misinterpreted this for a moment as sex and not sexual intercourse and was very confused
Mediocre_Bard, I imagine it will be more like couples’ skating than a 1 v 1 competition.
Jorgelino, I think i’ve read a hentai manga with this exact plot.
moosetwin, if only it was finland so we could have competitive ranked gay sex
dylanTheDeveloper, Last one to bleed wins
EatYouWell, This is already a thing at Burning Man
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